Test 10 domande atpl, tempo libero

1 - Given:Pt = total pressure Ps = static pressure Dynamic pressure is:
2 - Within the Annex to the ICAO convention that specifies dimensions of aerodromes is a specific dimension given for the approach light system for CAT 1 ILS. What should be the length of this approach light system?
3 - An aircraft is flying at MACH 0.84 at FL 330. The static air temperature is -48°C and the headwind component 52 Kt. At 1338 UTC the controller requests the pilot to cross the meridian of 030W at 1500 UTC. Given the distance to go is 570 NM, the reduced MACH No. should be:
4 - Refer to CAP697 Section 4 - MRJT1 Page 19 Figure 4.5.1 En-route Climb 280/0.74 Given: brake release mass 57500 kgtemperature ISA -10°C head wind component 16 KT initial FL 280Find: still air distance (NAM) and ground distance (NGM) for the climb
5 - Which of the following statements about stall speed is correct?
6 - An aircraft may be weighed
7 - The block diagram of an auto-pilot is shown in the annex.For each control channel (pitch, roll and yaw) the piloting law is the relationship between the deflection of the control surface commanded by the computer (BETA c) and the:
question inst1.jpg
8 - If an aircraft is flying (with flaps and landing gear retracted) in proximity to terrain and its GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System) get activated, because it is detecting that the aeroplane has an excessive rate of descent, the system provides the following aural warning signals:
9 - A location in the aircraft which is identified by a number designating its distance from the datum is known as:
10 - Which of the following qualitative statements about a fixed propeller optimized for cruise condition, is true for the take-off case? The angle of attack of the propeller: