Test 10 domande ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Performance, tempo libero

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1 - Considering TAS for maximum range and maximum endurance, other factors remaining constant:
2 - With regard to the drift down performance of the twin jet aeroplane, why does the curve representing 35000 kg gross mass in the chart for drift down net profiles start at approximately 4 minutes at FL370?
3 - On a reciprocating engine aeroplane, to maintain a given angle of attack, configuration and altitude at higher gross mass:
4 - To minimize the risk of hydroplaning during landing the pilot should:
5 - Considering a rate of climb diagram (ROC versus TAS) for an aeroplane. Which of the diagrams shows the correct curves for 'flaps down' compared to 'clean' configuration?
question perf4.jpg
6 - The drift down procedure specifies requirements concerning the:
7 - With an true airspeed of 194 KT and a vertical speed of 1000 fpm, the climb gradient is about:
8 - Which of the following are to be taken into account for the runway in use for take-off?
9 - Which statement concerning the inclusion of a clearway in take-off calculation is correct?
10 - For a jet aeroplane, the maximum climb angle is achieved at a speed corresponding to: