120 domande in 120 minuti ppl-en

1 - Pressure drag, interference drag and friction drag belong to the group of the...
2 - In motorplanes the stall warning is usually activated by a change of...
3 - Given: True course from A to B: 283°. Ground distance: 75 NM. TAS: 105 kt. Headwind component: 12 kt. Estimated time of departure (ETD): 1242 UTC. The estimated time of arrival (ETA) is...
4 - The indication of a magnetic compass deviates from magnetic north direction due to what errors?
5 - What has to be considered with regard to the center of gravity position?
6 - What is the approximate speed of electromagnetic wave propagation?
7 - Which of the following options does NOT stimulate motion sickness (disorientation)?
8 - What can be expected for the prevailling wind with isobars on a surface weather chart showing large distances?
9 - Which statement is correct with regard to the polar axis of the Earth?
10 - What visual flight conditions can be expected within the warm sector of a polar front low during summer time?
11 - If surrounded by airflow (v>0), any arbitrarily shaped body produces...
12 - An aeroplane's current supply is carried out by the: 1. Battery 2. Generator 3. Relay 4. Circuit breaker
13 - Unless the aircraft is equipped and certified accordingly...
14 - What impression may be caused when approaching a runway with an upslope?
15 - Which parts of an aircraft mainly affect the generation of induced drag?
16 - The bank angle of a 2-minutes circle depends on the...
17 - What is the required fuel to climb from FL 65 to FL 95 under the following conditions? Aircraft mass: 3000 lb. OAT in FL 65: -5° C OAT in FL 95: -15° C See annex (PFP-023) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 14
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18 - Which of the following documents have to be on board for an international flight? a) Certificate of aircraft registration b) Certificate of airworthiness c) Airworthiness review certificate d) EASA Form-1 e) Airplane logbook f) Appropriate papers for every crew member g) Technical logbook
19 - A pilot wants to take off on runway 36, the reported wind is 240 degrees, 12 knots. What is the value of the wind components acting on the aircraft on take-off and landing?
20 - Which constructional elements give the wing its profile shape?
21 - The angle between the magnetic course and the true course is called...
22 - The saturated adiabatic lapse rate is...
23 - The empty weight and the corresponding center of gravity (CG) of an aircraft are initially determined...
24 - At which point in the diagram will a pilot find himself to be overstrained? See figure (HPL-002) P = Perfromance A = Arousal / Stress Siehe Anlage 1
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25 - What weather development will result from convergence at ground level?
26 - What should be the first action in case of a cable fire during a flight?
27 - An acceleration during a straight horizontal flight can lead to the illusion of...
28 - Which transponder code indicates a loss of radio communication?
29 - The "swiss cheese model" can be used to explain the...
30 - The barometric altimeter indicates height above...
31 - What is the call sign of the flight information service?
32 - The transponder code in case of a radio communication failure is...
33 - Which of the following frequencies is designated for VHF voice communication?
34 - Which Q-code is used for the true bearing to the station?
35 - Given: True course: 120°. TAS: 120 kt. Wind: 150°/12 kt. The WCA equals...
36 - The distance from 'A' to 'B' measures 120 NM. At a distance of 55 NM from 'A' the pilot realizes a deviation of 7 NM to the right. What approximate course change must be made to reach 'B' directly?
37 - What is the take-off distance at 705 kg take-off mass, OAT 20° C, QNH 1013 hPa at an elevation of 3500 ft with 5 kt tailwind? See annex (PFP-009) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 9
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38 - The term "flight time" is defined as...
39 - It is possible that the surface wind speed at an airport is reduced due to friction. When a surface area with a minor tailwind condition is left during the initial climb, the pilot might expect...
40 - Which answer completes the flight plan (marked cells)? See annex (NAV-014) (3,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 4
41 - Which air traffic service is responsible for the safe conduct of flights?
42 - What happens to the true airspeed at a constant indicated airspeed during a climb?
43 - What is the minimum flight visibility in airspace "E" for an aircraft operating under VFR at FL75?
44 - Which answer is correct with regard to separation in airspace "E"?
45 - Which of the following qualities are influenced by stress? 1. Attention 2. Concentration 3. Responsiveness 4. Memory
46 - All aerodynamic forces can be considered to act on a single point. This point is called...
47 - The position of the center of gravity (including fuel) equals... See figure(PFP-053e) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 2
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48 - With regard to thunderstorms, strong up- and downdrafts appear during the...
49 - The primer is...
50 - The elevator moves an aeroplane around the...
51 - What phrase is used by a pilot to inform the tower about a go-around?
52 - What is shown on the printed sign? See figure (ALW-019) Siehe Anlage 1
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53 - The altimeter's reference scale is set to airfield pressure (QFE). What indication is shown during the flight?
54 - What clouds and weather can typically be observed during the passage of a cold front?
55 - What is the correct way of using the aircraft call sign at first contact?
56 - The "spread" is defined as...
57 - Fading in LF/MF frequency range occurs mainly...
58 - What phrase is used by a pilot if a transmission is to be answered with "no"?
59 - What should be considered regarding a scheduled flight over water, when land cannot be reached in case of an emergency landing?
60 - (For this question, please use annex PFP-061) According ICAO, what symbol indicates a group of unlighted obstacles? (2,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 22
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61 - In comparison to the true airspeed in still air conditions, the TAS in a strong tailwind will be...
62 - Which force causes "wind"?
63 - What ist the correct term for an involuntary and stereotypical reaction of an organism to the stimulation of a receptor?
64 - Which danger exists after a heavy rain shower for a landing aircraft?
65 - What is the mass of a "cube of air" with the edges 1 m long, at MSL according ISA?
66 - The average decrease of blood alcohol level for an adult in one hour is approximately...
67 - What is a cause for the dip error on the direct-reading compass?
68 - Piston engines of helicopters have...
69 - A wind shear is...
70 - The trim is used to...
71 - Times are transmitted as...
72 - The balance arm is the horizontal distance between...
73 - Which is the maximum rate of climb for the aircraft at 6500 ft pressure altitude and an OAT of 0° C? See annex (PFP-011) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 11
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74 - Which phrase is to be repeated three times before transmitting an urgency message?
75 - What is the minimum flight visibility in airspace "C" at and above FL 100 for an aircraft operating under VFR?
76 - When is it necessary to adjust the pressure in the reference scale of an alitimeter?
77 - When trimming an aircraft nose up, in which direction does the trim tab move?
78 - Given: True course from A to B: 352°. Ground distance: 100 NM. GS: 107 kt. Estimated time of departure (ETD): 0933 UTC. The estimated time of arrival (ETA) is...
79 - The pressure which is measured at a ground station and reduced to mean sea level (MSL) by means of the actual atmospheric conditions is called...
80 - What does a readability of 1 indicate?
81 - What does a readability of 5 indicate?
82 - What is the distance from Neustadt (EDAN) (53°22'N, 011°37'E) to Uelzen (EDVU) (52°59?N, 10°28?E)? See annex (NAV-031) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 3
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83 - What is the distance between the parallels of latitude 48°N and 49°N along a meridian line?
84 - The shown NOTAM is valid until... A1024/13 A) LOWW B) 1305211200 C) 1305211400 E) STOCKERAU VOR STO 113.00 UNSERVICEABLE.
85 - (For this question, please use annex PFP-062) According ICAO, what symbol indicates a civil airport (not international airport) with paved runway? (2,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 23
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86 - Two aircraft of the same type, same gross weight and same flap configuration fly with different speeds and altitude. Which aircraft will cause more wake turbulence?
87 - Given: Ground speed (GS): 160 kt. True course (TC): 177°. Wind vector (W/WS): 140°/20 kt. The true heading (TH) equals...
88 - The minimum flight visibility at 5000 ft MSL in airspace B for VFR flights is...
89 - Temperatures will be given by meteorological aviation services in Europe in which unit?
90 - Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for hypoxia?
91 - A pilot can contact FIS (flight information service)...
92 - Which statement regarding the "constant-speed propeller" is correct?
93 - Which is the colour of runway end lights?
94 - What is the required distance to climb from FL 65 to FL 95 under the following conditions: Aircraft mass: 3000 lb. OAT in FL 65: -5° C OAT in FL 95: -15° C See annex (PFP-023) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 14
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95 - What minimum coverage with ice or snow must be given to call a runway "contaminated"?
96 - Wet snow on a runway can lead to...
97 - Given the following data: Take-Off fuel = 200 lbs Alternate fuel = 40 lbs Final reserve fuel = 30 lbs After 25 minutes the remaining fuel is 120 lbs. Assuming that fuel flow will remain unchanged, the remaining time to the destination should not exceed:
98 - The connection between middle ear and nose and throat region is called...
99 - What does the abbreviation "QTE" stand for?
100 - Wing tip vortex development begins during which phase of flight?
101 - The term "balance arm" in the context of a mass and balance calculation defines the...
102 - Which Q-code is used for the magnetic bearing from the station?
103 - What is the meaning of the abbreviation "ARC"?
104 - A flight is called a "visual flight", if the...
105 - The barometric altimeter with QFE setting indicates...
106 - The ideal level of arousal is at which point in the diagram? See figure (HPL- 002) P = Performance A = Arousal / Stress Siehe Anlage 1
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107 - Given the following conditions, the fuel consumption equals... Pressure altitude: 2000 ft Temperature: 31° C RPM: 2400 See annex (PFP-012) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 10
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108 - The on-board equipment of the secondary surveillance radar (SSR) is called...
109 - What is the correct way of acknowledging the instruction "Next report PAH"?
110 - The critical angle of attack...
111 - After lift-off, a much stronger than expected airspeed rise is experienced during the initial climb phase. What may be expected if the aeroplane entered a microburst?
112 - What is the purpose of engine oil in piston engine?
113 - What is the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere at 6000 ft?
114 - What is the meaning of a flashing red light signal at a controlled aerodrome directed to an aircraft in flight?
115 - What are the air masses that Central Europe is mainly influenced by?
116 - Under which conditions "back side weather" ("Rückseitenwetter") can be expected?
117 - Number 2 in the drawing corresponds to the... See figure (PFA-010) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 1
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118 - How do induced drag and parasite drag change with increasing airspeed during a horizontal and stable cruise flight?
119 - Distress messages are messages...
120 - QNE is the...