1 - The effect on static stability of an aeroplane with a high wing as compared to a low wing is:
2 - Static lateral stability should not be too small, because:
3 - Increasing dynamic pressure will have the following effect on the drag of an aeroplane (all other factors of importance remaining constant):
4 - When an aeroplane is flying at an airspeed which is 1.3 times its basic stalling speed, the coefficient of lift as a percentage of the maximum lift coefficient (CLmax) would be:
5 - Which part of an aeroplane provides the greatest positive contribution to the static longitudinal stability ?
6 - The aerodynamic contribution to the static longitudinal stability of the nacelles of aft fuselage mounted engines is:
7 - The span-wise flow is caused by the difference between the air pressure on top and beneath the wing and its direction of movement goes from:
8 - The CL - alpha curve of a positive cambered aerofoil intersects with the vertical axis of the CL- alpha graph:
9 - The pitch up effect of an aeroplane with swept wing in a stall is due to the
10 - Static lateral stability will be increased by:
11 - An aeroplane is provided with spoilers and in- and outboard ailerons. Roll control during cruise is provided by:
12 - VMO:
13 - In case of supersonic flow retarded by a normal shock wave a high efficiency (low loss in total pressure) can be obtained if the Mach number in front of the shock is
14 - Which of the following ( 1) aerofoils and ( 2) angles of attack will produce the lowest Mcrit values?
15 - The relative thickness of an aerofoil is expressed as:
16 - Increase of wing loading will:
17 - By what percentage does the lift increase in a level turn at 45° angle of bank, compared to straight and level flight?
18 - One advantage of a movable-stabilizer system compared with an elevator trim system is that:
19 - What is the influence of decreasing aeroplane weight on Mcrit at constant IAS ?
20 - The angle of attack of a wing profile is defined as the angle between:
21 - When power assisted controls are used for pitch control:
22 - During the extension of the flaps at a constant angle of attack the aeroplane starts to (all other factors of importance being constant)
23 - The bow wave will first appear at:
24 - Compared with an oblique shock wave at the same Mach number a normal shock wave has a
25 - The vane of a stall warning system with a flapper switch is activated by the change of the:
26 - Which of the following statements about boundary layers is correct?
27 - Gyroscopic precession of a propeller is induced by:
28 - Assuming no compressibility effects, induced drag at constant IAS is affected by:
29 - What factors determine the distance travelled over the ground of an aeroplane in a glide ?
30 - The lift of an aeroplane of weight W in a constant linear climb with a climb angle (gamma) is approximately:
31 - During a phugoid the speed:
32 - The following factors increase stall speed:
33 - The critical Mach Number of an aeroplane is the free stream Mach Number, which produces the first evidence of:
34 - Tuck under will happen
35 - The flight Mach number is 0.8 and the TAS is 400 kts. The speed of sound is:
36 - An aeroplane is flying through the transonic range. As the Mach Number increases the centre of pressure of the wing will move aft. This movement requires:
37 - In twin-engine aeroplanes with right turning propellers
38 - The speed of sound is affected by the:
39 - Excluding constants, the coefficient of induced drag (CDi) is the ratio of:
40 - Which kind of ''tab'' is commonly used in case of manual reversion of fully powered flight controls ?
41 - If a symmetrical aerofoil is accelerated from subsonic to supersonic speed the aerodynamic centre will move
42 - At an aeroplane's minimum drag speed, what is the ratio between induced drag Di and parasite drag Dp? Di / Dp =
43 - When the air is passing through a shock wave the static temperature will
44 - Consider the steady flow through a stream tube where the velocity of the stream is V. An increase in temperature of the flow at a constant value of V will:
45 - For an aeroplane with one fixed value of VA the following applies. VA is:
46 - The aeroplane drag in straight and level flight is lowest when the:
47 - An aeroplane has a servo tab controlled elevator. What will happen if the elevator jams during flight?
48 - Which statement about stick force per g is correct?
49 - Which design features improve static lateral stability?1. Anhedral.2. Dihedral.3. Forward sweep.4. Sweepback.The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is:
50 - Which point shown in the figure corresponds with CL for minimum horizontal flight speed?
question pof7.jpg
51 - An aeroplane, with a C.G. location behind the centre of pressure of the wing can only maintain a straight and level flight when the horizontal tail loading is:
52 - The lift force, acting on an aerofoil:
53 - Assuming an initial condition in straight and level flight with CL = 1. What will be the new value of CL after the value of the speed has doubled?
54 - A jet aeroplane cruises buffet free at high constant altitude. Which type of stall can occur if this aeroplane decelerates during an inadvertent increase in load factor?
55 - When comparing a rectangular wing and a swept back wing of the same wing area and wing loading, the swept back wing has the advantage of:
56 - In straight and level flight, as speed is reduced:
57 - High speed buffet is induced by
58 - The unit of measurement of pressure is:
59 - How are the speeds (shown in the figure) at point 1 and point 2 related to the relative wind / airflow V?
question pof6.jpg
60 - When Fowler type trailing edge flaps are extended at a constant angle of attack, the following changes will occur:
61 - Induced drag at constant IAS is affected by:
62 - When the air is passing through an expansion wave the static temperature will
63 - If an aeroplane flies in the ground effect
64 - The value of the manoeuvre stability of an aeroplane is 150 N / g. The stick force required to achieve a load factor of 2.5 from steady level flight is:
65 - The angle of attack of a fixed pitch propeller blade increases when:
66 - The function of the stick pusher is:
67 - Assuming ISA conditions, climbing at a constant Mach Number up to FL 350 the TAS will:
68 - Which type of flap is shown in the picture?
question pof1.jpg
69 - Increasing the number of propeller blades will:
70 - Mcrit is the free stream Mach Number at which:
71 - Which statement is correct?I. Stall speeds are determined with the CG at the aft limit.II. Minimum control speeds are determined with the CG at the forward limit.
72 - What increases the stalling angle of attack ? Use of:
73 - The true airspeed (TAS) is:
74 - What is the position of the elevator in relation to the trimmable horizontal stabiliser of a power assisted aeroplane that is in trim?
75 - In case the Mach trimmer fails:
76 - The Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) for a given wing of any planform is
77 - Constant-speed propellers provide a better performance than fixed-pitch propellers because they:
78 - A jet transport aeroplane exhibits pitch up when thrust is suddenly increased from an equilibrium condition, because the thrust line is below the:
79 - The high lift device shown in the figure is a:
question pof4.jpg
80 - The 'short period mode' is an:
81 - In order to maintain straight and level flight at a constant airspeed, whilst the flaps are being retracted, the angle of attack must be:
82 - Rotation about the lateral axis is called:
83 - The lift coefficient (CL) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.35. An increase in angle of attack of 1 degree would increase CL by 0.079. If a vertical gust instantly changes the angle of attack by 2 degrees, the load factor will be:
84 - Deflection of leading edge flaps will:
85 - The following unit of measurement: kgm/s2 is expressed in the SI-system as:
86 - The stall speed:
87 - How is stall warning presented to the pilots of a large transport aeroplane?
88 - An aeroplane has the following flap settings: 0°, 15°, 30° and 45°. Slats can also be selected. Which of the following selections will most adversely affect the CL / CD ratio?
89 - Which line represents the total drag line of an aeroplane?
question pof9.jpg
90 - Following a disturbance, an aeroplane oscillates about the lateral axis at a constant amplitude. The aeroplane is:
91 - How does the total drag vary as speed is increased from stalling speed (VS) to maximum IAS (VNE) in a straight and level flight at constant weight?
92 - Which kind of boundary layer has the strongest change in velocity close to the surface?
93 - Compared with level flight prior to the stall, the lift ( 1) and drag ( 2) in the stall change as follows:
94 - If the elevator trim tab is deflected up, the cockpit trim indicator presents:
95 - When trailing edge flaps are selected down whilst maintaining straight and level flight at constant IAS:
96 - The forces of lift and drag on an aerofoil are, respectively, normal and parallel to the:
97 - Load factor is:
98 - Extension of FOWLER type trailing edge lift augmentation devices, will produce:
99 - The positive manoeuvring limit load factor for a light aeroplane in the utility category in the clean configuration is:
100 - Total pressure is: (rho = density)
101 - In order to perform a steady level turn at constant speed in an aeroplane, the pilot must:
102 - In straight and level flight, as speed is increased:
103 - A body is placed in a certain airstream. The airstream velocity increases by a factor 4. The aerodynamic drag will increase with a factor:
104 - A conventional stabiliser on a stable aeroplane in a normal cruise condition: 1 - always provides negative lift.2 - contributes to the total lift of the aeroplane.3 - may stall before the wing, in icing conditions, with large flap settings, unless adequate design and/or operational precautions are taken.4 - is necessary to balance the total pitch moment of the aeroplane. Which of the following lists all the correct statements ?
105 - An aeroplane has a stalling speed of 100 KT in a steady level flight. When the aeroplane is flying a level turn with a load factor of 1.5, the stalling speed is:
106 - The lift formula is:
107 - Which phenomenon is counteracted with differential aileron deflection?
108 - A jet aeroplane equipped with inboard and outboard ailerons is cruising at its normal cruise Mach number. In this case
109 - Low speed pitch up is caused by the:
110 - What is the SI unit of measurement for power?
111 - When are outboard ailerons (if present) de-activated?
112 - Which load factor determines VA?
113 - A commercial jet aeroplane is performing a straight descent at a constant Mach number with constant mass. The operational speed limit that may be exceeded is:
114 - An aeroplane maintains straight and level flight while the IAS is doubled. The change in lift coefficient will be:
115 - What will happen in ground effect?
116 - In a steady level, co-ordinated turn, the load factor n and the stalling speed VS will be:
117 - Which of the following situations leads to a decreasing stall speed (IAS)?
118 - The value of the induced drag of an aeroplane in straight and level flight at constant weight varies linearly with:
119 - The stall speed (IAS) will change according to the following factors:
120 - Where on the surface of a typical aerofoil will flow separation normally start at high angles of attack?