1 - In the ATC flight plan Item 15, for a flight along a designated route, where the departure aerodrome is not on or connected to that route:
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2 - What mean temperature (°C) is likely on a course of 360° (T) from 40°N to 50°N at 040°E ?
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3 - An aircraft flies at a TAS of 380 kt. It flies from A to B and back to
4 - How many feet you have to climb to reach FL 75?Given: FL 75 departure aerodrome elevation 1500'QNH = 1023 hPatemperature = ISA1 hPa = 30'
5 - Given: True course (TC) 017°, W/V 340°/30 kt, True air speed (TAS) 420 kt Find: Wind correction angle (WCA) and ground speed (GS)
6 - When completing an ATC flight plan for a European destination, clock times are to be expressed in:
7 - On an ATC flight plan, an aircraft indicated as 'H' for 'Heavy'
8 - After flying for 16 min at 100 kt TAS with a 20 kt tail wind component, you have to return to the airfield of departure. You will arrive after:
9 - In an ATC flight plan Item 15, in order to define a position as a bearing and distance from a VOR, the group of figures should consist of:
10 - During a flight the fuel indicators show that the remaining amount of fuel is 100 lbs after 38 minutes. The total amount of fuel at departure was 160 lbs. For the alternate fuel, 30 lbs is necessary. The planned fuel for taxi is 13 lbs. Final reserve fuel is estimated at 50 lbs. If the fuel flow remains the same, how many minutes can be flown to the destination with the remaining fuel?
11 - You are flying a constant compass heading of 252°. Variation is 22°E, deviation is 3°W and your INS is showing a drift of 9° right. True track is ?
12 - When filling in an ATC flight plan before departure, the time information which should be entered in item 13: 'Time' is:
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13 - In an ATC flight plan, Item 15 (route), a cruising pressure altitude of 32000 feet would be entered as:
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14 - Given:Distance from departure to destination 140 NM GS Out 90 ktGS Home 80 kt What is the distance of the PET from the departure point?
15 - When a pilot fills in an ATC flight plan, he must indicate the wake turbulence category. This category is a function of which mass?
16 - Following in-flight depressurisation, a turbine powered aeroplane is forced to divert to anen-route alternate airfield. If actual flight conditions are as forecast, the minimum quantity of fuel remaining on arrival at the airfield will be:
17 - For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows: Flight time: 3h06minThe reserve fuel, at any time, should not be less than 30% of the remaining trip fuel. Taxi fuel: 8 kgBlock fuel: 118 kgHow much fuel should remain after 2 hours flight time?
18 - The fuel burn off is 200 kg/h with a relative fuel density of 0.8. If the relative density is 0.75, the fuel burn will be:
19 - The Trip Fuel for a jet aeroplane to fly from the departure aerodrome to the destination aerodrome is 5 350 kg. Fuel consumption in holding mode is 6 000 kg/h. The quantity of fuel which is needed to carry out one go-around and land on the alternate airfield is 4 380 kg. The destination aerodrome has a single runway. What is the minimum quantity of fuel which should be on board at take-off?
20 - The true course is 042°.The variation in the area is 6° W and the wind is calm. The deviation card is reproduced in the annex In order to follow this course, the pilot must fly a compass heading of:
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21 - What is the temperature deviation (°C) from ISA over 50° N 010°E ?
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22 - General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4Flying from Position SIGMARINGEN (48°05'N, 009°13'E) to BIBERACH airport (48°07'N, 009°46'E). Find magnetic course and the distance.
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23 - Given: Maximum allowable take-off mass 64 400 kg maximum landing mass 56200 kgmaximum zero fuel mass 53 000 kgdry operating mass 35 500 kgestimated load 14 500 kg estimated trip fuel 4 900 kgminimum take-off fuel 7 400 kg.Find: maximum additional load
24 - Which is the heaviest type of precipitation, if any, forecast for BORDEAUX/MERIGNAC at 1000 UTC ?
25 - How many hours in advance of EOBT should a ATC flight plan be filed in the case of flights into areas subject to air traffic flow management (ATFM)?
26 - The lowest cloud conditions (oktas/ft) at BORDEAUX/MERIGNAC at 1330 UTC were
27 - 'Integrated range' curves or tables are presented in the Aeroplane Operations Manuals. Their purpose is
28 - Given:Distance from departure to destination: 950 NM Endurance: 3,5 hTAS: 360 ktGround Speed Out: 320 kt Ground Speed Home: 400 ktWhat is the distance and time of the PSR from the departure point?
29 - Item 9 of the ATC flight plan includes 'NUMBER AND TYPE OF AIRCRAFT'. In this case 'NUMBER' means:
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30 - A sector distance is 450 NM long. The TAS is 460 kt. The wind component is 50 kt tailwind. What is the still air distance?
31 - Refer to the General Student Pilot Route Manual ED-4:Flying VFR from PEITING (47°48.0'N, 010°55.5'E) to IMMENSTADT (47°33.5'N, 010°13.0'E).Determine the minimum altitude within a corridor 5 NM left and 5 NM right of the courseline in order to stay 1000' clear of obstacles.
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32 - The maximum permissible take-off mass of an aircraft for the L wake turbulence category on an ATC flight plan is:
33 - For the purposes of Item 9 (Wake turbulence category) of the ATC flight plan, an aircraft with a maximum certificated take-off mass of 62000 kg is:
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34 - See TRM (VFR), Aberdeen (Dyce) Information Page (19- 6)What is the designated departure route when using Runway 23 in bad weather and/or low visibility?
35 - In the ATC flight plan item 15, it is necessary to enter any point at which a change of cruising speed takes place. For this purpose a 'change of speed' is defined as:
36 - Which of the following statements is (are) correct with regard to computer flight plans1. The computer takes account of bad weather on the route and adds extra fuel.2. The computer calculates alternate fuel sufficient for a missed approach, climb, cruise, descent and approach and landing at the destination alternate.
37 - The following fuel consumption figures are given for a jet aeroplane:-standard taxi fuel: 600 kg.-average cruise consumption: 10 000 kg/h.-holding fuel consumption at 1500 ft above alternate airfield elevation: 8000 kg/h.-flight time from departure to destination: 6 hours-fuel for diversion to alternate: 10 200 kg. The minimum ramp fuel load is:
38 - The planned flight is over a distance of 440 NMBased on the wind charts at altitude the following components are found: FL50: -30kt FL100: -50kt FL180: -70ktThe Operations Manual in appendix details the aircraft's performances Which of the following flight levels (FL) gives the best range performance:
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39 - Refer to CAP697 Section 4 - MRJT1 Page 21 Figure 4.5.1 En-route Climb 280/0.74 (continued)Find: Time, Fuel, Still Air Distance and TAS for an enroute climb 280/.74 to FL 350. Given: Brake release mass 64000 kg, ISA +10°C, airport elevation 3000'
40 - Refer to the General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4 Give the frequency of STUTTGART ATIS.
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41 - Refer to the Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4Flying VFR from VILLINGEN (48°03.5'N, 008°27.0'E) to FREUDENSTADT (48°28.0'N, 008°24.0'E).Determine the minimum altitude within a corridor 5 NM left and 5 NM right of the courseline in order to stay 1000' clear of obstacles.
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42 - When completing Item 9 of the ATC flight plan, if there is no appropriate aircraft designator, the following should be entered:
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43 - Refer to the Jeppesen General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4An aeroplane is flying VFR and approaching position TANGO VORTAC (48°37'N, 009°16'E) at FL 055 and magnetic course 090°, distance from VORTAC TANGO 20 NM.What is the frequency of the TANGO VORTAC.
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44 - Given:Distance from departure to destination 150 NM True track 142W/V 200/15TAS 132 kt What is the distance of the PET from the departure point?
45 - Refer to General Student Pilot Route Manual:In the ATC flight plan Item 10, 'standard equipment' is considered to be:
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46 - See Flight planning Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.3 Table 2.3.1.Using the Power Setting Table, for the single engine aeroplane, determine the cruise TAS and fuel flow (lbs/hr) with full throttle and cruise lean mixture in the following conditionsGiven:OAT: 3°CPressure altitude: 6000 ftPower: Full throttle / 21,0 in/Hg./ 2100 RPM
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47 - Given:Distance from departure to destination: 2000 NM Endurance: 5 hTAS: 500 ktGround Speed Out: 480 kt Ground Speed Home: 520 ktWhat is the distance of the PSR from the departure point?
48 - The Trip Fuel for a jet aeroplane to fly from the departure aerodrome to the destination aerodrome is 5 350 kg. Fuel consumption in holding mode is 6 000 kg/h. The quantity of fuel which is needed to carry out one go-around and land on the alternate airfield is 4 380 kg. The destination aerodrome has a single runway What is the minimum quantity of fuel which should be on board at take-off?
49 - What is the mean temperature deviation (°C) from the ISA over 50°N 010°W ?
50 - Refer to the Student Pilot Route Manual - PARIS CDG Plate 20-3: Planning an IFR-flight from Paris (Charles de Gaulle) RWY 27 to London. Given: Distance from PARIS Charles-de-Gaulle to top of climb 50 NM Determine the distance from the top of climb (TOC) to ABB 116.6.
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51 - Minimum planned take-off fuel is 160 kg (30% total reserve fuel is included). Assume the groundspeed on this trip is constant. When the aircraft has done half the distance the remaining fuel is 70 kg. Is diversion to a nearby alternate necessary?
52 - Refer to CAP697 Section 4 - MRJT1 Figures 4.5.2 and Given: Distance C - D: 540 NMCruise 300 KIAS at FL 210 Temperature Deviation from ISA: +20°C Headwind component: 50 ktGross mass at C: 60 000 kgThe fuel required from C to D is:
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53 - True Air speed: 170 ktWind in the area: 270°/40 kt According to the attached the navigation log, an aircraft performs a turn overhead BULEN to re-route to ARD via TGJ.The given wind conditions remaining constant. The fuel consumption during the turn is 20 litres.The total fuel consumption at position overhead ARD will be:
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54 - From which of the following would you expect to find facilitation information regarding customs and health formalities ?
55 - Refer to CAP697 Section 4 - MRJT1 Page 75 Figure 4.7.2 Area of Operation - Diversion Distance One Engine InoperativeUsing the above table, in ISA conditions and at a speed of M.70/280KIAS, in an elapsed time of 90 minutes an aircraft with mass at point of diversion 48000 kg could divert a distance of:
56 - What lowest cloud conditions (oktas/ft) are forecast for JOHANNESBURG/JAN SMUTS at 0300 UTC?
57 - The fuel burn of an aircraft turbine engine is 220 l/h with a fuel density of 0,80. If the density is 0,75, the fuel burn will be:
58 - For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows: Flight time: 2h42minThe reserve fuel, at any time, should not be less than 30% of the remaining trip fuel. Taxi fuel: 9 kgBlock fuel: 136 kgHow much fuel should remain after 2 hours flight time?
59 - An aircraft is flying at MACH 0.84 at FL 330. The static air temperature is -48°C and the headwind component 52 Kt. At 1338 UTC the controller requests the pilot to cross the meridian of 030W at 1500 UTC. Given the distance to go is 570 NM, the reduced MACH No. should be:
60 - Refer to the Student Pilot Route Manual - North Atlantic Plotting Chart.On a direct great circle course from Shannon (5243N 00853W) to Gander (4854N 05432W), the(a) average true course, and(b) distance, are:
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61 - Given: Maximum allowable take-off mass 64400 kg, Maximum landing mass 56200 kg, Maximum zero fuel mass 53000 kg, Dry operating mass 35500 kg, Traffic load 14500 kg, Trip fuel 4900 kg, Take-off fuel 7400 kgFind: Maximum additional load
62 - A repetitive flight plan (RPL) is filed for a scheduled flight: Paris-Orly to Angouleme, Paris Orly as alternate. Following heavy snow falls, Angouleme airport will be closed at the expected time of arrival. The airline decides before departure to plan a re-routing of thatflight to Limoges.
63 - A 'current flight plan' is a:
64 - Refer to CAP 697 Section 2 SEP1 Page 3 Figure 2.1 Time, Fuel and Distance to Climb. Given: Take-off mass 3500 lbs, departure aerodrome pressure altitude 2500 ft,OAT +10°C,First cruising level: FL 140, OAT -5°CFind the time, fuel and still air distance to climb.
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65 - The planned departure time from the parking area is 1815 UTC The estimated take-off time is 1825 UTCThe flight plan must be filed with ATC at the latest at:
66 - Which of the following statements regarding filing a ATC flight plan is correct?
67 - Find the SHORT DISTANCE CRUISE ALTITUDE for the twin jet aeroplane.Given: Brake release mass=45000 kg, Temperature=ISA + 20°C, Trip distance=50 Nautical Air Miles (NAM)
68 - Refer to JAR Student Pilot Route Manual, Paris, Charles-de-Gaulle (Plate 20- 2): The route distance from CHIEVRES (CIV) to BOURSONNE (BSN) is:
69 - Refer to 5AT(HI):On airway PTS P from Vigra (62°334N 006°02'E), the initial great circle grid course is:
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70 - In the ATC flight plan item 15, when entering a route for which standard departure (SID) and standard arrival (STAR) procedures exist:
71 - A flight has to be made with a multi engine piston aeroplane (MEP 1 Fig. 3. 3). For the fuel calculations take 5 US gallons for the taxi, and an additional 13 minutes at cruise condition to account for climb and descent. Calculated time overhead to overhead is 2h37min. Power setting is 65%, 2500 RPM. Calculated reserve fuel is 30% of the trip fuel. FL 120. Temperature 1°C. Find the minimum block fuel.
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72 - In the ATC flight plan Item 19, if the number of passengers to be carried is not known when the plan is ready for filing:
73 - An aircraft, following a 215° true track at variation 3°W, must fly over a 10 600 ft obstacle with a minimum obstacle clearance of 1 500 ft. Knowing the QNH received from an airport close by, which is almost at sea-level, is 1035 and the temperature is ISA -15°C, the minimum flight level will be:
74 - An aircraft has a maximum certificated take-off mass of 137000 kg but is operating at take- off mass 135000 kg. In Item 9 of the ATC flight plan its wake turbulence category is:
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75 - Refer to the General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4Give the name and frequency of the Flight Information Service for an aeroplane in position (47°59'N, 010°14'E) at 5000'.
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76 - Given:Distance from departure to destination: 210 NM Endurance: 2,5 hTrue Track: 035 W/V: 250/20TAS: 105 kt What is the distance of the PSR from the departure point?
77 - In the ATC flight plan Item 10 (equipment), the letter to indicate the carriage of a serviceable transponder - mode A (4 digits-4096 codes) and mode C, is:
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78 - Given:Dry operating mass (DOM)= 33000 kg Traffic Load= 8110 kgFinal reserve fuel= 983 kg Alternate fuel= 1100 kg Contingency fuel 102 kgThe estimated landing mass at alternate should be:
79 - In the ATC flight plan Item 15, a cruising speed of 470 knots will be entered as:
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80 - The navigation plan reads: Trip fuel: 100 kgFlight time: 1h35min Taxi fuel: 3 kgBlock fuel: 181 kgThe endurance on the ICAO flight plan should read:
81 - The maximum wind velocity (°/kt) shown in the vicinity of MUNICH (48°N 012°E) is:
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82 - Given:Distance from departure to destination 1950 NM GS Out 400 ktGS Home 300 kt What is the time of the PET from the departure point?
83 - Given:Distance from departure to destination: 3750 NM Endurance: 9,5 hTrue Track: 360 W/V: 360/50TAS: 480 kt What is the distance of the PSR from the departure point?
84 - Given the following: D = flight distanceX = distance to Point of Equal Time GSo = groundspeed outGSr = groundspeed return The correct formula to find distance to Point of Equal Time is:
85 - Given:Distance from departure to destination 340 NM True track 320W/V 160/40 TAS 110 ktWhat is the distance of the PET from the departure point?
86 - In an ATC flight plan Item 15 (route), in terms of latitude and longitude, a significant point at 41°35' north 4°15' east should be entered as:
87 - Given:Distance from departure to destination 2800 NM True track 140W/V 140/100TAS 500 k What is the distance and time of the PET from the departure point?
88 - Refer to the General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4Flying VFR from PEITING (47°48.0'N, 010°55.5'E) to IMMENSTADT (47°33.5'N, 010°13.0'E)determine the magnetic course.
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89 - Refer to CAP697 Section 4 - MRJT1 Page 2 Figure 4.1 / 4.2 and Page 41 Figure Estimated take-off mass 57000 kg, Ground distance 150 NM, Temperature ISA -10°C, Cruise at 0.74 MachFind: Cruise altitude and expected true air speed
90 - When completing an ATC flight plan for a flight commencing under IFR but possibly changing to VFR, the letters entered in Item 8 (FLIGHT RULES) would be:
91 - Refer to the General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4 Which navigation aid is located in position 48°23'N, 008°39'E?
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92 - The W/V (°/kt) at 60° N015° W is
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93 - Given:Dry operating mass (DOM)= 33510 kg Traffic Load= 7600 kgTrip fuel (TF)= 2040 kg Final reserve fuel= 983 kg Alternate fuel= 1100 kgContingency fuel= 5% of trip fuelWhich of the listed estimated masses is correct?
94 - In the ATC flight plan item 7, for a radio equipped aircraft, the identifier must always:
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95 - A public transport aeroplane with reciprocating engines, the final reserve should be:
96 - Given:X = Distance A to point of equal time (PET) between A and B E = EnduranceD = Distance A to B O = Groundspeed 'on'H = Groundspeed 'back'The formula for calculating the distance X to point of equal time (PET) is:
97 - Given: true course (TC) 017 W/V 340/30 TAS 420 kt Find: wind correction angle (WCA) and ground speed (GS)
98 - A descent is planned from 7500 ft AMSL so as to arrive at 1000 ft AMSL 6 NM from a VORTAC.With a GS of 156 kts and a rate of descent of 800 ft/min. The distance from the VORTAC when descent is started is:
99 - Given:Distance from departure to destination 2800 NM True track 140W/V 140/100TAS 500 kt What is the distance and time of the PET from the departure point?
100 - An aeroplane has the following masses: ESTLWT= 50 000 kgTrip fuel= 4 300 kg Contingency fuel= 215 kgAlternate fuel (final reserve included)= 2 100kg Taxi= 500 kgBlock fuel= 7 115 kgBefore departure the captain orders to make the block fuel 9 000 kg. The trip fuel in the operational flight plan should read:
101 - In the cruise at FL 155 at 260 kt TAS, the pilot plans for a 500 feet/min descent in order to fly overhead MAN VOR at 2000 feet (QNH 1030). TAS will remain constant during descent, wind is negligible, temperature is standard.The pilot must start the descent at a distance from MAN of:
102 - When an ATC flight plan is submitted for a flight outside designated ATS routes, points included in Item 15 (route) should not normally be at intervals of more than:
103 - Refer to Student Pilot Route Manual Amsterdam, Schipol (Plate 10- 3):Which of the following statements is correct for ANDIK departures from runway 19L?
104 - See TRM, De Kooy Area chart (19- 1)What is the minimum altitude it is permissible to fly over the "Quiet Zone" in the vicinity of DE KOOY?
105 - Refer to the Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4Flying from ERBACH airport (48°21'N, 009°55'E) to POLTRINGEN airport (48°33'N, 008°57'E). Find magnetic course and the distance.
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106 - Given:Distance from departure to destination: 210 NM Endurance: 3,5 hTrue Track: 310 W/V: 270/30TAS: 120 kt What is the distance of the PSR from the departure point?
107 - Given:Distance from departure to destination 1860 NM GS Out 360 KTGS Home 400 KTWhat is the time of the PET from the departure point?
108 - In the ATC flight plan Item 19, emergency and survival equipment carried on the flight should be indicated by:
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109 - Refer to the Jeppesen General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4Flying VFR from VILLINGEN (48°03.5'N, 008°27.0'E) to FREUDENSTADT (48°28.0'N,008°24.0'E) determine the magnetic course.
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110 - Refer to the General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4:Flying from SAULGAU airport (48°02'N, 009°31'E) to ALTENSTADT airport (47°50'N, 010°53'E). Find magnetic course and the distance.
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111 - Which of the following statements is (are) correct with regard to the advantages of computer flight plans ?1. The computer can file the ATC flight plan.2. Wind data used by the computer is always more up-to-date than that available to the pilot.
112 - Given: FL 330 long range cruiseOAT -63°Cgross mass 50 500 kg. Find: true airspeed (TAS)
113 - Refer to CAP697 MRJT1 Figure 4.5.4 (Descent)A descent is planned at .74/250KIAS from 35000ft to 5000ft. How much fuel will be consumed during this descent?
114 - Given: maximum allowable take-off mass 64400 kg maximum landing mass 56200 kgmaximum zero fuel mass 53000 kg dry operating mass 35500 kg estimated load 14500 kg estimated trip fuel 4900kg minimum take-off fuel 7400 kgFind the maximum allowable take-off fuel:
115 - Refer to the Jeppesen General Student Pilot Route Manual - VFR Chart ED-4Flying VFR from VILLINGEN (48°03.5'N, 008°27.0'E) to FREUDENSTADT (48°28.0'N,008°24.0'E) determine the distance.
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116 - Given:Distance from departure to destination: 180 NM Endurance: 2 hTAS: 120 ktGround Speed Out: 135 kt Ground Speed Home: 105 ktWhat is the distance and time of the PSR from the departure point?
117 - The required time for final reserve fuel for turbojet aeroplane is:
118 - Refer to the Student Pilot Route Manual - 5 AT (HI)The initial great circle true course from Keflavik (64°00'N 022°36' W) to Vigra (62°33'N 006°02'E) measures 084°. On a polar enroute chart where the grid is aligned with the 000° meridian the initial grid course will be:
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119 - Given: true course (TC) 017 W/V 340/30TAS 420 kt Find: wind correction angle (WCA) and ground speed (GS)
120 - Flight planning chart for an aircraft states, that the time to reach the cruising level at a given gross mass is 36 min and the distance travelled is 157 NM (zero-wind). What will be the distance travelled with an average tailwind component of 60 KT?