Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Performance, no time limit

1 - Is there any difference between the vertical speed versus forward speed curves for two identical aeroplanes having different masses ? (assume zero thrust and wind)
2 - The speed for maximum endurance
3 - The landing field length required for jet aeroplanes at the alternate (wet condition) is the demonstrated landing distance plus
4 - What is the most important aspect of the 'backside of the power curve'?
5 - To minimize the risk of hydroplaning during landing the pilot should:
6 - Maximum Tyre Speed can limit the Lift-off Speed.Which kind of speed can be directly used to determine this limitation?
7 - Which combination of circumstances or conditions would most likely lead to a tyre speed limited take-off?
8 - When compared to still air conditions, a constant headwind component:
9 - Below the optimum cruise altitude:
10 - Other factors remaining constant and not limiting, how does increasing pressure altitude affect allowable take-off mass?