Test 10 domande PPL(A) English - Private Pilot License (Aircraft) - Navigation, tempo libero

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1 - Where does the inclination reach its lowest value?
2 - Given: True course: 120°. TAS: 120 kt. Wind: 150°/12 kt. The WCA equals...
3 - Given: QTE: 229° VAR: 10° W The QDM equals...
4 - The circumference of the Earth at the equator is approximately... See figure (NAV-002) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 1
question 90-6.jpg
5 - The term QTE means...
6 - Given: True course: 165°. TAS: 90 kt. Wind: 130°/20 kt. Distance: 153 NM. The true heading equals...
7 - Assume two arbitrary points A and B on the same parallel of latitude, but not on the equator. Point A is located on 010°E and point B on 020°E. The rumb line distance between A and B is always...
8 - An aircraft is following a true course (TC) of 040° at a constant true airspeed (TAS) of 180 kt. The wind vector is 350°/30 kt. The groundspeed (GS) equals...
9 - With Central European Time (CET) given as UTC+1, what UTC time corresponds to 1700 CET?
10 - The transponder code in case of hi-jacking is...