120 domande in 120 minuti atpl

1 - On modern transport aircraft, cockpit windows are protected against icing by:
2 - What does the word 'negative' mean?
3 - What does the abbreviation 'INS' mean:
4 - A mass of 500 kg is loaded at a station which is located 10 metres behind the present Centre of Gravity and 16 metres behind the datum.(Assume: g=10 m/s^ 2)The moment for that mass used in the loading manifest is:
5 - A category D aeroplane can carry out a circling approach only if the meteorological visibility is higher than or equal to:
6 - From which of the following would you expect to find facilitation information regarding customs and health formalities ?
7 - In which screen modes of an Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI) on a B737-400 will radar returns not be shown?
8 - During certification flight testing on a four engine turbojet aeroplane the actual take-off distances measured are:3050 m with failure of the critical engine recognised at V12555 m with all engines operating and all other things being equal The take-off distance adopted for the certification file is:
9 - Which phraseology shall a pilot use if he receives an instruction from ATC which he cannot carry out:
10 - When transmitting runway visual range (RVR) for runway 16 ATC should use the following phrase:
11 - Aircraft XY-ABC is making a test transmission with Stephenville TOWER on frequency 118.7. What is the correct phrasing for this transmission:
12 - What is a favourable synoptic situation for the development of a Scirocco?
13 - The azimuth transmitter of a Microwave Landing System (MLS) provides a fan-shaped horizontal approach zone which is usually:
14 - The time is 4:15 P.M. What is the correct way of transmitting this time if there is any possibility of confusion about the hour?
15 - Approach procedures - Instrument Approach AreaThe primary area of an instrument approach segment is:
16 - In relation to the NAVSTAR/GPS satellite navigation system, what is involved in the differential technique (D-GPS)?
17 - Approach procedures - CirclingThe visual contact with the runway is lost on the down-wind leg, while circling to land following an instrument approach. You have to initiate a go-around:
18 - Refer to Student Pilot Route Manual E(LO)1What is the radial and DME distance from CRK VOR/DME (N5150.4 W00829.7) to position N5230 W00750?
19 - The Leans or Somatogyral illusion can be caused by:
20 - When applying carburettor heating:
21 - If a pilot receives an instruction from ATC which cannot be carried out, the reply should use the phrase:
22 - The radio altimeter is required to indicate zero height AGL as the main wheels touch down on the runway. For this reason, it is necessary to:
23 - 'Integrated range' curves or tables are presented in the Aeroplane Operations Manuals. Their purpose is
24 - When may the name of the location or the call sign suffix in the call sign of an aeronautical station be omitted ?
25 - Regardless of your position, time figures are transmitted with reference to:
26 - When completing an ATC flight plan for a flight commencing under IFR but possibly changing to VFR, the letters entered in Item 8 (FLIGHT RULES) would be:
27 - Which elements of instructions or information shall always be read back?
28 - With an true airspeed of 194 KT and a vertical speed of 1000 fpm, the climb gradient is about:
29 - The priority of the pilot's message 'request QDM' is:
30 - Sound propagates through the air at a speed which only depends on:
31 - Please check the following statements:1. Psychosomatic means that mental and/or emotional stressors can be manifested in organic stress reactions.2. Psychosomatic means that a physical problem is always followed by psychological stress.
32 - A 'RNAV' distance based separation minimum may be used at the time the level is crossed, provided that each aircraft reports its distance to or from the same 'on track' way-point. This minimum is:
33 - In relation to the satellite navigation system NAVSTAR/GPS, 'All in View' is a term used when a receiver:
34 - If you are requested to 'Report flight conditions', what does that mean:
35 - 'Tuck under' may happen at:
36 - Which FL corresponds with the 200 hPa pressure level ?
37 - Please check the following statements:1. A stressor causes activation2. Activation stimulates a person to cope with it
38 - After the transition point between the laminar and turbulent boundary layer
39 - Sleeplessness or the disruption of sleeping patterns1. can lead to symptoms of drowsiness, irritability and lack of concentration2. will make an individual more prone to make errors
40 - While crossing a jet stream at right angles in Western Europe (3000 FT below its core) and OAT is decreasing, what would be the prevailing wind?
41 - During take-off the third segment begins:
42 - In computer technology, an output peripheral is a:
43 - The fuel burn off is 200 kg/h with a relative fuel density of 0.8. If the relative density is 0.75, the fuel burn will be:
44 - A "close traffic advisory" is displayed on the display device of the TCAS II (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) by:
45 - True Air speed: 170 ktWind in the area: 270°/40 kt According to the attached the navigation log, an aircraft performs a turn overhead BULEN to re-route to ARD via TGJ.The given wind conditions remaining constant. The fuel consumption during the turn is 20 litres.The total fuel consumption at position overhead ARD will be:
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46 - The limits of the yellow scale of an airspeed indicator are:
47 - What shall the pilot's readback be for 'climb to 2500 feet':
48 - Signal reception is required from a minimum number of satellites that have adequate elevation and suitable geometry in order for a Satellite-Assisted Navigation System (GPS) to carry out independent three dimensional operation without the Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) function. The number of satellites is:
49 - Which of the following abbreviated call signs of aircraft XY-ABC is correct:
50 - Which of these phrases is used to inform the control tower that a pilot perform a missed approach:
51 - Refer to the General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4Flying VFR from PEITING (47°48.0'N, 010°55.5'E) to IMMENSTADT (47°33.5'N, 010°13.0'E)determine the magnetic course.
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52 - What does the phrase 'Verify' mean:
53 - For an operation in MNPS airspace along notified special routes, unless otherwise specified, an aircraft must be equipped with at least:
54 - The data that needs to be inserted into an Inertial Reference System in order to enable the system to make a successful alignment for navigation is:
55 - A Cat III ILS glidepath transmitter provides reliable guidance information down to:
56 - Refer to General Student Pilot Route Manual:In the ATC flight plan Item 10, 'standard equipment' is considered to be:
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57 - Due to the rotation of the Earth, the apparent drift of a horizontal free gyroscope at a latitude of 45°N is:
58 - The airspeed indicator of a twin-engine aircraft comprises different sectors and colour marks. The blue line corresponds to the:
59 - Long range cruise is a flight procedure which gives:
60 - An aircraft is weighed prior to entry into service. Who is responsible for deriving the Dry Operational Mass from the weighed mass by the addition of the 'operational items' ?
61 - The apparent wander of a directional gyro is 15°/h:
62 - Which is the maximum distance at which you might expect solid VHF contact over flat terrain at flight level 100:
63 - The minimum equipment list (MEL) gives the equipment which can be inoperative when undertaking a flight and the additional procedures to be observed accordingly. This list is prepared by:
64 - On a reciprocating engine aeroplane, to maintain a given angle of attack, configuration and altitude at higher gross mass:
65 - The diagram representing a left turn with insufficient rudder is:
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66 - An island is observed by weather radar to be 15° to the left.The aircraft heading is 120°(M) and the magnetic variation 17°W. What is the true bearing of the aircraft from the island?
67 - An AIRAC is:
68 - An aeroplane is in a level turn, at a constant TAS of 300 kt, and a bank angle of 45°. Its turning radius is:(given: g= 10 m/s 2)
69 - The minimum number of hand fire-extinguishers to be located in the passenger compartment of an aircraft with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of 31 is:
70 - Using passenger oxygen in case of severe cabin smoke is:
71 - Which of the following statements concerning trade winds is correct?
72 - Which phrase shall be used if you want to say: 'Yes':
73 - The following unit of measurement: kgm/s2 is expressed in the SI-system as:
74 - The first law of Kepler states:
75 - Which of the following is true concerning an aircraft that is flying at FL180 in the northern hemisphere, where wind is geostrophic and the true altitude remains constant?
76 - Select the air traffic service in charge of control of local traffic, take-offs and landings at an airport.
77 - Given:TAS = 270 kt, Track (T) = 260°,W/V = 275/30kt.Calculate the HDG (°T) and GS?
78 - The Dry Operating Mass is the total mass of the aircraft ready for a specific type of operation but excluding
79 - The critical Mach Number of an aeroplane is the free stream Mach Number, which produces the first evidence of:
80 - The expression "primary flight control" applies to the: 1) stabilizer 2) rudder 3) speed brake 4) aileronThe combination that regroups all of the correct statements is:
81 - At an aeroplane's minimum drag speed, what is the ratio between induced drag Di and parasite drag Dp? Di / Dp =
82 - The radar controller is transmitting: 'Confirm squawk'. What does he mean?
83 - A checklist of NOTAM currently in force shall be issued at the AFTN at intervals of:
84 - Where, in central Europe, are the highest wind speeds to be found?
85 - The true course is 042°.The variation in the area is 6° W and the wind is calm. The deviation card is reproduced in the annex In order to follow this course, the pilot must fly a compass heading of:
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86 - A FMS with only a multiple DME sensor operating shall have a position error, 95% probability, in a non precision approach equal or less than:
87 - RADAR instructs aircraft X-BC:'X-BC squawk ident'. What does this mean:
88 - A turbocharger consists of a:
89 - A Lambert's conical conformal chart has standard parallels at 63°N and 41°N. What is the constant of the cone?
90 - Which speed provides maximum obstacle clearance during climb?
91 - Which frequency shall be used for the first transmission of an urgency call:
92 - Accident investigation, objectiveThe sole objective of the investigation of an accident or incident shall be the:
93 - In which frequency band does the Microwave Landing System (MLS) operate?
94 - The use of igniters is necessary on a turbo-jet: 1 - throughout the operating range of the engine 2 - for ground starts 3 - for accelerations 4 - for in-flight relights 5 - during turbulence in flight 6 - in heavy precipitation or in icing conditions The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is:
95 - An aeroplane is operated at FL 330. 22 passenger are on board. The first aid oxygen to be on board at departure shall provide breathing supply for at least:
96 - An aircraft is instructed to hold short of the runway-in-use. What is the correct phraseology to indicate it will follow this instruction ?
97 - An aeroplane should be equipped with a Mach trimmer, if:
98 - What is the effect of increased mass on the performance of a gliding aeroplane?
99 - In a cabin air conditioning system, equipped with a bootstrap, the mass air flow is routed via the:
100 - During the extension of the flaps at a constant angle of attack the aeroplane starts to (all other factors of importance being constant)
101 - The respiratory process consists mainly of:
102 - Which word or phrase shall be used in order to repeat for clarity or emphasis?
103 - A cumulonimbus cloud in the vicinity of an aeroplane can cause certain navigation systems to give false indications.This is particularly true of the:
104 - In which frequency band do Satellite-Assisted Navigation systems (GNSS/GPS) provide position information that is available to civil aircraft?
105 - The centre of gravity location of the aeroplane is normally computed along the:
106 - Approach procedures, Arrival and Approach Segments - Intermediate approach segmentWhat is the minimum obstacle clearance requirement at the end of the primary area of the intermediate approach segment in an instrument approach procedure?
107 - Which of the following will give the most accurate calculation of aircraft ground speed?
108 - What does the word 'contact' mean?
109 - Just above the critical Mach number the first evidence of a shock wave will appear at the
110 - The dangerous goods transport document, if required, shall be drawn up by:
111 - The fovea is
112 - The approach climb requirement has been established so that the aeroplane will achieve:
113 - Which formula or equation describes the relationship between force (F), acceleration (a) and mass (m)?
114 - What is the radiotelephony call sign for the aeronautical station indicating area control centre (no radar)?
115 - Increasing dynamic pressure will have the following effect on the drag of an aeroplane (all other factors of importance remaining constant):
116 - Given:True HDG = 307°, TAS = 230 kt, Track (T) = 313°, GS = 210 kt.Calculate the W/V?
117 - A 'Zener' diode is used for:
118 - The parameter that determines the relationship between EAS and TAS is:
119 - The long range cruise speed is in relation to the speed for maximum range cruise.
120 - A radio signal loses strength as range from the transmitter increases, this is called: