Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Performance, no time limit

1 - Which of the following answers is true?
2 - Considering a rate of climb diagram (ROC versus TAS) for an aeroplane. Which of the diagrams shows the correct curves for 'flaps down' compared to 'clean' configuration?
question perf4.jpg
3 - In accordance to CS 25 which of the following listed speeds are used for determination of V2min:
4 - Long range cruise is a flight procedure which gives:
5 - During the flight preparation the climb limited take-off mass (TOM) is found to be much greater than the field length limited TOM using 5° flap. In what way can the performance limited TOM be increased? There are no limiting obstacles.
6 - In the event of engine failure below V1, the first action to be taken by the pilot in order to decelerate the aeroplane is to:
7 - If a flight is performed with a higher 'Cost Index' at a given mass which of the following will occur?
8 - The pilot of a single engine aircraft has established the climb performance.The carriage of an additional passenger will cause the climb performance to be:
9 - Which data can be extracted from the Buffet Onset Boundary Chart?
10 - The speed V1 is defined as: