Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Meteorology, no time limit

1 - The wind indicator for a weather observation receives the measured value from an anemometer. Where is this instrument placed?
2 - How does moderate turbulence affect an aircraft?
3 - What is the most likely cause of a lack of clouds at higher levels in a stationary high?
4 - The 0° C isotherm is forecast to be at FL 50. At what FL would you expect a temperature of-6° C?
5 - What prevents air from flowing directly from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas ?
6 - During periods of undisturbed radiation weather, overland, the
7 - In the ICAO Standard Atmosphere the decrease in temperature with height below 11 km is
8 - At approximately what flight level is the subtropical jet stream found?
9 - In which layer is most of the atmospheric humidity concentrated?
10 - Which of the following statements is true of the dew point of an air mass?