1 - Separation methods and minima - vertical separation (non-RVSM)Above flight level FL 290 the Vertical Separation Minimum (VSM) between aircraft flying in the same direction is:
2 - An aircraft manoeuvring in an airport's circuit receives a series of red flashes from the control tower. This signifies that the aircraft must:
3 - When mixing or contact does take place between passengers subjected to security control and other persons not subjected to such control after the security screening points at airports serving international civil aviation have been passed
4 - Altimeter setting procedures - transition altitude / levelIn the vicinity of an aerodrome of intended landing or used for take-off, the vertical position of aircraft shall be expressed in term of:
5 - An aircraft is maintaining FL 150 within airspace class C. Another aircraft below at FL 140 is receiving a clearance to descend to FL 70. It is severe turbulence in the area. When is the earliest that a clearance to descend to FL 140 or below can be expected?
6 - AIP Which part of the AIP contains information relating to existing prohibited, restricted and danger areas?
7 - The longitudinal separation minima between aircraft departed from the same aerodrome and following the same track, and the preceding aircraft is maintaining a true airspeed of 20 kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft, is:
8 - In order to avoid confusion, the identification numbers given to each prohibited area, restricted area and danger area shall not be re-used for a period of
9 - An aircraft is flying under Instrument Flight Rules in an area where the visibility is unlimited and the sky is clear (free of clouds), when it totally loses radio communications. The procedure to be followed is:
10 - Repetitive flight plans (RPLs) shall not be used for flights operated regularly on the same day(s) of consecutive weeks and:
11 - General provisions - handling an ATC-flight plan in case of a delayIn the event of a delay of a controlled flight, the submitted flight plan should be amended or cancelled and a new flight plan submitted when the delay is in excess of:
12 - When an aircraft has sustained damage, the aircraft shall be allowed to resume its flight, if
13 - The pilot in command of an aircraft 1 - must comply immediately to all instructions received from ATC. 2 - is responsible only if he is the 'pilot flying'. 3 - may deviate from air regulations for safety reasons. 4 - may be exempt from air regulations in order to comply to an ATC instruction. 5 - may ask for the modification of an unsatisfactory clearance Which of the following combinations contains all of the correct statements?
14 - According toPART-MED, licence holders do not exercise the privileges of their licences, related ratings or authorisations at any time when they are aware of any decrease in their medical fitness which might render them unable to safely exercise those privileges. They shall without undue delay seek the advice of the authority or AME when becoming aware of hospital or clinic admissions for:
15 - Separation - VMC and own separationThe 'Clearance to fly maintaining own separation while in visual meteorological conditions' may be given by the appropriate ATS authority. This has to be requested by the pilot of a controlled flight and has to be agreed by the pilot of the other aircraft.The conditions are:
16 - According to PART-FCL, an examiner's authorisation is valid for:
17 - A Control Zone shall extend laterally to at least:
18 - A double white cross displayed horizontally in the signal area indicates that:
19 - Temporary changes on specifications for AIP supplements of long duration and information of short duration which contains extensive text and/or graphics shall be published as AIP supplements. It is considered a long duration.
20 - SSR - Transponder When acknowledging mode / code setting instructions, pilots shall:
21 - The 'Standards' contained in the Annexes to the Chicago convention are to be considered:
22 - Member states should introduce specific security measures for the air transport of the following groups of potentially disruptive passengers defined below:
23 - Area Control Centres issue clearances for the purpose of:
24 - A controlled flight is requested to inform the appropriate ATC unit whenever the average True Air Speed at cruising level varies or is expected to vary from that given in the flight plan by plus or minus:
25 - An ATS airspace where IFR and VFR flights are permitted and all flights are subject to air traffic control service. IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights and receive traffic information in respect of VFR flights. VFR flights receive traffic information in respect of all other flights, is classified as:
26 - Change from IFR to VFR will always take place:
27 - In accordance with annex 1, when a contracting state renders valid a licence issued by another contracting state, the validity of the authorisation:
28 - The ASHTAM provides information on the status of activity of a volcano when a change in its activity is, or is expected to be of operational significance. This information is provided using the volcano level of colour code. When volcanic eruption in progress or volcano dangerous, eruption likely, with ash plume/cloud is reported above FL 250 or is expected to rise above FL 250, the level of alert colour code is
29 - General provisions for ATS - obstacle clearanceWhen does Air Traffic Control Services have the responsibility to prevent collisions with terrain?
30 - The height of the marks under the wings of heavier than air aircraft shall be:
31 - The licensing authority shall determine whether experience as pilot under instruction in a synthetic flight trainer which it has approved, is acceptable as part of the total flight time of 1 500 hours. Credit for such experience shall be limited to a maximum of:
32 - How far from other parking areas or installations is the parking area designated for aircraft subjected to unlawful interference to be not less than?
33 - An applicant for an Airline Transport Pilot Licence aeroplane shall have completed in aeroplanes not less than ...... hours, either as pilot in command or made up by not less than...... hours as pilot-in-command and the additional flight time as co-pilot performing, under the supervision of the pilot-in-command the duties and functions of a pilot in command provided that the method of supervision employed is acceptable to the licensing authority. The stated above hours are respectively:
34 - The ICAO annex which deals with entry and departure of cargo and other articles on international flights is:
35 - Instrument Departure Procedures - Obstacle ClearanceThe minimum obstacle clearance at the departure end of runway equals:
36 - The international convention defining rules relative to the responsibilities of international air carriers for the carriage of passengers, baggage and freight is the:
37 - When an aircraft subjected to an unlawful interference has landed it shall notify by the most expeditious means of the State of registry of the aircraft and the State of the operator of the landing and shall similarly transmit all other relevant information to the:
38 - The ground-air signal "NN" means:
39 - The 'Aerodrome Reference Code' is a code composed of two elements which are related to the aeroplane performance characteristics and dimensions. These elements are a combination of a number and a letter as in the example under listed:
40 - Arrival and departure documentation is acceptable in the form of:
41 - Each member state should designate an appropriate authority with its administration to be responsible for the development implementation and maintenance of a national aviation security programme. This programme should apply:
42 - The International Civil Aviation Organisation (I.C.
43 - An aircraft making a radar approach should be directed to execute a missed approach if no clearance to land has been received from the non-radar controller by the time the aircraft reaches a distance of:
44 - Procedures related to communication failure - IFR in VMCWhich procedure do you follow after having experienced a two way communication failure during a flight in accordance with IFR in VMC?
45 - Avoidance of collisionsThe highest priority for landing has:
46 - The light shown by an 'Aerodrome Identification Beacon' at a land aerodrome shall be:
47 - Standard Instrument Departure Procedures - Straight DeparturesA straight departure is one in which the initial departure track does not deviate from the alignment of the extended runway centre line by more than:
48 - Clearances will be issued by an ATC unit for the purpose of:
49 - When a member state allows police officers, security staff, bodyguards or other agents of foreign states to carry weapons in their territory for the protection of aircraft in flight, permission for the carriage of weapons should be conditional upon:
50 - Contracting States shall establish a rescue co-ordination centre:
51 - When a contracting state renders valid a licence issued by another contracting state the validity of the authorisation
52 - What is a 'barrette'?
53 - Search and Rescue signalsThe ground - air visual code for: 'REQUIRE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE' is:
54 - An aircraft which is being subjected to unlawful interference ('hijacked') and is forced to divert from the cleared track or cruising level without being able to communicate with ATS shall try to:
55 - According to international agreements wind direction shall be adjusted to the local variation and given in degrees magnetic:
56 - If the crew on an arriving aircraft approaching a controlled aerodrome will report 'field in sight', a clearance for 'visual approach' may be given under certain conditions
57 - The EAT has to be transmitted to the pilot as soon as possible, in case the expected delay is:
58 - According to JAR-FCL, successful completion of multi-crew co-operation (MCC) training shall be required to:
59 - When a person is found inadmissible and is returned to the operator for transport away from the territory of the state, the operator:
60 - According to PART-FCL, single pilot single-engine class ratings are valid for:
61 - A checklist of NOTAM currently in force shall be issued at the AFTN at intervals of:
62 - AIPWhich part of the AIP contains a brief description of the service(s) responsible for search and rescue?
63 - An applicant for a commercial pilot licence aeroplane shall have completed in aeroplanes not less than:
64 - In order to meet wake turbulence criteria, for arriving aircraft and using timed approaches, what minima shall be applied to aircraft landing behind a heavy or a medium aircraft?
65 - The white dumb-bell with black perpendicular bar indicates that:
66 - Two minutes separation may be used between departing aircraft if they are to fly on the same track, when:
67 - A State shall take adequate measures for the safety of passengers and crew of an aircraft which is subjected to an act of unlawful interference,
68 - Approach procedures - Arrival and approach segmentsIn an instrument approach procedure, the segment in which alignment and descent for landing are made is called:
69 - The (operator) proficiency check of a pilot took place the 15th of April. The validity of the previous proficiency check was the 30th of June. The period of the new proficiency check can be and can't exceed:
70 - An aircraft is considered to overtake another if it approaches the other aircraft from the rear on a line forming an angle of less than:
71 - At the commencement of final approach, if the controller possesses wind information in the form of components, significant changes in the mean surface wind direction and speed shall be transmitted to aircraft. The mean head-wind component significant change is:
72 - The speed limitation for IFR flights inside ATS airspace classified as C, when flying below3.050 m (10.000 ft) AMSL, is:
73 - What is the maximum speed adjustment that a pilot should be requested to make when under radar control and established on intermediate and final approach?
74 - In order to meet the wake turbulence criteria, what minimum separation should be applied when a medium aircraft is taking off behind a heavy aircraft and both are using the same runway?
75 - Instrument Departure Procedure - Wind correctionFlying an Instrument Departure Procedure pilots are expected to:
76 - The speed limitation for both IFR flights and VFR flights inside ATS airspace classified as B, when flying below 3.050 m (10.000 ft) AMLS, is:
77 - The criterion which shall be used to determine that a specific level is occupied by an aircraft shall be, (except that appropriate ATS authorities may specify a smaller criterion):
78 - Where an upper flight information region (UIR) is established, the procedures applicable there in:
79 - The second freedom of the air is the:
80 - Given:AGL = above ground level AMSL = above mean sea level FL = flight levelwithin uncontrolled airspace, the first usable level in IFR must provide a 500' margin above the following two levels:
81 - In a precision approach category I, lighting system, the single, two and three light sources on the centre line have a length of:
82 - The abbreviation PAPI stands for:
83 - Visual Flight RulesAn aircraft operating in accordance with VFR, above the sea at altitudes between 4500 ft and 9000 ft AMSL, outside controlled airspace shall maintain at least
84 - When on a RNP 1 route is indicated B235 Y, means that all turns shall be made within the allowable RNP tolerance of a tangential arc between the straight leg segments defined with a radius of:
85 - The longitudinal separation minima between aircraft departed from the same aerodrome and following the same track, and the preceding aircraft is maintaining a true airspeed of 40 kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft, is:
86 - The holder of a pilot's licence should inform the Authority of any illness which they are suffering which involves incapacity to undertake those functions to which the licence relates throughout a period of a certain number of days or more. The number of days is:
87 - Concerning to RNP (Required Navigation Performance) types, the indication RNP 4, represents a navigation accuracy of
88 - Holding procedures (outbound time)The outbound time in a holding pattern above 14000 ft in still air conditions is:
89 - Type ratings shall be established
90 - The 'estimated total time' in block 16 of a VFR flight plan is the estimated time:
91 - Whilst flying in an aerodrome's traffic circuit, an aircraft receives a series of green flashes from the tower. The aircraft:
92 - A signalman will ask the pilot to apply parking brakes by the following signals:
93 - What colour streamer identifies medical supplies dropped to survivors?
94 - High intensity obstacle lights should be:
95 - Search and RescueThe colour of droppable containers and streamers for medical supply and first aid equipment is
96 - The closure of a runway for a year, because of maintenance, will be published:
97 - The Warsaw convention and later amendments deals with:
98 - In the 'VASIS' , how many light units are in each wing bar?
99 - A radio communications, 'Distress' differs from 'Urgency' because in the first case:
100 - When an aircraft is experiencing difficulties, triggering of the alert phase is the responsibility of
101 - When independent parallel approaches are being conducted and vectoring to intercept the ILS localizer course or MLS final approach track, the final vector shall be such as to enable the aircraft to intercept the ILS localizer course or MLS final approach track at an angle not greater than:
102 - Independent parallel approaches may be conducted to parallel runways provided that:
103 - When a controlled flight inadvertently deviates from its current flight plan, ATC has to be informed in case:
104 - For an IFR flight to an airport equipped with navaids, the estimated time of arrival is the estimated time at which the aircraft:
105 - Accident, Incident notification and reporting.After landing, while taxiing towards the apron the landing gear sinks into a hole. Nobody gets injured, but the aircraft sustains a structural failure. This obliges the crew to delay the departure.
106 - Which action shall be taken by an aircraft in the traffic pattern of an aerodrome, experiencing radio failure to indicate difficulties which compel it to land without requiring immediate assistance?
107 - Approach Procedures - CirclingIt is permissible to eliminate from consideration a particular sector where a prominent obstacle exists in the visual manoeuvring (circling) area outside the final approach and missed approach area. When this option is exercised, the published procedure:
108 - SSR - TransponderWhen an aircraft is subjected to unlawful interference, the pilot-in-command shall indicate the situation by setting the transponder to Mode A, Code
109 - Each Contracting State shall establish measures to ensure that the aircraft operator is informed when passengers are obliged to travel because they have been the subject of judicial or administrative proceedings in order that appropriate security measures can be taken.
110 - Approach procedures - CirclingThe visual contact with the runway is lost on the down-wind leg, while circling to land following an instrument approach. You have to initiate a go-around:
111 - AIPWhich part of the AIP contains a list with 'Location Indicators'?
112 - According to the 'Aerodrome Reference Code', the 'Code Letter E' shall identify an aircraft wing span of:
113 - The system notifying in advance the circumstances requiring important changes in the methods of operation, based on common effective dates, is identified by the acronym:
114 - The duration of the period of currency of a medical assessment shall begin on the date:
115 - In the 'PAPI' system the pilot during an approach will see the two units nearest the runway as red and the two units farthest from the runway as white when:
116 - OCAAn OCA is referenced to:
117 - According to JAR-FCL, the validity of type ratings and multi-engine class ratings will be one year from the date:
118 - When conducting a surveillance radar approach, the radar controller shall terminate the surveillance radar approach, except as determined by the appropriate ATS authority, at a distance of:
119 - Which condition is requested so that an aerodrome may be considered controlled?
120 - The holder of a pilot licence, when acting as co-pilot of an aircraft required to be operated with a co-pilot, shall be entitled to be credit with not more than: