Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Radio Navigation, no time limit

1 - An aircraft at FL 100 should be able to receive a VOR groundstation at 100' above MSL at an approximate maximum range of:
2 - The receiver aerial for a NAVSTAR/GPS system should be mounted:
3 - GPS system satellites transmit their signals on two carrier waves 1575 MHz and 1227 MHz and supply two possible codes accessible according to user (civil or military).Commercial aviation is now able to use:
4 - Which of the figures depicts an Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) display in MAP mode?
question nav1.jpg
5 - The DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) operates within the following frequencies:
6 - Concerning the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system, what is the meaning of the term 'Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring' (RAIM)?
7 - Precision RNAV (P-RNAV) requires a track-keeping accuracy of:
8 - Which of the following is likely to have the greatest effect on ADF accuracy?
9 - At what approximate height above the WGS-84 ellipsoid are NAVSTAR/GPS satellites circling the earth?
10 - The selection of code 7600 on an aircraft SSR transponder indicates: