Test 10 Questions atpl, no time limit

1 - With regard to the practice of English, which of the following statements is correct?
2 - When an aeroplane is flying at an airspeed which is 1.3 times its basic stalling speed, the coefficient of lift as a percentage of the maximum lift coefficient (CLmax) would be:
3 - Where, as a general rule, is the core of the polar front jet stream to be found?
4 - Aircraft X-BC has been instructed to listen on ATIS frequency 123.25, on which information are being broadcast. What is the correct response to indicate that it will follow this instruction ?
5 - The frequency used for the first transmission of a 'MAYDAY' call shall be:
6 - Autokinesis can give the pilot the impression that:
7 - Which of the following statements is/are correct?1. REM-sleep becomes shorter with any repeated sleep cycle during the night.2. REM-sleep is more important for the regeneration of mental functions than all the other sleep stages are.
8 - The W/V (°/kt) at 60° N015° W is
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9 - Approach Procedures - CirclingIt is permissible to eliminate from consideration a particular sector where a prominent obstacle exists in the visual manoeuvring (circling) area outside the final approach and missed approach area. When this option is exercised, the published procedure:
10 - In a navigation chart a distance of 49 NM is equal to 7 cm. The scale of the chart is approximately: