Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Flight Planning and Monitoring, no time limit

1 - In the ATS flight plan, for a non-scheduled flight which of the following letters should be entered in item 8 (type of flight):
2 - The true course is 042°.The variation in the area is 6° W and the wind is calm. The deviation card is reproduced in the annex. In order to follow this course, the pilot must fly a compass heading of:
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3 - The W/V (°/kt) at 60° N015° W is
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4 - Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 Figure 4.5.4 (Descent)A descent is planned at .74/250KIAS from 35000ft to 5000ft. How much fuel will be consumed during this descent?
5 - A public transport aeroplane with reciprocating engines, the final reserve should be:
6 - The following fuel consumption figures are given for a jet aeroplane:-standard taxi fuel: 600 kg.-average cruise consumption: 10 000 kg/h.-holding fuel consumption at 1500 ft above alternate airfield elevation: 8000 kg/h.-flight time from departure to destination: 6 hours-fuel for diversion to alternate: 10 200 kg. The minimum ramp fuel load is:
7 - Given:Distance from departure to destination: 210 NM Endurance: 2,5 hTrue Track: 035 W/V: 250/20TAS: 105 kt What is the distance of the PSR from the departure point?
8 - The maximum permissible take-off mass of an aircraft for the L wake turbulence category on an ATC flight plan is:
9 - In the ATC flight plan Item 19, emergency and survival equipment carried on the flight should be indicated by:
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10 - Given:Distance from departure to destination: 330 NM Endurance: 5 hTrue Track:170 W/V: 140/25TAS: 125 kt What is the distance of the PSR from the departure point?