Test 10 Questions PPL(A) English - Private Pilot License - Meteorology, no time limit

1 - What conditions are favourable for the formation of thunderstorms?
2 - Regarding the type of cloud, precipitation is classified as...
3 - Air descending behind a mountain range is defined as...
4 - What weather phenomena have to be expected around an upper-level trough?
5 - What factors may indicate a tendency to fog formation?
6 - Moderate to severe turbulence has to be expected...
7 - How is an air mass described when moving to Central Europe via the Russian continent during winter?
8 - What visual flight conditions can be expected within the warm sector of a polar front low during summer time?
9 - What information is NOT found on Low-Level Significant Weather Charts (LLSWC)?
10 - The barometric altimeter indicates height above...