Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Flight Planning and Monitoring, no time limit

1 - Given:Distance from departure to destination 140 NM GS Out 90 ktGS Home 80 kt What is the distance of the PET from the departure point?
2 - An aircraft flies at a TAS of 380 kt. It flies from A to B and back to
3 - What is the temperature deviation (°C) from ISA over 50° N 010°E ?
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4 - See Flight planning Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.3 Table 2.3.1.Using the Power Setting Table, for the single engine aeroplane, determine the cruise TAS and fuel flow (lbs/hr) with full throttle and cruise lean mixture in the following conditionsGiven:OAT: 3°CPressure altitude: 6000 ftPower: Full throttle / 21,0 in/Hg./ 2100 RPM
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5 - When completing Item 9 of the ATC flight plan, if there is no appropriate aircraft designator, the following should be entered:
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6 - An aircraft plans to depart London at 1000 UTC and arrive at Munich (EDDM) at 1215 UTC. In the ATC flight plan Item 16 (destination/EET) should be entered with:
7 - When filling in an ATC flight plan before departure, the time information which should be entered in item 13: 'Time' is:
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8 - The ILS frequency and identifier for RWY 26R are:
9 - Refer to CAP697 Section 4 - MRJT1 Page 13 Figure 4.3.3C Simplified Flight Planning - Trip Distances Given: ground distance to destination aerodrome 1600 NM headwind component 50 KTFL 330cruise 0.78 MachISA +20 ° Cestimated landing weight 55000 kg.Find: simplified flight planning to determine estimated trip fuel and trip time.
10 - 'Integrated range' curves or tables are presented in the Aeroplane Operations Manuals. Their purpose is