1 - The minimum longitudinal separation of two aircraft flying in MNPS airspace at the same Flight Level, on the same track and with the same Mach number is:
2 - The general information, instructions and recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods are specified in the:
3 - During a transoceanic and polar flight, the chart precession is a rotation in degrees, for a moving aircraft, of the gyro North with respect to the:
4 - Assuming that the operator is approved by his national authorities, carriage of dangerous goods is allowed, provided that:
5 - On board a non-pressurised aircraft, 10% of the passengers shall be supplied with oxygen throughout the entire flight time, after 30 minutes at pressure altitude greater than:
6 - Penetration into the NAT MNPS airspace is:
7 - The holdover time of an anti-icing procedure will vary considerably depending on the ambient temperature and the weather conditions. For a given ambient temperature, the longest protection will be in weather conditions of:
8 - If all long range navigation systems of an aircraft become unserviceable during a flight in MNPS airspace, and if no instructions are received from the air traffic control, you must consider:
9 - The validity period of a nigh-time organised track system in MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace is normally at 30°W, between:
10 - For two-engined aeroplanes not approved for ETOPS, the take-off alternate, if required, shall be located (in still air conditions) within:
11 - The tyre pressure of an aeroplane main landing gear is 10,8 bars. There is a risk of hydroplaning as soon as the speed reaches:
12 - The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) defines the equipment which can be inoperative when undertaking a flight and the additional procedures under which this allowance can be accepted . The Mel is drawn up by:
13 - If no meteorological information is available for the destination, the operator must:
14 - When leaving the MNPS oceanic control area for a domestic controlled area, the pilot has to:
15 - Who must finally determine that the load and its distribution is such that the mass and balance limits of the aircraft are not exceeded and confirm their acceptance by countersigning the mass and balance documentation?
16 - OPS 1 applies to:
17 - A pilot whose aircraft does not have MNPS certification has to fly via the SHANNON-GANDER great circle. The flight can be planned:
18 - In case of a hi-jack, the squawk code is:
19 - A commander shall not take-off for an IFR flight unless information is available indicating that the expected weather conditions at the destination and/or required alternate aerodrome(s) are:
20 - Assuming contaminated runway conditions, if an aeroplane's main wheel tyre pressure is 206 psi., the approximate speed above which dynamic hydroplaning may occur is:
21 - In accordance with OPS 1, an operator shall ensure that all relevant operational and technical information for a individual flight is preserved on ground for a predetermined period of time. Consequently, if practicable, a copy of the operational flight plan shall be retained, during at least:
22 - A water film sufficiently thick to give a shiny appearance to the runway.2. a water film or loose or slushy snow equivalent to more than 3 mm of water.3. compacted snow (a solid mass which may not be compacted further).4. ice, including wet ice.5. moist grass.The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
23 - The climb or descent through MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace of a non MNPS certified aircraft:
24 - In accordance with OPS 1, an operator shall ensure that a pilot does not operate an aeroplane as commander unless:
25 - In the MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) area, a pilot should first of all take the following action in the event of a failure of the last inertial navigation system:
26 - On a pressurised aeroplane, supplemental oxygen is used to:
27 - A public address system is required to operate an airplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is greater than:
28 - Without wind, the tip vortices created by an airplane at take-off:
29 - A public transport passengers aeroplane, with a seating configuration of more than 61 seats, must have in its passenger compartment(s), at least 3 hand fire-extinguishers including:
30 - The minimum requirements for Supplemental Oxygen to be supplied in pressurised aeroplanes during and following an emergency descent are that for pilots it shall be available for the entire flight time that the cabin pressure altitude exceeds a minimum of X feet. That minimum of X feet is:
31 - The highest risk of bird strikes occurs:
32 - You would use a halon extinguisher for a fire of:1 - solids (fabric, plastic, ...)2 - liquids (alcohol, gasoline, ...) 3 - gas4 - metals (aluminium, magnesium, ...)The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
33 - The number of spare fuses available for use in flight must be:
34 - The minimum navigation equipment required for an aircraft flying without restriction in MNPS airspace can be at the very least:
35 - DOC 4444 (ICAO) establishes, that wake turbulence separation minima shall be based on a grouping of aircraft types into three categories according to the maximum certificated take- off mass.Heavy (H) Category, are all aircraft types of:
36 - An aeroplane which has a maximum certificated take-off mass over 5700 kg, shall be equipped with a cockpit voice recorder capable of retaining information recorded during at least the last:
37 - A minimum time track is a:
38 - A check on the operation of the SELCAL equipment during a transatlantic flight using the OTS (Organised Track System) must be done:
39 - An aircraft flies a VOR / DME direct approach for which the operational minima are: MDH = 360', horizontal visibility = 1500 m:Visibility given by ATC and received by the crew is 2500 m:The pilot may start the final approach ...
40 - During an explosive decompression at flight level 370 (FL 370), your first action will be:
41 - During a flight to Europe, scheduled in MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace, you expect to cross the 30°W meridian at 0300 UTC
42 - A category C aeroplane can carry out a circling approach only if the meteorological visibility is higher than or equal to:
43 - An aircraft leaves point P (60N 030W) on a true heading equal to 090 while the gyro compass, which is assumed to be operating perfectly and without an hourly rate corrector unit, indicates 000.The aircraft arrives at point Q (62N 010W) on a true heading equal to 095. On the journey from P to Q the gyro compass remains in free gyro mode.If the flight lasted 1 h 30 min, the gyro heading at Q will be:
44 - For three- and four-engined aeroplanes, the take-off alternate, if required, shall be located (in still air conditions) within:
45 - Following an act of unlawful interference on board an aircraft, the commander should submit a report to:
46 - For purpose of wake turbulence separation, what is the ICAO minimum separation time if a light aeroplane (7000 kg or less) is following a medium aeroplane (less than 136000 kg but more than 7000 kg) on the approach to landing ?
47 - Following an explosive decompression, the maximum altitude without oxygen supply at which flight crew efficiency is not impaired is:
48 - When taking-off behind a heavy aircraft, with wind coming from the left side, you adopt a path, whenever possible:
49 - The anti-icing fluid protecting film can wear off and reduce considerably the holdover time:
50 - According to EASA OPS 1 and assuming the following circumstances: for a category A airplane and aerodrome equipped with runway edge lighting and centre line lighting and multiple RVR information. An acceptable alternate aerodrome is available, the minimum RVR/Visibility required for take-off:
51 - The MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace extends from:
52 - In accordance with JAR OPS 1 (Aerodrome Operating Minima), for a Category III B approach, the RVR shall not be less than:
53 - The maximum validity of a SNOWTAM is:
54 - In the event of communication failure in an MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace, the pilot must:
55 - ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Appendix 18 is a document dealing with:
56 - In the Airspace where the MNPS is applicable, the vertical separation that can be applied between FL 290 and FL410 inclusive is:
57 - For an aeroplane with a tyre pressure of 10 bars, there is a risk of dynamic hydroplaning as soon as the:
58 - For a pressurised aircraft, the first-aid oxygen is designed to:
59 - The time of useful consciousness in case of an explosive decompression at an altitude of 40 000 ft is:
60 - The commander is required by the authority to present the aircraft documents. He
61 - The correct statement about extinguishing agents on board aeroplanes is:
62 - In VMC, a runway should not be chosen as preferential for noise abatement procedures when:
63 - On a polar stereographic chart where the Earth convergence between 2 points located on the parallel 60°N is 20°, the great circle maximum cross-track difference with the straight line joining the 2 points is:
64 - To fight a fire in an air-conditioned cargo hold:
65 - A life jacket is mandatory for each person on board an aeroplane when flying over water at a distance from the shore of more than:
66 - Which one of the following sets of conditions is most likely to attract birds to an aerodrome ?
67 - During a conventional approach, the Minimum Descent Height (MDH) is referred to the runway threshold altitude and not to the aerodrome altitude if the runway threshold is at more than:
68 - In accordance with OPS 1(Aerodrome Operating Minima), the Category III A approach and landing, the RVR shall not be less than:
69 - The fire extinguisher types which may be used on class A fires are:1 - H2O2 - CO23 - dry-chemical4 - halonWhich of the following combinations contains all of the correct statements?
70 - One of the main characteristics of windshear is that it:
71 - During a night flight, an observer located in the cockpit, seeing an aircraft coming from front left on approximate opposite parallel track, will first see the:
72 - A list of dangerous goods, which may not be transported by air, can be found in:
73 - If it exists, the M.M.E.L. (Master Minimum Equipment List) is drawn up by:
74 - If a flight is planned to operate along the whole length of one of the organised tracks, the intended organised track should be defined in items of the flight plan by:
75 - An aeroplane whose maximum approved passenger seating configuration is 7 to 30 seats must be equipped with at least:
76 - H2O extinguishers are fit to fight:
77 - Flight data recorders must keep the data and parameters recorded during at least the last:
78 - A piece of equipment on your public transport aircraft fails while you are still parked. The reference document you use to decide on the procedure to follow is:
79 - In accordance with JAR OPS 1, the operator shall ensure that:
80 - According to the EASA-OPS requirement, the route of a twin-engine aircraft, non ETOPS, with a maximum certificated take-off mass exceeding 45360 kg or a maximum seating configuration of 20 passengers or more must be planned in such a way that on one engine an adequate aerodrome can be reached within:
81 - A Category I precision approach (CAT I) is an approach which may be carried out with a runway visual range of at least:
82 - MNPS is the abbreviation for:
83 - In public transport aeroplane, prior to commercial air transportation operations, the commander shall not commence take-off in icing conditions unless:
84 - In accordance with the regulations, refuelling performed while passengers are embarking or disembarking the aircraft:
85 - In compliance with PART-CAT and ICAO annex 18, in order to carry dangerous goods on board a public transport aircraft, they must be accompanied with a:
86 - The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) is established by:
87 - Due to risk of tyres explosion, after landing, when the brakes are at a very high temperature, one should approach the landing gear:
88 - In accordance with EASA-OPS, 100 % of the passengers in a non-pressurised aircraft shall be supplied with supplemental oxygen for the entire flight time at pressure altitudes above:
89 - The minimum lateral separation in the NAT region is:
90 - In the JAR OPS, a runway is considered damp when:
91 - An aircraft airworthiness certificate states a maximum of eight occupants (including pilot). The pilot has a passenger load of six adults and two children (5 and 6 years old).The boarding of all passengers is:
92 - Flights within NAT region shall be conducted in accordance with IFR when:
93 - When a LIGHT aircraft is landing behind a MEDIUM aircraft, the wake turbulence non-radar minimum time approach separation, according to DOC 4444 (ICAO), shall be:
94 - A public transport aircraft is intended to be operated at FL 390. The total number of oxygen masks (dispensing units and outlets) in the cabin must be at least the same as the total number of:
95 - When the weather conditions require an alternate aerodrome to be available on take-off, the latter shall be located, for aircraft with three or more engines, at an equivalent distance not exceeding:
96 - The minimum visibility required by JAR OPS 1 and 3 to commence a special VFR flight is:
97 - Astronomic precession is:
98 - The aircraft is a single engine, IFR, category A with a cruising speed of 150 KT. The aircraft is flown by a single pilot.The usable runway has edge lights, high intensity runway centre lights and RVR readings for threshold, mid and end of runway.The approach minimums for runway 06 are:DH = 300'Horizontal visibility (HV) = 800 mThe weather conditions are: horizontal visibility (HV) 900 m and ceiling 200' Is take-off possible?
99 - The validity period of a day-time organised track system in MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specification) airspace is normally, at 30°W, between:
100 - When establishing an instrument approach procedure, 5 aircraft categories according to their speed at the threshold (Vat) are established. This speed is equal to the stalling speed in the landing configuration at the maximum certified landing mass multiplied by a factor of:
101 - In accordance with IR-OPS an operator must ensure that the lowest MDH for a NDB approach without CDFA technique shall not be lower than:
102 - For a non pressurised aircraft, 100% of passengers shall be supplied with supplemental oxygen during:
103 - Following a heavy mass landing on a short runway, you should check the:
104 - The application of a type II anti-icing fluid on an aircraft on ground will provide a:
105 - Astronomic precession:
106 - The tip vortices circulate about each wing tip:
107 - A category D aeroplane can carry out a circling approach only if the meteorological visibility is higher than or equal to:
108 - If smoke appears in the air conditioning, the first action to take is to:
109 - Using passenger oxygen in case of severe cabin smoke is:
110 - A class A fire is a fire of:
111 - In accordance with EU-OPS, which of the following are included in the Aerodrome Operating Minima for a non-precision approach?1 - the required RVR 2 - the ceiling3 - the minimum descent height (MDH) 4 - the decision height (DH)
112 - An operator shall not operate an aeroplane first issued with an individual certificate of airworthiness before 1 April 1998 with a maximum certificated take-off mass over 5700 kg unless it is equipped with a cockpit voice recorder which shall be capable of retaining information recorded during at least the last:
113 - In accordance with OPS 1 430 (Aerodrome Operating Minima - General), it is established, among other considerations, that an Operator must take full account of Aeroplane Categories.The criteria taken into consideration for classification of Aeroplanes by Categories is the indicated airspeed at threshold (Vat), which is equal to the stalling speed at the maximum landing mass (Vso) multiplied by 1,3.Corresponding Aeroplane Category when Vat is from 141 kt to 165 kt is:
114 - An aircraft which experiences a headwind of 40 kt while making its way towards the centre of a microburst may expect, when crossing the microburst, to face a windshear of:
115 - A piece of equipment on your public transport aircraft fails while taxiing to the holding point. The reference document you use in the first place to decide on the procedure to follow is:
116 - A runway is considered to be contaminated when its surface is covered for more than:
117 - The North Atlantic airspace is regulated according to:
118 - On arriving overhead an isolated aerodrome, the commander of a turbojet engine aircraft should have a minimum quantity of fuel (additional reserve including the final reserve) sufficient for flying during:
119 - The responsibility to provide flight operations personnel with the relevant parts of the operations manual and to ensure the issue of the amendments rests with:
120 - Minimum time route is a route calculated for: