The minimum navigation equipment required for an aircraft flying without restriction in MNPS airspace can be at the very least:4
The minimum longitudinal separation of two aircraft flying in MNPS airspace at the same Flight Level, on the same track and with the same Mach number is:4
During the flight of two aircraft in MNPS airspace with a leading aircraft flying at higher speed, the longitudinal separation must not be below:4
If all long range navigation systems of an aircraft become unserviceable during a flight in MNPS airspace, and if no instructions are received from the air traffic control, you must consider:4
Minimum time route is a route calculated for:4
A minimum time track is a:4
The abbreviation MNPS means:4
The frequency designated for VHF air to air communications when out of range of VHF ground stations in NAT region is:4
A check on the operation of the SELCAL equipment during a transatlantic flight using the OTS (Organised Track System) must be done:4
If a flight is planned to operate along the whole length of one of the organised tracks, the intended organised track should be defined in items of the flight plan by:4