120 questions on 120 minutes atpl

1 - Heading information from the gyromagnetic compass flux gate is transmitted to the:
2 - According to PART-FCL, Medical certificates classes are:
3 - The air in a piston engine turbo-supercharger centrifugal compressor:
4 - An urgency message shall be preceded by the radiotelephony urgency signal:
5 - The value of the induced drag of an aeroplane in straight and level flight at constant weight varies linearly with:
6 - In straight and level flight, as speed is increased:
7 - The turbulence which occurs at high flight levels (above FL 250) is mainly of the type Clear Air Turbulence. In what way can moderate to severe Clear Air Turbulence affect an aircraft, the flight and the passengers?
8 - . For the purpose of aeroplane mass and balance calculations, the datum point is defined as:
9 - What are the various factors which guide attention ?1. The level of automation of behaviour2. Response time3. The salience of the information4. Expectations
10 - Long range cruise is selected as
11 - Which of the following statements, relating to the application of Ohm's Law, is the most correct?
12 - The spin axis of the turn indicator gyroscope is parallel to the:
13 - For two-engined aeroplanes not approved for ETOPS, the take-off alternate, if required, shall be located (in still air conditions) within:
14 - Does the pitch angle of a constant speed propeller alter in medium horizontal turbulence?
15 - The use of igniters is necessary on a turbo-jet: 1 - throughout the operating range of the engine 2 - for ground starts 3 - for accelerations 4 - for in-flight relights 5 - during turbulence in flight 6 - in heavy precipitation or in icing conditions The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is:
16 - An aeroplane has the following masses: ESTLWT= 50 000 kgTrip fuel= 4 300 kg Contingency fuel= 215 kgAlternate fuel (final reserve included)= 2 100kg Taxi= 500 kgBlock fuel= 7 115 kgBefore departure the captain orders to make the block fuel 9 000 kg. The trip fuel in the operational flight plan should read:
17 - The take-off distance available is:
18 - Which of the following is true of a land breeze?
19 - Given:Dry operating mass (DOM)= 33510 kg Traffic Load= 7600 kgTrip fuel (TF)= 2040 kg Final reserve fuel= 983 kg Alternate fuel= 1100 kgContingency fuel= 5% of trip fuelWhich of the listed estimated masses is correct?
20 - Which biases relate to human decision making?1. Personal experience tends to alter the perception of the risk of an event occurring2. There is a natural tendency to want to confirm our decision even in the face of facts which contradict it3. The group to which an individual belongs tends to influence the particular decision4. There is natural tendency to select only objective facts for decision-making purposes
21 - In the ATC flight plan item 15, when entering a route for which standard departure (SID) and standard arrival (STAR) procedures exist:
22 - For the purpose of completing the Mass and Balance documentation, the Traffic Load is considered to be equal to the Take-off Mass
23 - Which sensations does a pilot get, when he is rolling out of a prolonged level turn?
24 - Considering a rate of climb diagram (ROC versus TAS) for an aeroplane. Which of the diagrams shows the correct curves for 'flaps down' compared to 'clean' configuration?
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25 - Visual Flight RulesAbove an altitude of 10000 ft, flights operating within airspace Class 'G' in accordance with VFR shall observe the following weather minima:
26 - What does the abbreviation 'HX' mean?
27 - The Basic Empty Mass is 4960 kg, the Dry Operating Mass is 5220 kg and the Zero Fuel Mass is 6040 kg.If the take-off mass is 7630 kg the useful load is
28 - An air mass is called stable when
29 - What action should be taken by the aircraft station first receiving a distress message?
30 - The minimum climb gradient required on the 2nd flight path segment after the take-off of a jet aeroplane is defined by the following parameters:1 Gear up2 Gear down3 Wing flaps retracted4 Wing flaps in take-off position 5 N engines at the take-off thrust6 (N- 1) engines at the take-off thrust7 Speed over the path equal to V2 + 10 kt 8 Speed over the path equal to 1.3 VS9 Speed over the path equal to V210 At a height of 35 ft above the runway The correct statements are:
31 - General provisions for ATS - Content of voice position reports (according Doc444 4)A complete position report transmitted by radiotelephony shall contain the following elements of information in the order listed.
32 - When completing Item 9 of the ATC flight plan, if there is no appropriate aircraft designator, the following should be entered:
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33 - The tip vortices circulate about each wing tip:
34 - What is the approximate vertical interval which is equal to a pressure change of 1 hPa at an altitude of 5500 m?
35 - How should an ATS unit instruct Fastair 345 to contact Stephenville RADAR on frequency 132.0083 (8.33 KHz frequency spacing)?
36 - How can wing flutter be prevented?
37 - When should an aircraft in the heavy-wake-turbulence category include the word 'Heavy' immediately after its call sign e.g. Fastair 345 heavy?
38 - A flight benefits from a strong tail wind which was not forecast. On arrival at destination a straight in approach and immediate landing clearance is given. The landing mass will be higher than planned and
39 - Under normal conditions (CS 2 5) the cabin pressure altitude is not allowed to exceed:
40 - The response time of a vertical speed detector may be decreased by adding a:
41 - On approach, by day, in snowy conditions, without reference to glideslope information:
42 - What does 'Friction coefficient 45' in a runway report mean:
43 - At a high ambient temperature (+ 30° C) and with a relative humidity as low as 40 %, in clear air, free of fog and precipitation, serious carburettor icing:
44 - If a pilot has to perform two tasks requiring the allocation of cognitive resources:
45 - In modern aircraft, a pilot can actuate the feather system by:
46 - An aircraft leaves point P (60N 030W) on a true heading equal to 090 while the gyro compass, which is assumed to be operating perfectly and without an hourly rate corrector unit, indicates 000.The aircraft arrives at point Q (62N 010W) on a true heading equal to 095. On the journey from P to Q the gyro compass remains in free gyro mode.If the flight lasted 1 h 30 min, the gyro heading at Q will be:
47 - Given:SHA VOR/DME (N5243.3 W00853. 1) radial 120°/35 NM.What is the aircraft position?
48 - When the term 'Overcast' is used in an aviation routine weather report (METAR), the amount of clouds covering the sky is:
49 - During the ground run take-off phase, the auto-throttles allow to:
50 - What does dewpoint mean?
51 - The vane of a stall warning system with a flapper switch is activated by the change of the:
52 - Having a serious cold, you are going to fly. What can you expect?
53 - The term Decision Height (DH) is used for:
54 - Mode A or C garbling may occur to:
55 - The passenger oxygen mask will supply:
56 - Which of the following physical stimuli may cause stress reactions?-1: noise.-2: conflict.-3: temperature.-4: an administrative problem.-5: hunger. The combination of correct statements is:
57 - The range of movement of a control surface is limited by:
58 - In case of supersonic flow retarded by a normal shock wave a high efficiency (low loss in total pressure) can be obtained if the Mach number in front of the shock is
59 - The number of hand fire extinguishers which have to be installed in the passenger cabin according to JAR-OPS depends on the number of:
60 - To comply with the approved airline Operations Manual in a twin-engine aircraft (1 h 45 min flight on 1 engine at an air speed of 420 KT to reach the alternate aerodromes in still air conditions), a pilot has to choose an ATC route, in Minimum Navigation Performance Specification area, while at the same time taking the shortest possible time.Given that the three alternate aerodromes taken into account are SHANNON, SANTA MARIA, ST JOHN TORBAY, the track to be chosen between PARIS and WASHINGTON will be:
61 - According to PART-FCL, single pilot single-engine class ratings are valid for:
62 - Disturbance of the biological clock appears after a:1. bad night's sleep2. day flight Amsterdam - New York3. day flight Amsterdam - Johannesburg4. night flight New York - Amsterdam
63 - The risk of spatial disorientation increases when:
64 - Which navigation aid is located in position 48°55'N, 009°20'E ?
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65 - Mcrit is the free stream Mach Number at which:
66 - While taxiing, an aircraft receives from the airport controller the following light signal: a series of green flashes. This signal means that the aircraft:
67 - Among the systematic errors of the 'directional gyro', the error due to the earth rotation make the north reference turn in the horizontal plane. At a mean latitude of 45°N, this reference turns by...
68 - An aircraft in distress shall send the following signal by radiotelephony:
69 - Which of the following equipments works on the interrogation/response principle?
70 - Which of the following statements is correct concerning flight in an environment of low contrast (fog, snow, darkness, haze)?
71 - The bending loads on a cantilever wing due to lift are carried by the:1. upper skin surface.2. lower skin surface.3. wing root fairing.4. spar or spars.The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is:
72 - Regarding the operating system used for an on-board documentation (charts and company information):
73 - In a gas turbine engine, compressor blades, which are not rigidly fixed in position when the engine is stationary, take up a rigid position when the engine is running due to:
74 - Which of the following statements concerning the L1 and L2 NAVSTAR/GPS transmission frequencies and codes is correct?
75 - An aircraft is flying over the Alps on a very cold winter's day. The regional QNH is 1013 hPa. During the flight, you circle around a mountain at an altitude of its summit. What reading will the aneroid altimeter give, compared to the elevation of the summit?
76 - If your destination airport has no ICAO indicator, in the appropriate box of your ATC flight plan, you write:
77 - Refer to JAR Student Pilot Route Manual, Paris, Charles-de-Gaulle (Plate 20- 2): The route distance from CHIEVRES (CIV) to BOURSONNE (BSN) is:
78 - On board a non-pressurized aircraft, the crew and all the passengers must be fed with oxygen throughout the flight period during which the pressure altitude is greater than:
79 - If the QNH at Locarno (200 metres above sea level) is 1025 hPa, what is the approximate QFE?
80 - A radio signal loses strength as range from the transmitter increases, this is called:
81 - Increasing dynamic pressure will have the following effect on the drag of an aeroplane (all other factors of importance remaining constant):
82 - The crash/fire axe is part of the safety equipment fitted to passenger aircraft. Its function is to
83 - If you push forward the RPM lever of a constant speed propeller during a glide with idle power and constant speed, the propeller pitch will:
84 - At what degree of icing should ICAO's 'Change of course and/or altitude desirable' recommendation be followed?
85 - The fields affecting a magnetic compass originate from:1. magnetic masses2. ferrous metal masses3. non ferrous metal masses4. electrical currentsThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
86 - If the centre of gravity is near the forward limit the aeroplane will:
87 - Incapacitation is most dangerous when it is:
88 - At flight level and mach number constant, if OAT decreases, the CAS:
89 - The skip distance of HF-transmission will increase with:
90 - Which constant pressure altitude chart is standard for FL 300?
91 - Entering the stall the centre of pressure of a straight ( 1) wing and of a strongly swept back wing ( 2) will:
92 - Flights within NAT region shall be conducted in accordance with IFR when:
93 - When the door operation of a transport airplane equipped with evacuation slides in the armed position is opened from the outside, the slide:
94 - The proprioceptive senses (seat-of-the-pants sense) are important for motor coordination. They
95 - A three-phase electrical tachometer consists of:
96 - Electrical requirements for an alumel / chromel indicating system are
97 - What does the word 'contact' mean?
98 - Which of the following statements regarding aerodrome control service is correct?
99 - During deceleration following a landing in a westerly direction, a magnetic compass made for the southern hemisphere indicates:
100 - On the display of a TCAS 2 (Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System), a resolution advisory (RA) is represented by:
101 - An aircraft has two certified landing flaps positions, 25° and 35°. If a pilot chooses 35° instead of 25°, the aircraft will have:
102 - The pilot in command of an aircraft 1 - must comply immediately to all instructions received from ATC. 2 - is responsible only if he is the 'pilot flying'. 3 - may deviate from air regulations for safety reasons. 4 - may be exempt from air regulations in order to comply to an ATC instruction. 5 - may ask for the modification of an unsatisfactory clearance Which of the following combinations contains all of the correct statements?
103 - Given are:- Maximum structural take-off mass: 72 000 kg- Maximum structural landing mass: 56 000 kg- Maximum zero fuel mass: 48 000 kg- Taxi fuel: 800 kg- Trip fuel: 18 000 kg- Contingency fuel: 900 kg- Alternate fuel: 700 kg- Final reserve fuel: 2 000 kgThe actual take-off mass can never be higher than:
104 - One of the functions ensured by a radar control unit for the provision of approach control service is:
105 - Which elements of instructions or information shall always be read back ?
106 - Informal roles within a crew
107 - EHAM 120600Z 02025KT 3000 RA BKN005 OVC015 11/10 Q1012=Which of the following is the correct decode for the Amsterdam METAR?
108 - As regards the detection of bird strike hazard, pilots may obtain information on bird strike hazards by means of:1 - ATIS2 - NOTAMs3 - BIRDTAMs4 - Weather radar5 - The report by another crewThe combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
109 - Uphill slope:
110 - Altimeter setting procedures - Transition LayerWhen flying through the transition layer the vertical position of the aircraft should be expressed as:
111 - The heart muscle is supplied with blood by:
112 - What does the abbreviation 'ATIS' mean?
113 - The ideal cockpit can be termed as:
114 - What increases the stalling angle of attack ? Use of:
115 - Before transmitting the pilot should...:
116 - The maximum wind velocity (°/kt) shown in the vicinity of MUNICH (48°N 012°E) is:
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117 - If the pilot increases the reference pressure using the sub-scale setting knob, the altitude indicated by the altimeter:
118 - Operationally significant changes to the AIP shall be published in accordance with:
119 - Allowed traffic load is the difference between:
120 - When completing an ATC flight plan, an elapsed time (Item 1 6) of 1 hour 55 minutes should be entered as:
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