Test 10 domande PPL(A) English - Private Pilot License (Aircraft) - Operational Procedure, tempo libero

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1 - How can the pilot of an an engine-driven aircraft minimise the noise emission during descent and approach?
2 - Which items should a passenger briefing in case of an imminent emergency landing include?
3 - During an approach the aeroplane experiences a windshear with a decreasing headwind. If the pilot does not make any corrections, how do the approach path and the indicated airspeed (IAS) change?
4 - What are the effects of wet grass on the take-off and landing distance?
5 - What danger does standing water on the runway pose to aircraft?
6 - What should be observed when taxiing behind a commercial airliner?
7 - Smoke enters the cockpit during an engine fire. Which actions have to be taken immediately?
8 - What extinguishing agent is the least suitable for an aircraft fire?
9 - During final approach, the glider pilot realizes a very bumpy surface on a selected offfield landing site. What technique may be recommended for landing?
10 - How may windshear be recognised in flight?