120 questions on 120 minutes atpl

1 - How will the density and static temperature change in a supersonic flow from a position in front of a shock wave to behind it ?
2 - Definitions (ICAO Doc 8168) What is:A turn executed by the aircraft during the initial approach between the end of the outbound track and the beginning of the intermediate or final approach track.The tracks are not reciprocal.
3 - Which of the following is unlikely to have any effect on the position of the centre of gravity on an aeroplane in flight ?
4 - Stress management programmes usually involve:
5 - Heading information from the gyromagnetic compass flux gate is transmitted to the:
6 - An aircraft is 'homing' to a radio beacon whilst maintaining a relative bearing of zero. If the magnetic heading decreases, the aircraft is experiencing:
7 - What does the word 'check' mean?
8 - A chip detector in the oil system of an engine/gearbox is to indicate that
9 - An aircraft is flying north-east at 2500 feet. TOWER requests heading and level. What is the correct response:
10 - Which of the following is obligating for members of ICAO?
11 - The retina of the eye
12 - In the ground-air emergency code the symbol "X" means:
13 - An NDB is on a relative bearing of 316° from an aircraft. Given:Compass heading 270°At aircraft deviation 2°W, Variation 30°E At station Variation 28°E,Calculate the true bearing of the NDB from the aircraft
14 - The second freedom of the air is the:
15 - When an aircraft is stationary on the ground, its total weight will act vertically
16 - Except in some special cases the establishment of change-over points should be limited to route segments of
17 - An aircraft departs from position A (04°10' S 178°22'W) and flies northward following the meridian for 2950 NM. It then flies westward along the parallel of latitude for 382 NM to position B.The coordinates of position B are?
18 - Refer to the General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4:Flying from SAULGAU airport (48°02'N, 009°31'E) to ALTENSTADT airport (47°50'N, 010°53'E). Find magnetic course and the distance.
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19 - The receiver aerial for a NAVSTAR/GPS system should be mounted:
20 - In the ATC flight plan item 7, for a radio equipped aircraft, the identifier must always:
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21 - A radio communications, 'Distress' differs from 'Urgency' because in the first case:
22 - If an aeroplane was to circle around the Earth following the parallel 60°N at a ground speed of 480 KT. In order to circle around the Earth along the equator in the same amount of time, it should fly at a ground speed of:
23 - The longitudinal separation minima based on time between aircraft at same cruising level where navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed and the preceding aircraft is maintaining a true airspeed of 40 kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft, is:
24 - Flying immediately following a dive with SCUBA diving equipment to a depth greater than 10 metres is not advisable because:
25 - What is the correct way of transmitting the number 118.1 to indicate a frequency?
26 - During climb to the cruising level, a headwind component:
27 - According to PART-CAT, which one of the following statements concerning the landing distance for a turbojet aeroplane is correct?
28 - In the Flight Management Computer (FMC) of the Flight Management System (FMS), data relating to cruising speeds is stored in the:
29 - Which of these statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect? 1) A rudder ratio changer system reduces the rudder deflection for a given rudder pedal deflection as the IAS decreases. 2) A variable stop system limits both rudder and rudder pedal deflection as the IAS increases.
30 - Approach procedures - Arrival and approach segmentsIn an instrument approach procedure, the segment in which alignment and descent for landing are made is called:
31 - Which of the following statements is/are correct?1. REM-sleep becomes shorter with any repeated sleep cycle during the night.2. REM-sleep is more important for the regeneration of mental functions than all the other sleep stages are.
32 - Given:Magnetic heading 311° Drift angle 10° leftRelative bearing of NDB 270°What is the magnetic bearing of the NDB measured from the aircraft?
33 - An air mass acquires its basic properties
34 - When shall the pilot of an aircraft experiencing communications failure keep a watch for instructions passed by visual signals ?
35 - During a climb at a constant IAS, the Mach Number:
36 - The QNH is by definition the value of the:
37 - The length of a clearway may be included in:
38 - A VOR and an ADF are co-located. In NIL wind conditions you cross the VOR radial of 240 on a heading of 360°(M). In the vicinity of the station you should read an ADF bearing of:
39 - The equatorial easterly jet is a jet stream that occurs:
40 - A Stand-by-horizon or emergency attitude indicator:
41 - The centre of gravity is the
42 - Which word or phrase shall be used to indicate that a change has been made to your last clearance and this new clearance supersedes your previous clearance or part thereof?
43 - The Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) is a system working according to a height span ranging from:
44 - Which statement is correct?
45 - Given:Pt = total pressure Ps = static pressure Dynamic pressure is:
46 - For aircraft call sign "Easy G-ABCD" the correct abbreviation is:
47 - A 'Balanced Field Length' is said to exist where:
48 - In a Satellite-Assisted Navigation system (GNSS/GPS) a position line is obtained by:
49 - The transfer of an aircraft from one ATC unit to another is done:
50 - Which statement, in relation to the climb limited takeoff mass of a jet aeroplane, is correct?
51 - With the SSR transponder selected ON and "ALT" (Mode C) selected, an ATSU requests: "G-ABCD, Verify your level," this is to:
52 - Which of the following symptoms can indicate hypoxia?1. Blue lips and finger nails.2. Euphoria.3. Flatulence.4 .Unconsciousness..
53 - Which of these phrases is used if you want to communicate that a message: 'Consider that transmission as not sent':
54 - When a pilot is facing a problem during flight he should
55 - The maximum acceptable cruising altitude is limited by a minimum acceptable loadfactor because exceeding that altitude:
56 - An aircraft encountering radio communication failure on an IFR flight in IMC has to commence descent over the designated navigation aid serving the destination aerodrome (no EAT received):
57 - Aircraft wishing to conduct IFR flight within advisory airspace, but not electing to use the air traffic advisory service:
58 - What does the term 'Expected Approach Time' mean:
59 - When an aircraft is operating its Secondary Surveillance Radar in Mode C an air traffic controller's presentation gives information regarding the aircraft's indicated flight level in increments of:
60 - To prevent vertigo in flight we should
61 - Which combination of circumstances or conditions would most likely lead to a tyre speed limited take-off?
62 - A frequency of 10 GHz is considered to be the optimum for use in an airborne weather radar system because:
63 - A flashing red light from control tower during an approach to land means:
64 - A higher pressure altitude at ISA temperature:
65 - What is difference in latitude from 30°39'S 20°20'E to 45°23'N 40°40'E:
66 - The altimeter consists of one or several aneroid capsules located in a sealed casing. The pressures in the aneroid capsule (i) and casing (ii) are respectively:
67 - Assuming gross mass, altitude and airspeed remain unchanged, movement of the centre of gravity from the forward to the aft limit will cause:
68 - How does positive camber of an aerofoil affect static longitudinal stability?
69 - What is required if security personnel on board are to be armed?
70 - The CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder) includes:1. a microphone2. a recorder in compliance with the shock and fire resistance standards3. an independent battery4. a flight data recorderThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
71 - True Air Speed (TAS) is equal to Equivalent Air Speed (EAS) only if:
72 - The planned cruising speed for the first leg or all of the cruising portion of the flight must be entered in the speed box of a flight plan form. This speed is the:
73 - Which of the following wing planforms gives the highest local lift coefficient at the wing root?
74 - A laser gyro consists of:
75 - If an EPR is set at a constant barometric pressure, with an increasing OAT, the thrust
76 - Refer to the Student Pilot Route Manual - E HI 2An aircraft has to fly on airways from SVEDA (56°10'N 012°34'E) to SKARA (58°23'N 013°15'E).Which of the following is the correct route?
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77 - An aeroplane is carrying a traffic load of 10320 kgComplete the necessary sections of the attached appendix and determine which of the answers given below represents the maximum increase in the traffic load
78 - At night an aircraft observes a luminous signal requesting help. To indicate that he has received these search and rescue ground signals, the pilot shall:
79 - A great circle track crosses the equator at 30°W has an initial track of 035°T. It's highest or lowest North/South point is:
80 - The International Civil Aviation Organisation (I.C.A.O.) was established by the international convention of:
81 - The altimeter of your aircraft indicates 15000 ft with a subscale-setting of 1013,25 mb. OAT is -21°C. The pressure altitude of the aircraft is:
82 - On an ILS approach, the localiser needle is fully over to the left. How much deflection does this indicate?
83 - If an aircraft flies along a VOR radial it will follow a:
84 - The take-off mass of an aeroplane is 117 000 kg, comprising a traffic load of 18 000 kg and fuel of 46 000 kg. What is the dry operating mass?
85 - Disorientation is more likely to occur when the pilot is:1. flying in IMC2. frequently changing between inside and outside references3. flying from IMC into VMC4. approaching over still water at night
86 - At reference or see Performance Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.28.What is the minimum field length required for the worst wind situation, landing a twin jet aeroplane with the anti-skid inoperative?Elevation: 2000 ftQNH: 1013 hPaLanding mass: 50 000 kgFlaps: as required for minimum landing distance Runway condition: dryWind:Maximum allowable tailwind: 15 kt Maximum allowable headwind: 50 kt
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87 - Which of the following phenomena is least likely to lead to the formation of a Cumulonimbus with thunderstorm?
88 - Who is responsible for providing an Operation Manual in accordance with OPS 1 Subpart P for the use and guidance of the operations personnel?
89 - The reason for fitting thermal plugs to aircraft wheels is that they:
90 - In which air mass are extremely low temperatures encountered?
91 - Given:Distance from departure to destination 338 NM True track 045W/V 225/35TAS 120 kt What is the distance and time of the PET from the departure point? What is the distance and time of the PET from the departure point?
92 - When an aircraft is no longer in distress, it shall transmit a message cancelling the distress condition. Which words shall this message include?
93 - For a twin-engine aeroplane, the standard operational take-off minimums may be used provided an alternate aerodrome is accessible at less than:
94 - Which statement about ST is true?
95 - Following an explosive decompression, the maximum altitude without oxygen supply at which flight crew efficiency is not impaired is:
96 - Grid heading is 299°, grid convergency is 55° West and magnetic variation is 90° West. What is the corresponding magnetic heading?
97 - The time difference in Local Mean time between sunset at position A (50°N 120°E) and B (50°S, 120°E) on the 21st of November is:
98 - Given:True course 300° drift 8°R variation 10°W deviation -4°Calculate the compass heading.
99 - The maximum wind velocity (°/kt) shown in the vicinity of MUNICH (48°N 012°E) is:
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100 - A slat will:
101 - A negative (westerly) magnetic variation signifies that:
102 - A polar track is a track part of which is included in an area where the horizontal component of the earth magnetic field is less than:
103 - Which Q-code is used to report altitude ?
104 - Except otherwise established by the appropriate ATS authority a Surveillance Radar Approach (SRA) shall be terminated at a distance from the touchdown of:
105 - Considering only structural limitations, on very short legs with minimum take-off fuel, the Traffic Load is normally limited by:
106 - Which of the following three speeds of a jet aeroplane are basically identical? The speeds for:
107 - What characteristic is associated with a temperature inversion?
108 - In an ATC flight plan Item 15, in order to define a position as a bearing and distance from a VOR, the group of figures should consist of:
109 - Given:Runway direction 083°(M) Surface W/V 035/35 KTCalculate the effective headwind component?
110 - In straight horizontal steady flight, at speeds below that for minimum drag:
111 - The speed for maximum endurance
112 - What does the phrase 'Go ahead' mean:
113 - On a wing fitted with a 'Fowler' type trailing edge flap, the 'Full extended' position will produce:
114 - The degree of clear air turbulence experienced by an aircraft is proportional to the
115 - Refer to the Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4Flying VFR from VILLINGEN (48°03.5'N, 008°27.0'E) to FREUDENSTADT (48°28.0'N, 008°24.0'E).Determine the minimum altitude within a corridor 5 NM left and 5 NM right of the courseline in order to stay 1000' clear of obstacles.
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116 - Positive g will cause the blood-pressure to the brain to:
117 - Arrival and Approach segments, GeneralWhat are the names of all separate segments that can be part of an instrument approach procedure?
118 - In relation to an aircraft, the term ' Basic Empty Mass' includes the mass of the aircraft structure complete with its powerplants, systems, furnishings and other items of equipment considered to be an integral part of the particular aircraft configuration. Its value is
119 - What phrase shall be used when asking for the readability of a transmission?
120 - The positive manoeuvring limit load factor for a large jet transport aeroplane with flaps extended is: