Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Principles of Flight, no time limit

1 - Which kind of boundary layer has the strongest change in velocity close to the surface?
2 - The lift coefficient (CL) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.4. An increase in angle of attack of 1 degree will increase CL by 0.09. A vertical up gust instantly changes the angle of attack by 5 degrees. The load factor will be:
3 - A slotted flap will increase the CLmax by:
4 - Which kind of ''tab'' is commonly used in case of manual reversion of fully powered flight controls ?
5 - Load factor is:
6 - Assuming an initial condition in straight and level flight with CL = 1. What will be the new value of CL after the value of the speed has doubled?
7 - Ground effect has the following influence on the landing distance:
8 - Assuming ISA conditions, which statement with respect to the climb is correct ?
9 - The lift coefficient (CL) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.42. An increase in angle of attack of 1 degree increases CL by 0.1. A vertical up gust instantly changes the angle of attack by 3 degrees. The load factor will be:
10 - By what percentage does VA (EAS) alter when the aeroplane's weight decreases by 19%?