120 questions on 120 minutes ppl-en

1 - During a straight and steady climb, which force acts addionally, and in the same direction as the drag force, resulting in more power required for climb than for horizontal flight?
2 - What is necessary for the determination of speed (IAS) by the airspeed indicator?
3 - Which items should a passenger briefing in case of an imminent emergency landing include?
4 - The end of the green arc (4) indicates which airspeed? See figure (PFP-008) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 8
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5 - What is meant by "inversion layer"?
6 - What are the minimum distances to clouds for a VFR flight in airspace "B"?
7 - Assume zero wind and an aircraft descending from 7500 ft to 1200 ft with an average true airspeed (TAS) during the descent of 105 kt. The rate of descent (ROD) equals 800 ft/min. The elapsed time will be...
8 - Which of the human senses is most influenced by hypoxia?
9 - The shown NOTAM is valid until... A1024/13 A) LOWW B) 1305211200 C) 1305211400 E) STOCKERAU VOR STO 113.00 UNSERVICEABLE.
10 - A pilot wants to take off on runway 36, the reported wind is 240 degrees, 12 knots. What is the value of the wind components acting on the aircraft on take-off and landing?
11 - Which Q-code is used for the true bearing from the station?
12 - The total weight of an aeroplane is acting vertically through the...
13 - How should the pilot react to an engaged stall warning?
14 - The basic empty mass of an aircraft includes...
15 - The angle indicated by arrow number 1 shows the propeller's... See figure (AGK-011) D: Direction of air flow C: Chord line R: Direction of rotation (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 7
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16 - The correct transponder code for emergencies is...
17 - Which of the listed radiotelephony messages has a higher priority than a flight safety message?
18 - Which of the following options are possible SSR-Transponder modes?
19 - According to ICAO Anex 14, which is the colour marking of a runway?
20 - How often shall a blind transmission be made?
21 - How does aircraft flap configuration influence the take-off performance?
22 - Which constructive feature is shown in the figure? See figure (PFA-006) L: Lift (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 4
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23 - Which are the advantages of sandwich structures?
24 - In which situation is it NOT possible to achieve a pressure compensation between the middle ear and the environment?
25 - An aircraft is following a true course (TC) of 040° at a constant true airspeed (TAS) of 180 kt. The wind vector is 350°/30 kt. The wind correction angle (WCA) equals...
26 - Point A on the Earth's surface lies exactly on the parallel of latitude of 47°50'27''N. Which point is exactly 240 NM north of A?
27 - What is the meaning of the illustrated ground signal as shown in the signal area of an aerodrome? See figure (ALW-012) Siehe Anlage 4
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28 - Which of the following landing areas is most suitable for an off-field landing?
29 - Which statement is correct with regard to the short-term memory?
30 - Which factor can be changed by deploying flaps for landing?
31 - A pilot receives a QDR of 315° from the VDF ground station. Where is the aircraft located in relation to the ground station?
32 - (For this questions, use attachment or CAP697 SEP1 Fig. 2.2 Table 2.2.3) Planning a flight from EDWF (Leer Papenburg) to EDWH (Oldenburg Hatten), the following conditions apply: Cruise level = FL 75 Temperature = ISA Cruise weight = 3400 lbs Power setting = 23.0 in. HG @ 2300 RPM Determine True Airspeed (TAS) and Fuel Flow (FF): (2,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 21
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33 - Why is it dangerous to pump the throttle for engine start in cold weather?
34 - The aerodynamic rudder balance...
35 - The compass error caused by the aircraft's magnetic field is called...
36 - What must be considered for cross-border flights?
37 - Which of the mentioned cockpit instruments is connected to the pitot tube?
38 - Which would be the correct reaction when hydroplaning is suspected upon landing?
39 - Mountain side updrafts can be intensified by ...
40 - Which kind of engine is susceptible to carburettor fire?
41 - What kind of control surface is connected with the nose wheel?
42 - What phrase is used by a pilot if a transmission is to be answered with "no"?
43 - Which answer is correct with regard to separation in airspace "E"?
44 - Urgency messages are defined as...
45 - What has to be considered when taking off in a ground inversion?
46 - What is the purpose of "interception lines" in visual navigation?
47 - Stabilization around the lateral axis during cruise is achieved by the...
48 - After lift-off, a much stronger than expected airspeed rise is experienced during the initial climb phase. What may be expected if the aeroplane entered a microburst?
49 - Which information from a ground station does not require readback?
50 - Given: QDM: 248° VAR: 10° W The QTE is...
51 - A frequency of 119.500 MHz is correctly transmitted as...
52 - Which design feature can compensate for adverse yaw?
53 - What structural item provides directional stability to an airplane?
54 - What is the ISA standard pressure at FL 180 (5500 m)?
55 - How do lift and drag change when setting flaps to a lower position?
56 - Which of the following options does NOT stimulate motion sickness (disorientation)?
57 - What extinguishing agent is the least suitable for an aircraft fire?
58 - For the purpose of a flight preparation the pilot calculates a total take-off mass of 725 kg and a total moment of 650 mmkg. Which cross marks the center of gravity (CG)? See annex (PFP-004) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 4
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59 - The laminar boundary layer on the aerofoil is located between...
60 - What is the principle of a Fowler flap?
61 - The symbol labeled (2) as shown in the picture is a / an... See figure (MET-005) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 4
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62 - The VDF range depends on...
63 - Given: Calibrated airspeed (CAS): 155 kt. Flight level (FL) 80. Outside air temperature (OAT): +15° C. The true airspeed (TAS) equals...
64 - Which part of the visual system is responsible for colour vision?
65 - What impression may be caused when approaching a runway with an upslope?
66 - What types of boundary layers can be found on an aerofoil?
67 - How can a wind shear encounter in flight be avoided?
68 - An acceleration during a straight horizontal flight can lead to the illusion of...
69 - Assume calm wind and an aircraft descending from 9000 ft to 1500 ft. The rate of descent (ROD) equals 1200 ft/min. The elapsed time will be...
70 - Wake turbulences develop during take-off just as the aeroplane...
71 - What information is broadcasted on a VOLMET frequency?
72 - Radio waves within the LF and MF range (e.g. NDB) travel as...
73 - Which is the most recently determined empty mass and the associated center of gravity (CG) arm from the aircraft documentation? See annex (PFP-006) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 6
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74 - The beginning of the green arc (2) indicates which airspeed? See figure (PFP-008) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 8
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75 - A true altitude is...
76 - What does a cloud coverage of "FEW" mean in a METAR weather report?
77 - What is the radial from VOR Brünkendorf (BKD) (53°02?N, 011°33?E) to Pritzwalk (EDBU) (53°11'N, 12°11'E)? See annex (NAV-031) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 3
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78 - A light aircraft intends to land behind a commercial airliner belonging to wake turbulence category "medium" or "heavy" on a long runway. How can the wake turbulence of the commercial aircraft be avoided?
79 - The ideal level of arousal is at which point in the diagram? See figure (HPL- 002) P = Performance A = Arousal / Stress Siehe Anlage 1
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80 - Given: QDR: 152° VAR: 5° W DEV: 5° E The QUJ equals...
81 - At which point in the diagram will a pilot find himself to be overstrained? See figure (HPL-002) P = Perfromance A = Arousal / Stress Siehe Anlage 1
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82 - What is the period of validity of a private pilot license (PPL)?
83 - What does the term "confirmation bias" mean?
84 - What is the name of the the cold, katabatic wind phenomena blowing from northeast into the Adriatic Sea?
85 - During an approach the aeroplane experiences a windshear with a decreasing headwind. If the pilot does not make any corrections, how do the approach path and the indicated airspeed (IAS) change?
86 - What is the fuel flow and the true airspeed for cruise flight with 60 % power in flight level 85 at an OAT of -25° C? See annex (PFP-014) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 13
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87 - Which transponder code indicates a loss of radio communication?
88 - Under which circumstances is it more likely to accept higher risks?
89 - What is the correct abbreviation of the call sign D-EAZF?
90 - 5500 m equal...
91 - What is the advantage of differential aileron movement?
92 - Regarding the communication model, how can the use of the same code during radio communication be ensured?
93 - What visual flight conditions can be expected after the passage of a cold front?
94 - What has to be considered with regard to the center of gravity position?
95 - What does a cloud coverage of "BKN" mean in a METAR weather report?
96 - How can a pilot confirm a search and rescue signal on ground in flight?
97 - Air consists of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases. What is the approximate percentage of other gases?
98 - A Pre-Flight Information Bulletin (PIB) is a presentation of current...
99 - What ist the correct term for an involuntary and stereotypical reaction of an organism to the stimulation of a receptor?
100 - A heading of 285 degrees is correctly transmitted as...
101 - The distance between the center of gravity and the datum is called...
102 - Flying with speeds higher than the never-exceed-speed (vNE) may result in...
103 - A gyro which is rotating in space responds to forces being applied to it by an evasive movement...
104 - Two aeroplanes are flying on crossing tracks. Which one has to divert?
105 - The change in pitch at a propeller blade from the root to the tip ensures...
106 - Complacency is a risk due to...
107 - Given the following data for a VFR flight: Trip fuel = 70 US gallons Contingency fuel = 5% of trip fuel. Alternate and final reserve fuel = 20 US gallons Usable fuel at take-off = 90 US gallons After half of the distance you read that you have consumed 30 US gallons. Assume that fuel flow remains unchanged. Which statement is correct?
108 - What does a readability of 1 indicate?
109 - After an engine failure, the windmilling propeller...
110 - What does the term "Red-out" mean?
111 - QNE is the...
112 - Which of the following messages has the highest priority?
113 - In what different ways can a risk be handled appropriately?
114 - For a short flight from A to B the pilot extracts the following information from an aeronautical chart: True course: 245°. Magnetic variation: 7° W The magnetic course (MC) equals...
115 - Which danger exists after a heavy rain shower for a landing aircraft?
116 - A landing conducted in response to circumstances forcing the aircraft to land is a / an...
117 - Where is the aircraft located in relation to the VOR? See annex (NAV-022) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 7
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118 - Carbon monoxide poisoning can be caused by...
119 - Two aircraft of the same type, same gross weight and same flap configuration fly with different speeds and altitude. Which aircraft will cause more wake turbulence?
120 - What is an indication for a macho attitude?