Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - General Navigation, no time limit

1 - Given:True HDG = 074°, TAS = 230 kt, Track (T) = 066°, GS = 242 kt.Calculate the W/V?
2 - Given:FL250,OAT -15 °C, TAS 250 kt.Calculate the Mach No.?
3 - A straight line on a chart 4.89 cm long represents 185 NM. The scale of this chart is approximately:
4 - Complete line 3 of the 'FLIGHT NAVIGATION LOG', positions 'E' to 'F'. What is the HDG°(M) and ETA?
question gnav27.jpg
5 - An island appears 45° to the right of the centre line on an airborne weather radar display. What is the true bearing of the aircraft from the island if at the time of observation the aircraft was on a magnetic heading (MH) of 215° with the magnetic variation (VAR) 21°W?
6 - Which of the aeronautical chart symbols indicates a DME?
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7 - A course of 120°(T) is drawn between 'X' (61°30'N) and 'Y' (58°30'N) on a Lambert Conformal conic chart with a scale of 1: 1 000 000 at 60°N.The chart distance between 'X' and 'Y' is:
8 - Given:Half way between two reporting points the navigation log gives the following information: TAS 360 kt,W/V 330°/80kt, Compass heading 237°,Deviation on this heading -5°, Variation 19°W.What is the average ground speed for this leg?
9 - What is the longitude of a position 6 NM to the east of 58°42'N 094°00'W?
10 - The local hour angle of the mean sun at 1200 LMT is: