1 - 1. Psychosomatic means that a physiological problem is followed by psychological stress.2. Psychosomatic complaints hardly occur in professional aviation because of the strict selection for this particular profession .
2 - Check the following statements:1. The first information received determines how subsequent information will be evaluated.2. If one has made up one's mind, contradictory information may not get the attention it really needs.3. With increasing stress, channelizing attention is limiting the flow of information to the central decision maker (CNS).
3 - The main purpose of lumbar support is to:
4 - What is the name for the sensation of rotation occurring during flight and which is caused by multiple stimulation of several semicircular canals at the same time?
5 - Disturbance of the biological clock appears after a:1. bad night's sleep2. day flight Amsterdam - New York3. day flight Amsterdam - Johannesburg4. night flight New York - Amsterdam
6 - Having a serious cold it is better not to fly, due to the extra risk of:1. flatulence2. pain in the ear during descent3. vertigo4. pain in the nasal sinuses
7 - An identical situation can be experienced by one pilot as exciting in a positive sense and by another pilot as threatening. In both cases:
8 - Breathing pure oxygen (without pressure) will be sufficient up to an altitude of:
9 - As a result of automation in cockpits,
10 - The Somatogravic illusion gives the pilot a false impression of:
11 - General Adaptation Syndrome is characterised by the following phases: 1: alarm2: alert phase3: resistance phase4: exhaustion phase5: vigilance phase
12 - By 'long duration acceleration', we mean that it lasts more than:
13 - Which of the following statements concerning barotrauma are correct?
14 - To optimise one's night-vision performance, it is necessary:- 1: to spend some time getting adapted to low levels of illumination- 2: to increase the instrument panel lighting by reducing the cockpit lighting- 3: not to focus on the point to be observed- 4: to avoid blinding sources of light
15 - The cornea and the crystalline lens of the eye:
16 - An engine low oil pressure light has just illuminated. The pilot feels some stress building up. He should:
17 - Although the anticipation of possible events is a good attitude for pilots to acquire, it can sometimes lead to hazardous situations. With this statement in mind, select the response below which could lead to such a hazard:
18 - You climb from 0 to 50.000 ft and measure the decrease of the pressure per 5.000 ft. The absolute difference in barometric pressure is greatest between:
19 - The function of the Eustachian tube is to equalise the pressure between the:
20 - Flying at pressure altitude of 10 000 ft, a pilot, being a moderate to heavy smoker, has an oxygen content in the blood equal to an altitude
21 - The ideal cockpit can be termed as:
22 - What counter-measure can be used against barotrauma of the middle ear?
23 - Disorientation is more likely to occur when the pilot is:1. flying in IMC2. frequently changing between inside and outside references3. flying from IMC into VMC4. approaching over still water at night
24 - What elements establish synergy within the crew ?
25 - A passenger complains about a painful inflated belly at 8.000 feet. You advise him to:1. unbuckle and massage the belly2. stand up and let go the gases out of the intestines3. eat less gas forming food and avoid carbonhydrated beverages before flight in the future4. drink a lot of water throughout the flight
26 - Up to what altitude is blood oxygen saturation reduction unlikely to affect a pilot's judgement?
27 - The type of hypoxia, which occurs at altitude is a explained by:
28 - Fatigue and stress
29 - The blood in the pulmonary artery is:
30 - Which procedure is recommended to prevent or overcome spatial disorientation?
31 - The atmosphere contains the following gases:
32 - Cognitive evaluation which leads to stress is based on:
33 - The retina allows for colour perception as a result of the:
34 - Information received from the senses is lost:
35 - Henry's Law explains the occurrence of:
36 - The fovea is
37 - Define hypoxia and explain why living tissues require oxygen.
38 - A pilot becomes skilled when he / she: 1: trains or practises regularly2: knows how to manage himself / herself3: possesses all the knowledge associated with his aircraft4: knows how to keep resources in reserve for coping with the unexpected
39 - Which gas most readily combines with haemoglobin?
40 - Which of the following statements is correct?1. Psychosomatic means that mental and/or emotional stressors can be manifested in physical reactions.2. Psychosomatic means that a physical problem is always followed by psychological stress.
41 - The semicircular canals of the inner ear monitor
42 - Which of the following answers is correct?
43 - How can the process of learning be facilitated?
44 - Excessive exposure to noise can damage:
45 - The Coriolis effect in spatial disorientation occurs as a result of:
46 - How can vertigo be prevented in conditions of good visibility?
47 - The Leans or Somatogyral illusion can be caused by:
48 - The 'Black hole' phenomenon occurs during approaches at night and over water, jungle or desert. When the pilot is lacking visual cues other than those of the aerodrome there is an illusion of
49 - Alcohol, even when taken in minor quantities
50 - Although we have a field of vision of more than 180° it is important during flight to use the scanning technique, because:
51 - The two types of fatigue are:
52 - According to the different phases of the 'General Adaptation Syndrome'which of the following statement/s is/are correct?1. During the alarm phase stress hormones (i.e. adrenaline) will cause a massive release of glucose into the blood, an acceleration of pulse and blood pressure as well as an increase in the rate and depth of breathing2. During the resistance phase the parasympathetic system uses a different type of hormone (cortisol) assisting to convert fat into sugar thus providing sufficient energy supply to the brain and body cells for sustained operation.3. During the exhaustion phase the body has to be given time to eliminate the waste products which have been generated excessively during the two preceding phases,
53 - The thin walls of capillaries are permeable for:
54 - The first step for an individual's cure of alcoholism is:
55 - You can overcome hyperventilation by breathing into a plastic or paper bag. The intention is:
56 - Which of the following list are symptoms of fatigue?1. Diminished accommodation2. Slowed reactions3. Long-term memory access problems4. Being over-talkative5. Diminished motor skills
57 - How do you understand the statement 'one cannot not communicate'?
58 - Flickering light when reflected from spinning rotor blades
59 - A person being exposed to extreme or prolonged stress factors can perceive:
60 - Barotrauma caused by gas accumulation in the stomach and intestines can lead to:
61 - The proprioceptive senses (seat-of-the-pants sense) are important for motor coordination. They
62 - The risk of spatial disorientation increases when:
63 - When problem-solving, what determines the transition from rule-based activities to knowledge-based activities?
64 - Vitamin A and possibly vitamins B and C are chemical factors and essential to good night vision:1. Vitamin deficiencies may decrease night vision performance2. An excess intake of vitamin A will improve night vision performance significantly3. Pilots should be carefully concerned to take a balanced diet containing sufficient vitamin A4. Vitamin deficiencies may decrease visual acuity in photopic vision but not in scotopic vision
65 - The human ear is capable of perceiving vibrations between the frequencies
66 - What are the main factors which bring about reduced or low vigilance (hypovigilance) ?1. The monotony of the task2. Tiredness and the need for sleep3. A lack of stimulation4. Excessive stress
67 - Can you suffer from aerodontalgia in the descent?
68 - You fly VFR from your home base (runway width 27 m), to an international airport (runway width 45 m). On reaching your destination there is a risk of performing a:
69 - According to Rasmussen's model, errors in rule-based control mode are of the following type(s):
70 - Concerning the capacity of the human long-term memory
71 - What should a pilot do to optimise his/her night vision (scotopic vision)?
72 - The semicircular canals form part of the
73 - The pressoreceptors are located in
74 - The area in front of a threshold descends towards the threshold. Possible danger is:
75 - Which sensations does a pilot get, when he is rolling out of a prolonged level turn?
76 - Galactic Radiation is:
77 - A shining light is fading out (i. e. when flying into fog, dust or haze). What kind of illusion could the pilot get?
78 - Saturation of oxygen in the blood at sea level is approximately 98%. This saturation decreases with:1. decreasing air pressure2. carbon monoxide poisoning3. increasing altitude4. increasing air pressure
79 - A pilot, accelerating or decelerating in level flight may get:
80 - The assessment of risk in a particular situation will be based on
81 - In order to limit stress when flying, a pilot should:
82 - The heart muscle is supplied with blood by:
83 - Which of the following applies when alcohol has been consumed?
84 - The performance of the man machine system is above all:
85 - The first cockpit tool that tends to suffer as a result of stress:
86 - What diseases can be associated with contaminated water?
87 - The system which controls breathing, digestion, heart rate, etc., over which there is no voluntary control, is:
88 - How is oxygen mainly transported in the blood?
89 - What is a stressor?
90 - Illusions that pilots experience in conditions of fog or mist are that:
91 - Ozone in the air of a pressurized cabin can be eliminated by:
92 - The requirement of good sunglasses is to
93 - The maintenance of man's internal equilibrium is called:
94 - Astigmatism is caused by:
95 - Which statement is correct ?
96 - The process of responding to a sender by confirming the reception of a message is called
97 - Which of the following mechanisms regulate body temperature when exposed to extreme high environmental temperatures?-1: Shivering-2: Vaso-constriction of peripheral blood vessels-3: Sweating-4: Vaso-dilation of peripheral blood vessels
98 - A stereotype and involuntary reaction of the organism on stimulation of receptors is called:
99 - Which force(s) affect(s) the otoliths in the utriculus and sacculus?
100 - The volume of air exchanged during a normal breathing cycle (tidal volume) is about:
101 - Which biases relate to human decision making?1. Personal experience tends to alter the perception of the risk of an event occurring2. There is a natural tendency to want to confirm our decision even in the face of facts which contradict it3. The group to which an individual belongs tends to influence the particular decision4. There is natural tendency to select only objective facts for decision-making purposes
102 - What is meant by the term 'complacency'?
103 - Rods (scotopic visual cells) allow for:
104 - Which of the following symptoms can indicate hypoxia?1. Blue lips and finger nails.2. Euphoria.3. Flatulence.4 .Unconsciousness..
105 - The level at which a pilot will experience a situation as stressful
106 - Pilot stress reactions:
107 - The changes in atmospheric gas pressure with altitude are:
108 - With regard to the average influence of age on pilot performance, it may be said that age:
109 - The barometric pressure has dropped to 1/2 of the pressure at sea level at
110 - Which statement applies to hypoxia?
111 - Generally, the time required for dark adaptation is:
112 - An example of conflict between status and role is:
113 - When a pilot is starring at an isolated stationary light for several seconds in the dark he might get the illusion that:
114 - What human function is most sensitive to lack of oxygen?
115 - A pilot may get the illusion of low altitude on approach although the aircraft is on the correct glidepath:
116 - Scanning at night should be performed by:
117 - In 1972, a psychologist named Edwards presented a concept of the interface between flight crew and other parts of the airspace environment. What is this concept called and the names of those elements involved?
118 - The main limitation of the long-term memory is:
119 - Flights immediately after SCUBA-diving (compressed gas mixtures, bottles) (>10 m depth)
120 - The Vestibular Apparatus consists of the: