Test 10 domande PPL(A) English - Private Pilot License (Aircraft) - Principle of Flight, tempo libero

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1 - The stall warning will be activated just before reaching which speed?
2 - What has to be considered with regard to the center of gravity position?
3 - In which way does the position of the center of pressure move at a positively shaped profile with increasing angle of attack?
4 - The elevator deflection during take-off rotation...
5 - What effects typically result from propeller icing?
6 - Stabilization around the lateral axis during cruise is achieved by the...
7 - During a stall, the lift...
8 - In straight and level flight with constant performance of the engine, the angle of attack at the wing is...
9 - Deflecting the rudder to the left causes...
10 - Flying with speeds higher than the never-exceed-speed (vNE) may result in...