Test 10 Questions PPL(A) English - Private Pilot License - Navigation, no time limit

1 - Vienna (LOWW) is located at 016° 34'E, Salzburg (LOWS) at 013° 00'E. The latitude of both positions can be considered as equal. What is the difference of sunrise and sunset times, expressed in UTC, between Wien and Salzburg?
2 - What is the difference in latitude between A (12°53'30''N) and B (07°34'30''S)?
3 - When transmitter and receiver are moving towards each other...
4 - Which are the properties of a Mercator chart?
5 - VOR radials are defined based on the principle of...
6 - Which direction corresponds to 'compass north' (CN)?
7 - Full deflection of the course deviation indicator (CDI) means that the aircraft is located at least...
8 - The distance from 'A' to 'B' measures 120 NM. At a distance of 55 NM from 'A' the pilot realizes a deviation of 7 NM to the right. What approximate course change must be made to reach 'B' directly?
9 - A VOR radial corresponds to the...
10 - Given: WCA: -012°; TH: 125°; MC: 139°; DEV: 002°E What are: TC, MH und CH?