Test 10 domande ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Radio Navigation, tempo libero

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1 - Which of the following gives the best information about the progress of a flight between 2 en-route waypoints from a RNAV equipment?
2 - What is the maximum theoretical range that an aircraft at FL150 can receive signals from a VOR situated 609' above MSL?
3 - Which of the figures depicts an Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) display in MAP mode?
question nav1.jpg
4 - How does a NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system receiver recognise which of the received signals belongs to which satellite?
5 - What is the procedure to be followed if, on a flight under IFR conditions using the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system, the number of satellites required to maintain the RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) function are not available?
6 - Ignoring pulse length and fly-back, a radar facility designed to have a maximum unambiguous range of 50 km will have a PRF (pulses per second) of:
7 - A VOR is sited at position 58°00'N 073°00'W where the magnetic variation equals 32°W.An aircraft is located at position 56°00'N 073°00'W where the magnetic variation equals 28°W.The aircraft is on VOR radial:
8 - Airborne weather radar systems use a wavelength of approximately 3 cm in order to:
9 - What airborne equipment, if any, is required to be fitted in order that a VDF let-down may be flown?
10 - There are two NDBs, one 20 NM inland, and the other 50 NM inland from the coast.Assuming that the error caused by coastal refraction is the same for both propagations, the extent of the error in a position line plotted by an aircraft that is over water will be: