Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Performance, no time limit

1 - Which combination of circumstances or conditions would most likely lead to a tyre speed limited take-off?
2 - If the aircraft mass, in a horizontal unaccelerated flight, decreases:
3 - With regard to the drift down performance of the twin jet aeroplane, why does the curve representing 35000 kg gross mass in the chart for drift down net profiles start at approximately 4 minutes at FL370?
4 - If the take-off mass of an aeroplane is brake energy limited a higher uphill slope would:
5 - Maximum Tyre Speed can limit the Lift-off Speed.Which kind of speed can be directly used to determine this limitation?
6 - In straight horizontal steady flight, at speeds below that for minimum drag:
7 - To minimize the risk of hydroplaning during landing the pilot should:
8 - In case of an engine failure recognized below V1:
9 - The drift down requirements are based on:
10 - Considering TAS for maximum range and maximum endurance, other factors remaining constant: