Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Human Performance and Limitations, no time limit

1 - CRM and MCC training are designed to improve:
2 - Someone who has anaemia has:
3 - What can be said concerning the following two statements?1. Euphoria can be a symptom of hypoxia.2. Someone in an euphoric condition is more prone to error.
4 - The sleep cycles repeat during the course of a night's sleep.1. Each succeeding cycle contains a greater amount of REM-sleep.2. Frequent interruption of the REM-sleep may be harmful.
5 - When the weather is foggy, on approach, a pilot may get a feeling of:
6 - Define hypoxia and explain why living tissues require oxygen.
7 - In a complex task high levels of arousal
8 - When suffering from Hypoxia short-term memory impairment starts at approximately at:
9 - When the optical image forms in front of the retina
10 - The part(s) of the eye responsible for night vision: