Test 10 Questions PPL(A) - Private Pilot License - Performance and flight planning, no time limit

1 - Calculated take-off mass = 1082 kg, calculated CG = 0.254 m, fuel burn = 55 l on station 0.40 m. Where is the CG situated after the landing?
2 - The speed Vx means...
3 - The speed VS0 is defined as...
4 - A pilot wants to take off on runway 36, the reported wind is 240 degrees, 12 knots. What is the value of the wind components acting on the aircraft on take-off and landing?
5 - The term "moment" with regard to a mass and balance calculation is referred to as...
6 - Which factor shortens landing distance?
7 - What is the required distance to climb to flight level (FL) 75 after a departure from an airfield which is located at a pressure altitude of 3000 ft with an initial mass of 3000 lbs? OAT at airfield: 25° C OAT in FL 75: 0° C See annex (PFP-023) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 14
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8 - What is the nature of the flight shown in the given ATC flight plan? See annex (PFP-051a) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 19
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9 - Given the following data for a VFR flight: Trip fuel = 70 US gallons Contingency fuel = 5% of trip fuel. Alternate and final reserve fuel = 20 US gallons Usable fuel at take-off = 90 US gallons After half of the distance you read that you have consumed 30 US gallons. Assume that fuel flow remains unchanged. Which statement is correct?
10 - What must be considered for cross-border flights?