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La FAA programma ulteriori riunioni in passerella

The FAA announced Monday it will hold runway safety meetings at 16 more airports in an attempt to quell what may be an unusual concentration of incursions. The call came a week after two business jets, one landing and one taking off, made contact at the intersection of two runways at Houston Hobby Airport. There were no injuries and the incident was quickly blamed on the departing pilot doing so without clearance. The agency held meetings at 90 airports over the summer on the topic. Those meetings included controllers, pilots, airlines and airport vehicle drivers.

L'annuncio di lunedì è arrivato anche prima dell'udienza di una riunione della sottocommissione Commercio del Senato su almeno sette incidenti di pista avvenuti da gennaio. Tra i testimoni dell'udienza figurano il capo della FAA Air Traffic Organization, Tim Arel, il presidente del National Transportation Safety Board Jennifer Homendy, il presidente della National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) Rich Santa, il presidente della Air Line Pilots Association Jason Ambrosi e l'ex amministratore della FAA Randy Babbitt, secondo Reuters. .

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