Test 10 domande ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Flight Planning and Monitoring, tempo libero

Nuovo Test!
1 - Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 Figure 4.7.2 (One Engine Inop):An aircraft on an extended range operation is required never to be more than 120 minutes from an alternate, based on 1 engine inoperative LRC conditions in IS
2 - From which of the following would you expect to find facilitation information regarding customs and health formalities ?
3 - In the ATC flight plan item 15, it is necessary to enter any point at which a change of cruising speed takes place. For this purpose a 'change of speed' is defined as:
4 - Planning an IFR-flight from Paris to London (Heathrow).Name the identifier and frequency of the initial approach fix (IAF) of the BIG 2A arrival route.
5 - On a given path, it is possible to choose between four flight levels (FL), each associated with a mandatory flight Mach Number (M). The flight conditions, static air temperature (SAT) and headwind component (HWC) are given below: FL 370 - M = 0.80 Ts = -60°C HWC = -15 kt FL 330 - M = 0.78 Ts = -60°C HWC= - 5 kt FL 290 - M = 0.80 Ts = -55°C HWC = -15 ktFL 270 - M = 0.76 Ts = -43°C HWC = 0 The flight level allowing the highest ground speed is:
6 - Given:Distance from departure to destination: 210 NM Endurance: 3,5 hTrue Track: 310 W/V: 270/30TAS: 120 kt What is the distance of the PSR from the departure point?
7 - When completing an ATC flight plan for a flight commencing under IFR but possibly changing to VFR, the letters entered in Item 8 (FLIGHT RULES) would be:
8 - How many feet you have to climb to reach FL 75? Given: FL 75 departure aerodrome elevation 1500' QNH = 1023 hPa temperature = ISA 1 hPa = 30'
9 - Following in-flight depressurisation, a turbine powered aeroplane is forced to divert to anen-route alternate airfield. If actual flight conditions are as forecast, the minimum quantity of fuel remaining on arrival at the airfield will be:
10 - Refer to the General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4Flying VFR from PEITING (47°48.0'N, 010°55.5'E) to IMMENSTADT (47°33.5'N, 010°13.0'E)determine the magnetic course.
question fp5.jpg