1 - What is the approximate maximum diameter of a the area affected by damaging winds at the surface caused by a microburst ?
2 - Which of the following are favourable conditions for the formation of freezing rain?
3 - The passage of a warm front can be associated with areas of fog. The types of fog just in advance and just after the passage are respectively
4 - The turbulence which occurs at high flight levels (above FL 250) is mainly of the type Clear Air Turbulence. In what way can moderate to severe Clear Air Turbulence affect an aircraft, the flight and the passengers?
5 - An aircraft maintains a constant indicated altitude of 5500 FT from A (1050 FT/AMSL - QNH 968 hPa) to B (650 FT/AMSL - QNH 1016 hPa). Assuming that the altimeter subscale setting remains unchanged at 968 hPa, the height of the aircraft above the surface at B will be
6 - Which of the following is typical for the passage of an active cold front in the summer?
7 - Absolute instability in the atmosphere will occur when the environmental lapse rate is
8 - Which type of air mass never occurs over central Europe ?
9 - What type of fog is most likely to form over flat land during a clear night, with calm or light wind conditions ?
10 - In relation to the polar front jet stream, the greatest rate of wind shear is most likely to occur
11 - On a clear summer day, turbulence caused by solar heating is most pronounced:
12 - What are the characteristics of cumuliform clouds?
13 - Read this description: 'After such a fine day, the ring around the moon was a bad sign yesterday evening for the weather today. And, sure enough, it is pouring down outside. The clouds are making an oppressively low ceiling of uniform grey
14 - Which of the following meteorological phenomenon indicates upper level instability which may lead to thunderstorm development ?
15 - Which type wind flows downslope becoming warmer and dryer?
16 - If Paris reports a wind of 30012KT on the METAR, what wind velocity would you expect to encounter at a height of 2000 feet above the ground ?
17 - Supercooled droplets can be encountered
18 - What is the difference between radiation fog and advection fog ?
19 - What is meant by an area of divergence?
20 - An aircraft flying at FL 100 from Marseille (QNH 1012 hPa) to Palma de Mallorca (QNH 1006 hPa) experiences no change to true altitude. The reason for this is that:
21 - When planning a flight at FL 60, which upper wind and temperature chart would be nearest your flight level ?
22 - In case of fronts, what cloud formation is most likely to occur at low levels when a warm air mass overrides a cold air mass?
23 - An aircraft lands at an airport (airport elevation 540', QNH 993 hPa) with the altimeter set to 1013 hPa. What will it indicate?
24 - In which of the following areas do surface high pressure systems usually predominate over the North Atlantic region between 30°N and 65°N and the adjoining land areas during the northern summer?
25 - At about what geographical latitude as average is assumed for the zone of prevailing westerlies?
26 - What is the classification of the air mass affecting position 'Q' at 0600 UTC?
question met5.jpg
27 - What conditions are most likely to lead to the formation of hill fog?
28 - Along the West coast of India the prevailing winds are the
29 - In a mountainous area, the most hazardous flying conditions associated with standing waves are likely to be experienced
30 - The QNH at an airfield located 0 metres above sea level is 1022 hPa. The air temperature is not available.What is the QFF?
31 - The barometric compensator of an altimeter is locked on reference 1013.2 hPa. The aircraft has to land on a point with an elevation of 290 feet where the QNH is 1023 hPa.The reading on the altimeter on the ground will be:
32 - Examining the pictures, on which one of the tracks (dashed lines) is this cross-section to be expected?
question met29.jpg
33 - The wind direction in a METAR is measured relative to:
34 - In meteorology, which constituent is considered the most important in the atmosphere's composition?
35 - In temperate latitudes what weather conditions may be expected over land during the summer in the centre of a stationary high pressure zone?
36 - Where, as a general rule, is the core of the polar front jet stream to be found?
37 - In a land- and sea-breeze circulation the land-breeze blows:
38 - Rime ice forms through the freezing onto aircraft surfaces of
39 - Which of the following circumstances most favour the development of radiation fog?
40 - In still air the temperature decreases at an average of 1.2°C per 100 m increase in altitude. This temperature change is called:
41 - Which one of the displayed cloud forms is representative of altocumulus castellanus?
question met2.jpg
42 - Which of the following cloud is classified as low level cloud?
43 - When in the upper part of a layer and warm air is advected in, the:
44 - When flying at 5000 feet in the northern hemisphere over plains (flat country) with an anticyclone on the left and a depression on the right, the wind will be
45 - Stratus formed by turbulence will occur when
46 - An airborne weather radar installation makes it possible to detect the location of
47 - Isotachs are lines joining equal
48 - How, if at all, is the relative humidity of an unsaturated air mass influenced by temperature changes?
49 - In which approximate direction does the centre of a non-occluded frontal depression move?
50 - Which types of clouds are typical evidence of stable air conditions?
51 - The boundary between polar and tropical air is known as:
52 - An air temperature of -15°C at the 700 hPa level over central Europe in summer is:
53 - What type of fronts are most likely to be present during the winter in Central Europe when temperatures close to the ground are below 0°C, and freezing rain starts to fall?
54 - Which of the following weather reports could be, in accordance with the regulations, abbreviated to 'CAVOK'?
55 - From which of the following pieces of information can the stability of the atmosphere be derived?
56 - What type of clouds are associated with snow showers ?
57 - Glaze or clear ice is formed when supercooled droplets are:
58 - What is the boundary layer between troposphere and stratosphere called?
59 - A wind speed of 350 kt within a jet stream core should be world-wide regarded as:
60 - Surface temperature inversions are frequently generated by
61 - At which airport, is the following weather development taking place?TAF 060600Z 060716 25006KT 8000 BKN240 BECMG 0710 OVC200 BECMG 1013 23010KT 8000 OVC100 BECMG 1316 23014KT 6000 RA SCT030 OVC050 =
question met7.jpg
62 - During which stage of thunderstorm development are rotor winds characterized by roll clouds most likely to occur ?
63 - What is the approximate vertical interval which is equal to a pressure change of 1 hPa at an altitude of 5500 m?
64 - An air mass is called stable when
65 - The QNH at an airfield in California located 69 metres below sea level is 1018 hPa. The air temperature is 10°C higher than a standard atmosphere. What is the QFF?
66 - Which of the following describes a warm occlusion?
67 - The height and the temperature of the tropopause are respectively in the order of
68 - For the same pressure gradient at 60°N, 50°N and 40°N the speed of the geostrophic wind will be:
69 - Which jet stream blows all year round, over the northern hemisphere?
70 - An outside air temperature of -35°C is measured while cruising at FL 200. What is the temperature deviation from the ISA at this level?
71 - What characteristics will the surface winds have in an area where the isobars on the weather map are very close together?
72 - The decrease in temperature, per 100 metres, in a saturated rising parcel of air at lower level of the atmosphere is approximately
73 - What are squall lines?
74 - The Bora is a
75 - Assume that an aircraft is flying in the northern hemisphere at the 500 hPa pressure surface on a heading of 270 degrees. Which of the following statements is correct?
76 - Which statement is correct regarding the ICAO Standard Atmosphere ?
77 - How are the air masses distributed in a cold occlusion ?
78 - Supercooled droplets can occur in:
79 - The core of the polar front jet stream is usually located in the
80 - If you are flying at FL 300 in an air mass that is 15°C warmer than a standard atmosphere, what is the outside temperature likely to be?
81 - The temperature at FL 110 is -5°C. What will the temperature be at FL 50 if the ICAO standard lapse rate is applied ?
82 - Which of the following conditions are you most likely to encounter when approaching an active warm front at medium to low level ?
83 - Isobars on a surface chart are lines of equal
84 - What name is given to the jet stream lying across India (A)?
question met13.jpg
85 - A cumulus congestus is:
86 - What are the characteristics of the Bora?
87 - Precipitation in the form of showers occurs from
88 - Contour heights are:
89 - Steady precipitation, in contrast to showery precipitation falls from
90 - A significant inversion at low height is a characteristic of:
91 - You are flying at FL 130, and your true altitude is 12000 FT. What is the temperature deviation from that of the standard atmosphere at FL 130 (QNH 1013,2 hPa) ?
92 - Vertical wind shear is
93 - How does temperature vary with increasing altitude in the ICAO standard atmosphere below the tropopause?
94 - What is the approximate composition of the dry air by volume in the troposphere?
95 - Which type of fog is likely to form when air having a temperature of 15°C and a dew point of 12°C blows at 10 KT over a sea surface having temperatures of 5°C?
96 - When visibility is reduced by water droplets to less than 1000 metres it is classified as
97 - The temperature at 10000 FT in the ICAO Standard Atmosphere is:
98 - Thunderstorms are often preceded by:
99 - What will be the effect on the reading of an altimeter of an aircraft parked on the ground during the period following the passage of an active cold front?
100 - Tropical revolving storms do not occur in the southeast Pacific and the south Atlantic because
101 - Flight Zurich to Rome, ETD 1600 UTC, ETA 1800 UTC. At what flight level would you first expect to encounter clear air turbulence on the climb out from Zurich?
102 - What are the typical differences with regard to the temperature and humidity between an air mass with its origin in the Azores and an air mass with its origin over northern Russia ?
103 - Which of the following is the definition of relative humidity ?
104 - Which degree of aircraft turbulence is determined by the following ICAO description?'There may be moderate changes in aircraft attitude and/or altitude but the aircraft remains in positive control at all times. Usually, small variations in air speed. Changes in accelerometer readings of 0.5 to 1.0 g at the aircraft's centre of gravity. Occupants feel strain against seat belts. Loose objects move about. Food service and walking are difficult.'
105 - What type of weather can usually be expected in a polar maritime air mass over central Europe in the daytime during summer?
106 - What weather conditions are expected at Paris airport (LFPO) around 0550 UTC?
question met9.jpg
107 - The following temperatures have been observed over a station at 1200 UTC. Assume the station is at MSL. Height in feet. Temperature in degrees C.20000.-12 18000.-11 16000.-10 14000.-10 12000.-6 10000.-2 8000. +2 6000. +6 4000. +122000. +15 surface+15.Which of the following statements is correct ?
108 - What is a radiosonde?
109 - When water evaporates into unsaturated air:
110 - How does moderate turbulence affect an aircraft?
111 - What weather conditions are prevalent during the summer, over the North sea, approximately 300 km behind a quickly moving cold front?
112 - Frontal fog is most likely to occur
113 - Normally, temperature readings are taken at a height of ___ in a Stevenson screen.
114 - Which statement is true for hurricanes in the North Atlantic?
115 - In order to reduce QFE to QNH, which of the following item(s) must be known ?
116 - Considering the North Atlantic area north of 60°N during winter, the mean height of the tropopause is approximately:
117 - What will be the effect on the reading of an altimeter of an aircraft parked on the ground shortly before an active cold front passes?
118 - An aircraft is flying at FL 180 in the northern hemisphere with a crosswind from the left. Which of the following is correct concerning its true altitude ?
119 - Which weather chart gives information about icing?
120 - Which jet stream is connected with a surface front system?