1 - What is the equation for the climb gradient expressed in percentage during unaccelerated flight (applicable to small angles only)?
2 - Long range cruise is a flight procedure which gives:
3 - The 'climb gradient' is defined as the ratio of:
4 - Refer to CAP698 Section 3 - MEP1 Figure 3.1 Normal Procedure Given:OAT 24 °CPressure Altitude: 3000' RWY, 12LWind· 080/12 KTTake-off Mass: 3800 lbsOther conditions as associated in the header of the graph. What is the take-off distance over a 50 ft obstacle?
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5 - During certification test flights for a turbojet aeroplane, the actual measured take-off runs from brake release to a point equidistant between the point at which VLOF is reached and the point at which the aeroplane is 35' above the take-off surface are:- 1747 m, all engines operating- 1950 m, with the critical engine failure recognized at V1, the other factors remaining unchanged.Considering both possibilities to determine the take-off run (TOR). What is the correct distance?
6 - Consider the graphic representation of the power required versus true air speed (TAS), for a piston engine aeroplane with a given mass. When drawing the tangent from the origin, the point of contact (A) determines the speed of:
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7 - The speed V2 is:
8 - Which data can be extracted from the Buffet Onset Boundary Chart?
9 - Other factors remaining constant and not limiting, how does increasing pressure altitude affect allowable take-off mass?
10 - The drift down requirements are based on:
11 - A headwind component increasing with altitude, as compared to zero wind condition, (assuming IAS is constant):
12 - Which of the following statements is applicable to the acceleration height at the beginning of the 3rd climb segment?
13 - Which of the following represents the minimum for V1?
14 - Which combination of circumstances or conditions would most likely lead to a tyre speed limited take-off?
15 - The landing reference speed VREF has, in accordance with CS 25, the following margins above reference stall speed in landing configuration:
16 - If the take-off mass of an aeroplane is tyre speed limited, downhill slope would:
17 - Which is the correct sequence of speeds during take-off?
18 - According to CS 25 the landing reference speed VREF may not be less than:
19 - The maximum mass for landing could be limited by
20 - A head wind will:
21 - Which of the following combinations adversely affects take-off and initial climb performance?
22 - What will be the influence on the aeroplane performance if aerodrome pressure altitude is increased?
23 - Complete the following statement regarding the take-off performance of an aeroplane in performance class
24 - For a jet aeroplane, the maximum climb angle is achieved at a speed corresponding to:
25 - Is there any difference between the vertical speed versus forward speed curves for two identical aeroplanes having different masses ? (assume zero thrust and wind)
26 - Which of the alternatives represents the correct relationship?
27 - Regarding take-off, the take-off decision speed V1:
28 - Which speed provides maximum obstacle clearance during climb?
29 - During a descent at constant Mach number, the margin to low speed buffet will:
30 - What will be the effect on an aeroplane's performance if aerodrome pressure altitude is decreased?
31 - The minimum climb gradient required on the 2nd flight path segment after the take-off of a jet aeroplane is defined by the following parameters:1 Gear up2 Gear down3 Wing flaps retracted4 Wing flaps in take-off position 5 N engines at the take-off thrust6 (N- 1) engines at the take-off thrust7 Speed over the path equal to V2 + 10 kt 8 Speed over the path equal to 1.3 VS9 Speed over the path equal to V210 At a height of 35 ft above the runway The correct statements are:
32 - With an true airspeed of 194 KT and a vertical speed of 1000 fpm, the climb gradient is about:
33 - The maximum operating altitude for a certain aeroplane with a pressurised cabin
34 - On a reciprocating engine aeroplane, to maintain a given angle of attack, configuration and altitude at higher gross mass:
35 - During climb to the cruising level, a headwind component:
36 - The best rate of climb at a constant gross mass:
37 - What effect has a tailwind on the maximum endurance speed?
38 - In which of the following distances can the length of a stopway be included?
39 - The climb gradient of an aircraft after take-off is 6% in standard atmosphere, no wind, at 0' pressure altitude.Using the following corrections:'± 0.2 % / 1000' field elevation''± 0.1 % / °C from standard temperature' '- 1 % with wing anti-ice''- 0.5% with engine anti-ice'The climb gradient after take-off from an airport situated at 1000', 17°C
40 - With regard to the take-off performance of a twin jet aeroplane, why does the take-off performance climb limit graph show a kink at 30°C and PA 0'?
41 - To minimize the risk of hydroplaning during landing the pilot should:
42 - The climb limited take-off mass can be increased by:
43 - Which of the following answers is true?
44 - The take-off distance available is:
45 - The optimum long-range cruise altitude for a turbojet aeroplane:
46 - The pilot of a single engine aircraft has established the climb performance.The carriage of an additional passenger will cause the climb performance to be:
47 - Which statement is correct?
48 - Long range cruise is selected as
49 - When compared to still air conditions, a constant headwind component:
50 - On a long distance flight the gross mass decreases continuously as a consequence of the fuel consumption. The result is:
51 - Two identical turbojet aeroplane (whose specific fuel consumptions are considered to be equal) are at holding speed at the same altitude.The mass of the first aircraft is 130000 kg and its hourly fuel consumption is 4300 kg/h. The mass of the second aircraft is 115000 kg and its hourly fuel consumption is:
52 - The induced drag of an aeroplane:
53 - An aeroplane executes a steady glide at the speed for minimum glide angle. If the forward speed is kept constant, what is the effect of a lower mass? Rate of descent / Glide angle / CL / CD ratio
54 - Which of the following will decrease V1?
55 - With zero wind, the angle of attack for maximum range for an aeroplane with turbojet engines is:
56 - A lower airspeed at constant mass and altitude requires:
57 - Other factors remaining constant, how does increasing altitude affect Vx and Vy in terms of TAS?
58 - For a jet transport aeroplane, which of the following is the reason for the use of 'maximum range speed'?
59 - According to PART-CAT, for turbo-prop aeroplanes, the required runway length at a destination airport is:
60 - The speed V1 is defined as:
61 - Which of the following provides maximum obstacle clearance during climb?
62 - Uphill slope:
63 - In case of an engine failure which is recognized at or above V1:
64 - After engine failure the aeroplane is unable to maintain its cruising altitude. What is the procedure which should be followed?
65 - Field length is balanced when:
66 - If the take-off mass of an aeroplane is brake energy limited a higher uphill slope would:
67 - An increase in atmospheric pressure has, among other things, the following consequences on take-off performance:
68 - The speed for maximum endurance
69 - During take-off the third segment begins:
70 - What happens to the drag of a jet aeroplane if, during the initial climb after take off, constant IAS is maintained?(Assume a constant mass)
71 - When determining the maximum landing mass of an turbojet powered aeroplane during the planning phase what factor must be used on the landing distance available (dry runway)
72 - The take-off safety speed V2 for two-engine or three-engine turbo propeller powered aeroplanes may not be less than:
73 - According to PART-CAT, which one of the following statements concerning the landing distance for a turbojet aeroplane is correct?
74 - If the thrust available exceeds the thrust required for level flight
75 - The one engine out take-off run is the distance between the brake release point and:
76 - The determination of the maximum mass on brake release, of a certified turbojet aeroplane with 5°, 15° and 25° flap angles on take-off, leads to the following values:Flap angle: 5° 15° 25°Runway limitation (kg): 66000 69500 715002nd segment climb limitation: 72200 69000 61800Wind correction:Headwind: +120 kg / KT Tailwind: -360 kg / KTGiven that the tailwind component is equal to 5 KT, the maximum mass on brake release and corresponding flap angle will be:
77 - At reference or see Performance Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4.28.What is the minimum field length required for the worst wind situation, landing a twin jet aeroplane with the anti-skid inoperative?Elevation: 2000 ftQNH: 1013 hPaLanding mass: 50 000 kgFlaps: as required for minimum landing distance Runway condition: dryWind:Maximum allowable tailwind: 15 kt Maximum allowable headwind: 50 kt
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78 - Density altitude is the:
79 - As long as an aeroplane is in a positive climb:
80 - Take-off performance data, for the ambient conditions, show the following limitations with flap 10° selected:- runway limit: 5270 kg- obstacle limit: 4630 kgEstimated take-off mass is 5000 kg Considering a take-off with flaps at:
81 - The speed V2 is defined for jet aeroplane as:
82 - With all engines out, a pilot wants to fly for maximum time. Therefore he has to fly the speed corresponding to:
83 - If there is a tail wind, the climb limited TOM will:
84 - In accordance to CS 25 which of the following listed speeds are used for determination of V2min:
85 - The take-off runway performance requirements for transport category aeroplanes are based upon:
86 - Which of the following factors will lead to an increase of ground distance during a glide, while maintaining the appropriate minimum glide angle speed?
87 - Which of the following combinations basically has an effect on the angle of descent in a glide?(Ignore compressibility effects.)
88 - At the destination aerodrome the landing distance available is 3000 m. The appropriate weather forecast indicates that the runway at the estimated time of arrival will be wet. For a commercial flight the mass of a turbojet aeroplane at landing must be such that the aeroplane can be landed within:
89 - The 'maximum tyre speed' limits:
90 - Below the optimum cruise altitude:
91 - A 'Balanced Field Length' is said to exist where:
92 - The maximum indicated air speed of a piston engine aeroplane without turbo charger, in level flight, is reached:
93 - With regard to the drift down performance of the twin jet aeroplane, what is meant by 'equivalent gross weight at engine failure'?
94 - A twin engine aeroplane in cruise flight with one engine inoperative has to fly over high ground. In order to maintain the highest possible altitude the pilot should choose:
95 - The intersections of the thrust available and the drag curve are the operating points of the aeroplane
96 - Which statement regarding V1 is correct?
97 - The following parameters affect the take off ground run: 1 decreasing take off mass2 increasing take off mass 3 increasing density4 decreasing density5 increasing flap setting 6 decreasing flap setting7 increasing pressure altitude 8 decreasing pressure altitudeWhich parameters will decrease the take off ground run?
98 - Reduced take-off thrust should normally not be used when:
99 - With regard to the drift down performance of the twin jet aeroplane, why does the curve representing 35000 kg gross mass in the chart for drift down net profiles start at approximately 4 minutes at FL370?
100 - At a constant Mach number the thrust and the fuel flow of a jet engine
101 - A higher outside air temperature (OAT):
102 - Considering TAS for maximum range and maximum endurance, other factors remaining constant:
103 - The use of reduced take-off thrust is permitted, only if:
104 - The danger associated with low speed and/or high speed buffet
105 - Given that the characteristics of a three engine turbojet aeroplane are as follows:Thrust = 50000 Newton / Engine g = 10 m/s2Drag = 72569 NMinimum steady gradient of climb (2nd segment) = 2.7% SIN (Angle of climb) = (Thrust - Drag) / WeightThe maximum take-off mass under 2nd segment conditions with 1 engine out is:
106 - A higher pressure altitude at ISA temperature:
107 - In straight horizontal steady flight, at speeds below that for minimum drag:
108 - In case of an engine failure recognized below V1:
109 - Refer to CAP698 Section 3 - MEP1 Figure 3.1 Normal Procedure Given:OAT 24 °CPressure Altitude: 3000 ft RWY 30RWind· 060/04 KTTake-off Mass: 3800 lbsOther conditions as associated in the header of the graph. What is the Ground Roll Distance under the conditions given?
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110 - The optimum altitude:
111 - Refer to CAP698 Section 3 - MEP1 Figure 3.1 Normal Procedure Given:OAT -15 °CPressure Altitude: 4000' RWY 12RWind· 080/12 KTTake-off Mass: 4000 lbs Runway Surface: tarred and dryWhat is the minimum runway length? No stopway or clearway is available.
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112 - Which of the following factors leads to the maximum flight time of a glide?
113 - With regard to an unaccelerated horizontal flight, which of the following statements is correct?(no compressibility effects)
114 - Which statement with respect to the step climb is correct?
115 - VX is:
116 - During a glide at constant Mach number, the pitch angle of the aeroplane will:
117 - The approach climb requirement has been established so that the aeroplane will achieve:
118 - What is the effect of tail wind on the time to climb to a given altitude?
119 - The optimum cruise altitude increases
120 - A jet aeroplane equipped with old engines has a specific fuel consumption of 0.06 kg per Newton of thrust and per hour and, in a given flying condition, a fuel consumption of 14 kg per NM. In the same flying conditions, the same aeroplane equipped with modern engines with a specific fuel consumption of 0.035 kg per Newton of thrust and per hour, has a fuel consumption per NM of: