Test 10 Questions PPL(A) - Private Pilot License - Navigation, no time limit

1 - What radio navigation aid can be received with the attached aerial? See figure (NAV-017) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 5
question 90-84.jpg
2 - Given: QTE: 203° VAR: 10° E The QDR equals...
3 - An aircraft is flying at a pressure altitude of 7000 feet with an outside air temperature (OAT) of +11°C. The QNH altitude is 6500 ft. The true altitude equals...
4 - An aircraft is flying at a pressure altitude of 7000 feet with an outside air temperature (OAT) of +21°C. The QNH altitude is 6500 ft. The true altitude equals...
5 - Given: True course: 120°. TAS: 120 kt. Wind: 150°/12 kt. The WCA equals...
6 - Given: True course: 165°. TAS: 90 kt. Wind: 130°/20 kt. Distance: 153 NM. The true heading equals...
7 - The angle between compass north and magnetic north is called...
8 - An aircraft travels 100 km in 56 minutes. The ground speed (GS) equals...
9 - The approximate propagation speed of electromagnetic waves is...
10 - An aircraft is flying at aFL 75 with an outside air temperature (OAT) of -9°C. The QNH altitude is 6500 ft. The true altitude equals...