Test 10 Domande PPL(A) - Licenza Pilota Privato (Aerei) - Comunicazioni in inglese, tempo libero

1 - Which is the maximum distance at which you might expect solid VHF contact over flat terrain at flight level 100:
2 - What does the phrase `Go ahead` mean:
3 - Which phrase shall be used to confirm that a message has been repeated correctly:
4 - When the term `Broken` is used in an aviation routine weather report (METAR), the amount of clouds covering the sky is:
5 - What is the correct way to transmit and read back frequency 120.375 MHz (VHF channel separated by 25KHz):
6 - What are the propagation characteristics of VHF:
7 - Which information can aircraft in flight obtain by VOLMET:
8 - What does the instruction `Orbit right` mean ?
9 - What is the radiotelephony call sign for the aeronautical station providing surface movement control of aircraft on the manoeuvring area:
10 - Which elements of instructions or information shall always be read back ?