Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Human Performance and Limitations, no time limit

1 - A pilot who is trying to pick up a fallen object from the cockpit floor during a tight turn, may experience:
2 - Mode error is associated with:
3 - The function of the Eustachian tube is to equalise the pressure between the:
4 - A passenger complains about a painful inflated belly at 8.000 feet. You advise him to:1. unbuckle and massage the belly2. stand up and let go the gases out of the intestines3. eat less gas forming food and avoid carbonhydrated beverages before flight in the future4. drink a lot of water throughout the flight
5 - Healthy people are usually capable of compensating for a lack of oxygen up to:
6 - When considering the eating-habits of pilots:
7 - Stress is a frequent aspect of the pilot's job. Under which of the following circumstances does it occur?1. Stress occurs whenever the pilot must revise his plan of action and does not immediately have a solution2. Stress occurs with inexperienced pilots when the situational demands exceed their individual capabilities3. Stress occurs if a pilot is convinced that he will not be able to find a solution for the problem he/she faces.
8 - As a cause of accidents, the human factor:
9 - Glaucoma is:
10 - How can a pilot increase his tolerance to +Gz ?