Test 10 domande PPL(A) English - Private Pilot License (Aircraft) - Communication, tempo libero

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1 - What is the correct phrase to begin a blind transmission?
2 - What information is broadcasted on a VOLMET frequency?
3 - In what cases is visibility transmitted in kilometers?
4 - What is the approximate speed of electromagnetic wave propagation?
5 - What is the correct designation of the frequency band from 118.000 to 136.975 MHz used for voice communication?
6 - A frequency of 119.500 MHz is correctly transmitted as...
7 - In what case is the pilot allowed to abbreviate the call sign of his aircraft?
8 - Which Q-code is used for the true bearing from the station?
9 - What does the abbreviation "QDR" stand for?
10 - Which of the following messages has the highest priority?