Test 10 Questions atpl, no time limit

1 - Under what runway conditions is the braking action reported to be 'Unreliable':
2 - An isohypse (contour)
3 - The 'Black hole' phenomenon occurs during approaches at night and over water, jungle or desert. When the pilot is lacking visual cues other than those of the aerodrome there is an illusion of
4 - The choice of the moment you select flaps depending on situation and conditions of the landing is:
5 - Given: true course (TC) 017 W/V 340/30 TAS 420 kt Find: wind correction angle (WCA) and ground speed (GS)
6 - The location of the centre of pressure of a positive cambered wing at increasing angle of attack will:
7 - General provisions for ATS - obstacle clearanceWhen does Air Traffic Control Services have the responsibility to prevent collisions with terrain?
8 - For a particular aeroplane, the structural maximum mass without any fuel on board, other than unusable quantities, is:
9 - Given:Pt: total pressure Ps: static pressurePd: dynamic pressure The altimeter is fed by:
10 - A climb gradient required is 3.3%. For an aircraft maintaining 100 KT true airspeed, no wind, this climb gradient corresponds to a rate of climb of approximately: