120 questions on 120 minutes ppl-en

1 - What is the function of the red blood cells (erythrocytes)?
2 - What is the function of the horizontal tail (among other things)?
3 - Which air traffic services can be expected within an FIR (flight information region)?
4 - What kind of hydraulic oil is used in aeroplane systems today?
5 - All aerodynamic forces can be considered to act on a single point. This point is called...
6 - What is the take-off distance at 705 kg take-off mass, OAT 20° C, QNH 1013 hPa at an elevation of 3500 ft with 5 kt tailwind? See annex (PFP-009) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 9
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7 - The circumference of the Earth at the equator is approximately... See figure (NAV-002) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 1
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8 - Which optical illusion might be caused by a runway with an upslope during the approach?
9 - Which area is suitable for an off-field landing?
10 - How do you call fuel mixtures with a high amount of fuel?
11 - At which point in the diagram will a pilot find himself to be overstrained? See figure (HPL-002) P = Perfromance A = Arousal / Stress Siehe Anlage 1
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12 - According to the aeronautical chart, Friesach/Hirt (LOKH) has a 707 m grass runway. Prevailing runway is 17 due to a surface wind of 18010KT. The required landing distance for your aircraft under present conditions is 550 m. Considering the NOTAM below ,is it safe to plan LOKH as an alternate aerodrome? See figure (PFP-026) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 17
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13 - How are the flight controls on a small single-engine piston aircraft normally controlled and actuated?
14 - Pressure compensation on an wing occurs at the...
15 - Which characteristic is important when choosing sunglasses used by pilots?
16 - Which of the stated wind phenomena will increase in speed since its path is narrowed by mountains?
17 - How does a balance tab move in relation to the flight control surface that it is coupled with?
18 - Anemic hypoxia can be caused by...
19 - Which of the following landing areas is most suitable for an off-field landing?
20 - What cloud type can typically be observed across widespread high pressure areas during summer?
21 - Which option states a benefit of wing washout?
22 - An ATIS is valid for...
23 - Given: QTE: 248° VAR: 10° W The QDR equals...
24 - What is the meaning of this sign at an aerodrome? See figure (ALW-011) Siehe Anlage 3
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25 - Which point on the aerofoil is represented by number 4? See figure (PFA-009) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 2
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26 - The conversion factor from kilogram [kg] into pounds [lb] is...
27 - An acceleration during a straight horizontal flight can lead to the illusion of...
28 - In which situation is it NOT possible to achieve a pressure compensation between the middle ear and the environment?
29 - What phrase is used by a pilot if a transmission is to be answered with "no"?
30 - Which danger exists during engine start?
31 - Which would be the correct reaction when hydroplaning is suspected upon landing?
32 - Which of the stated materials shows the highest strength?
33 - What is the call sign of the flight information service?
34 - Regarding the communication model, how can the use of the same code during radio communication be ensured?
35 - The DME reading is a...
36 - What can be expected for the prevailling wind with isobars on a surface weather chart showing large distances?
37 - After take-off an aeroplane gets into a wind shear with decreasing headwind. As a result...
38 - What is the meaning of a flashing green light signal at a controlled aerodrome directed to an aircraft in flight?
39 - From which altitude on does the body usually react to the decreasing atmospheric pressure?
40 - Which are the different parts of the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)?
41 - Two aircraft of the same type, same gross weight and same flap configuration fly with different speeds and altitude. Which aircraft will cause more wake turbulence?
42 - What are the minimum distances to clouds for a VFR flight in airspace "B"?
43 - A deceleration during a straight horizontal flight can lead to the illusion of...
44 - What is the purpose of the signal square at an aerodrome?
45 - What mass equals 102 litres of Avgas 100LL?
46 - Under which circumstances may a runway be considered to be contaminated?
47 - What structural item provides directional stability to an airplane?
48 - How does the aircraft configuration influence take-off performance while all other parameters remaining constant? See figure (PFP-007) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 7
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49 - With regard to thunderstorms, strong up- and downdrafts appear during the...
50 - In flight, a little smoke emerges from behind the instrument panel. An engine fire is suspected. Which action, with respect to the pilot's operating manual, should be taken?
51 - An aeroplane has a heading of 090°. The distance which has to be flown is 90 NM. After 45 NM the aeroplane is 4.5 NM north of the planned flight path. What is the corrected heading to reach the arrival aerodrome directly?
52 - The occurence of a vertigo is most likely when moving the head...
53 - In airspace "D" a Boeing 737 and a Cessna 152 are flying on crossing courses. Which aeroplane has to divert?
54 - In a METAR, "heavy rain" is designated by the identifier...
55 - Being intercepted by a military aircraft at daytime, what is the meaning of the following signal: Alternating movement of the ailerons, normally left of the intercepted aircraft, followed by a smooth turn to the left?
56 - A precautionary landing is a landing...
57 - Given: True course: 120°. TAS: 120 kt. Wind: 150°/12 kt. The WCA equals...
58 - A pilot wants to approach an NDB on QDM 090°. The aircraft flies for about 5 minutes with a magnetic heading (MH) of 095° and the RBI indication of 355°. After 6 minutes the RBI indicates 358°. Which statement is correct?
59 - Considering the following fuel data, how much trip fuel is required? Fuel for start-up and taxi: 5 L Fuel for take-off and climb: 12 L Fuel for cruise flight: 25 L Fuel for descent, approach and landing: 7 L Fuel for taxi and parking: 3 L Fuel to alternate: 13 L Final reserve fuel: 10 L
60 - What type of turbulence is typically found close to the ground on the lee side during Foehn conditions?
61 - What weather is likely to be experienced during "Foehn" in the Bavarian area close to the alps?
62 - What is the purpose of "interception lines" in visual navigation?
63 - What is the correct way of acknowledging the instruction "DZF after lift-off climb straight ahead until 2500 feet before turning right heading 220 degrees, wind 090 degrees, 5 knots, runway 12, cleared for take-off"?
64 - (For this question, please use annex PFP-063) According ICAO, what symbol indicates a general spot elevation? (2,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 24
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65 - Which constructive feature has the purpose to reduce stearing forces?
66 - What is the meaning of the red range on the airspeed indicator?
67 - An aircraft is following a true course (TC) of 040° at a constant true airspeed (TAS) of 180 kt. The wind vector is 350°/30 kt. The wind correction angle (WCA) equals...
68 - The connection between middle ear and nose and throat region is called...
69 - Which of the following is responsible for the blood coagulation?
70 - What does the abbreviation "FIS" stand for?
71 - Wake turbulence is particularly strong...
72 - Under which circumstances is it more likely to accept higher risks?
73 - With respect to aircraft accident and incident investigation, what are the three categories regarding aircraft occurrences?
74 - Wake turbulences develop during take-off just as the aeroplane...
75 - Stabilization around the lateral axis during cruise is achieved by the...
76 - What engines are commonly used with Touring Motor Gliders (TMG)?
77 - What pressure pattern can be observed at a lift-generating wing profile at positive angle of attack?
78 - During a flight at FL 80, the altimeter setting has to be...
79 - An aircraft in the northern hemisphere intends to turn on the shortest way from a heading of 270° to a heading of 360°. At approximately which indication of the magnetic compass should the turn be terminated?
80 - What does the abbreviation "QUJ" stand for?
81 - Number 3 in the drawing corresponds to the... See figure (PFA-010) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 1
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82 - A pilot receives a QDR of 135° from the VDF ground station. Where is the aircraft located in relation to the ground station?
83 - Which altitude is transmitted by the transponder in mode C?
84 - What is shown on the printed sign? See figure (ALW-019) Siehe Anlage 1
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85 - Where can the type of restriction for a restricted airspace be found?
86 - A true altitude is...
87 - The speed Vy is defined as...
88 - 5500 m equal...
89 - What minimum coverage with ice or snow must be given to call a runway "contaminated"?
90 - What situation may result in the occurrence of severe wind shear?
91 - What is the fuel flow and the true airspeed for cruise flight with 60 % power in flight level 85 at an OAT of -25° C? See annex (PFP-014) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 13
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92 - The ideal level of arousal is at which point in the diagram? See figure (HPL- 002) P = Performance A = Arousal / Stress Siehe Anlage 1
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93 - What is the meaning of "DETRESFA"?
94 - Which factor can lead to human error?
95 - What is the meaning of the phrase "Roger"?
96 - What is the take-off distance at 750 kg take-off mass, standard (ISA) conditions at an elevation of 4000 ft with 5 kt tailwind? See annex (PFP-009) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 9
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97 - Which statement about the airflow around an aerofoil is correct if the angle of attack decreases?
98 - Exceeding the maximum allowed aircraft mass is...
99 - Which maximum rate of climb can the aircraft reach at 9000 ft pressure altitude and OAT 12° C? See annex (PFP-011) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 11
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100 - What condition has to be met during a Special VFR flight?
101 - Which of the following are an aircraft's secondary flight controls?
102 - Which colour does Avgas 100 LL have?
103 - After lift-off, a much stronger than expected airspeed rise is experienced during the initial climb phase. What may be expected if the aeroplane entered a microburst?
104 - During an approach the aeroplane experiences a windshear with a decreasing tailwind. If the pilot does not make any corrections, how do the approach path and the indicated airspeed (IAS) change?
105 - A heading of 285 degrees is correctly transmitted as...
106 - What is the meaning of the abbreviation "IFR"?
107 - Given: True course: 255°. TAS: 100 kt. Wind: 200°/10 kt. The true heading equals...
108 - What is the lowest possible VFR flight level if a true course of 181° is selected and a variation of 3° east exists?
109 - A light aircraft intends to land behind a commercial airliner belonging to wake turbulence category "medium" or "heavy" on a long runway. How can the wake turbulence of the commercial aircraft be avoided?
110 - Which pressure is sensed by the Pitot tube?
111 - A flight is called a "visual flight", if the...
112 - The temperature lapse rate with increasing height within the troposphere according ISA is...
113 - The center of gravity has to be located...
114 - A distance of 7.5 cm on an aeronautical chart represents a distance of 60.745 NM in reality. What is the chart scale?
115 - What does the reported runway condition "WET" mean?
116 - The majority of aviation accidents are caused by...
117 - A construction made of frames and stringer with a supporting skin is called...
118 - An aircraft is following a true course (TC) of 220° at a constant TAS of 220 kt. The wind vector is 270°/50 kt. The ground speed (GS) equals...
119 - Which gas is most dangerous during an engine fire?
120 - The bank in a two-minute turn (rate one turn) depends on the...