1 - The lift formula is:
2 - The lift coefficient (CL) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.35. An increase in angle of attack of 1 degree would increase CL by 0.079. If a vertical gust instantly changes the angle of attack by 2 degrees, the load factor will be:
3 - The angle between the aeroplane longitudinal axis and the chord line is the:
4 - When the Mach number is slowly increased in straight and level flight the first shockwaves will occur:
5 - Which of the following statements about the spin is correct?
6 - How does the total drag vary as speed is increased from stalling speed (VS) to maximum IAS (VNE) in a straight and level flight at constant weight?
7 - In case the Mach trimmer fails:
8 - What is the effect of an aft shift of the centre of gravity on ( 1) static longitudinal stability and( 2) the required control deflection for a given pitch change?
9 - At an aeroplane's minimum drag speed, what is the ratio between induced drag Di and parasite drag Dp? Di / Dp =
10 - Which statement is correct regarding a shockwave on a lift generating wing?
11 - A conventional stabiliser on a stable aeroplane in a normal cruise condition: 1 - always provides negative lift.2 - contributes to the total lift of the aeroplane.3 - may stall before the wing, in icing conditions, with large flap settings, unless adequate design and/or operational precautions are taken.4 - is necessary to balance the total pitch moment of the aeroplane. Which of the following lists all the correct statements ?
12 - In straight and level flight, as speed is increased:
13 - Which statement is correct?The lift to drag ratio determines the
14 - Vortex generators on the upper side of the wing surface will:
15 - 'Tuck under' is caused by (i) which movement of the centre of pressure of the wing and (ii) which change of the downwash angle at the location of the stabilizer.
16 - Bernoulli's equation can be written as:(pt = total pressure, ps = static pressure, q = dynamic pressure)
17 - A body is placed in a certain airstream. The airstream velocity increases by a factor 4. The aerodynamic drag will increase with a factor:
18 - Following a disturbance, an aeroplane oscillates about the lateral axis at a constant amplitude. The aeroplane is:
19 - An aeroplane, being manually flown in the speed unstable region, experiences a disturbance that causes a speed reduction.If the altitude is maintained and thrust remains constant, the aeroplane speed will:
20 - An aeroplane exhibits static longitudinal stability, if, when the angle of attack changes:
21 - The critical Mach Number of an aeroplane can be increased by:
22 - The induced drag:
23 - The vane of a stall warning system with a flapper switch is activated by the change of the:
24 - To be able to predict compressibility effects you have to determine the:
25 - The high lift device shown in the figure below is a:
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26 - In the transonic range lift will decrease at the shock stall due to the
27 - In a convergent tube with an incompressible sub-sonic airflow, the following pressure changes will occur:Ps = static pressure.Pdyn = dynamic pressure. Ptot = total pressure.
28 - If an aeroplane exhibits insufficient stick force per g, this problem can be resolved by installing:
29 - Some aeroplanes have a 'waist' or 'coke bottle' contoured fuselage. This is done to
30 - For a fixed-pitch propeller in flight at a given TAS, the blade angle of attack will:
31 - The difference between IAS and TAS will:
32 - An aeroplane has a stalling speed of 100 KT in a steady level flight. When the aeroplane is flying a level turn with a load factor of 1.5, the stalling speed is:
33 - Which design features improve static lateral stability?1. Anhedral.2. Dihedral.3. Forward sweep.4. Sweepback.The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is:
34 - If you push forward the RPM lever of a constant speed propeller during a glide with idle power and constant speed, the propeller pitch will:
35 - Critical Mach number is the free stream Mach number at which:
36 - 'Flutter' may be caused by:
37 - When the air has passed through a normal shock wave the Mach number is
38 - When a strongly swept back wing stalls and the wake of the wing contacts the horizontal tail, the effect on the stall behaviour can be a(n):
39 - Static lateral stability will be increased by:
40 - The CG of an aeroplane is in a fixed position forward of the neutral point. Which of these statements about the stick force stability is correct?
41 - Deflection of leading edge flaps will:
42 - When power assisted controls are used for pitch control:
43 - Increasing air density will have the following effect on the drag of a body in an airstream (angle of attack and TAS are constant):
44 - Which of the following situations leads to a decreasing stall speed (IAS)?
45 - Mach buffet occurs:
46 - What is the approximate value of the lift of an aeroplane at a gross weight of 50000 N, in a horizontal coordinated 45 degrees banked turn?
47 - Which statement is correct for a side slip condition at constant speed and side slip angle, where the geometric dihedral of an aeroplane is increased ?
48 - During landing of a low-winged jet aeroplane, the greatest elevator up deflection is normally required when the flaps are:
49 - When air has passed through a shock wave the local speed of sound is:
50 - Which of the following ( 1) aerofoils and ( 2) angles of attack will produce the lowest Mcrit values?
51 - In straight and level flight, as speed is reduced:
52 - VLE is defined as the:
53 - The critical Mach number for an aerofoil equals the free stream airfoil Mach number at which:
54 - The value of the manoeuvre stability of an aeroplane is 150 N / g. The stick force required to achieve a load factor of 2.5 from steady level flight is:
55 - Rotation around the normal axis is called:
56 - Compared with an oblique shock wave at the same Mach number a normal shock wave has a
57 - The relationship between the stall speed VS and VA (EAS) for a large transport aeroplane can be expressed in the following formula:(SQRT= square root)
58 - What is the effect of high aspect ratio of an aeroplane's wing on induced drag?
59 - The maximum acceptable cruising altitude is limited by a minimum acceptable loadfactor because exceeding that altitude:
60 - The critical Mach Number of an aeroplane is the free stream Mach Number, which produces the first evidence of:
61 - If in a two-dimensional incompressible and subsonic flow, the streamlines converge the static pressure in the flow will:
62 - The regime of flight from the critical Mach number up to approximately M = 1.3 is called the:
63 - A jet aeroplane cruises buffet free at high constant altitude. Which type of stall can occur if this aeroplane decelerates during an inadvertent increase in load factor?
64 - The pitch up effect of an aeroplane with swept wing in a stall is due to the
65 - In what flight phase are the outboard ailerons (if present) not operated ?
66 - The effects of very heavy rain (tropical rain) on the aerodynamic characteristics of an aeroplane are:
67 - On a symmetrical aerofoil, the pitching moment for which CL = 0 is:
68 - One method to compensate adverse yaw is:
69 - What is the position of the elevator in relation to the trimmable horizontal stabiliser of a power assisted aeroplane that is in trim?
70 - Assuming ISA conditions, climbing at a constant Mach Number up to FL 350 the TAS will:
71 - Two identical aircraft A and B, with the same mass, are flying steady level co-ordinated 20 degree bank turns. If the TAS of A is 130 KT and that of B is 200 KT:
72 - The value of the induced drag of an aeroplane in straight and level flight at constant weight varies linearly with:
73 - In case of supersonic flow retarded by a normal shock wave a high efficiency (low loss in total pressure) can be obtained if the Mach number in front of the shock is
74 - What data may be obtained from the Buffet Onset Boundary chart?
75 - An aeroplane, with a C.G. location behind the centre of pressure of the wing can only maintain a straight and level flight when the horizontal tail loading is:
76 - In which phase of the take-off is the aerodynamic effect of ice located on the wing leading edge most critical?
77 - During an erect spin recovery:
78 - A body is placed in a certain airstream. The density of the airstream decreases to half of the original value. The aerodynamic drag will decrease with a factor:
79 - With increasing angle of attack, the stagnation point will move (I) ...and the point of lowest pressure will move (II) ...Respectively (I) and (II) are:
80 - During initiation of a turn with speedbrakes extended, the roll spoiler function induces a spoiler deflection:
81 - What wing shape or wing characteristic is the least sensitive to turbulence:
82 - Constant-speed propellers provide a better performance than fixed-pitch propellers because they:
83 - The high lift device shown in the figure is a:
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84 - When Fowler type trailing edge flaps are extended at a constant angle of attack, the following changes will occur:
85 - When flaps are deployed at constant angle of attack the lift coefficient will:
86 - If flaps are deployed at constant IAS in straight and level flight, the magnitude of tip vortices will eventually: (flap span less than wing span)
87 - The aeroplane drag in straight and level flight is lowest when the:
88 - The 'short period mode' is an:
89 - One important advantage the turbulent boundary layer has over the laminar layer is that:
90 - The span-wise flow is caused by the difference between the air pressure on top and beneath the wing and its direction of movement goes from:
91 - The flight Mach number is 0.8 and the TAS is 400 kts. The speed of sound is:
92 - An aeroplane maintains straight and level flight while the IAS is doubled. The change in lift coefficient will be:
93 - The stall speed in a 60° banked turn increases by the following factor:
94 - What should be usually done to perform a landing with the stabilizer jammed in the cruise flight position ?
95 - Which aeroplane behaviour will be corrected by a yaw damper ?
96 - The effect on static stability of an aeroplane with a high wing as compared to a low wing is:
97 - After the transition point between the laminar and turbulent boundary layer
98 - Which formula or equation describes the relationship between force (F), acceleration (a) and mass (m)?
99 - Which of the following statements about dihedral is correct?
100 - Tick force per g is independent of altitude.II Stick force per g increases when the centre of gravity moves forward.
101 - The trailing edge flaps when extended:
102 - Air passes a normal shock wave. Which of the following statements is correct?
103 - The diagram shows the parameter X versus TAS. If a horizontal flight is considered the axis X shows
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104 - During the extension of the flaps at a constant angle of attack the aeroplane starts to (all other factors of importance being constant)
105 - The correct drag formula is:
106 - The Mach number:
107 - VA is:
108 - When an aeroplane with the centre of gravity forward of the centre of pressure of the combined wing / fuselage is in straight and level flight, the vertical load on the tailplane will be:
109 - The angle of attack of a two dimensional wing section is the angle between:
110 - On a wing fitted with a 'Fowler' type trailing edge flap, the 'Full extended' position will produce:
111 - The stalling speed in IAS will change according to the following factors:
112 - The lift formula is: (rho = density)
113 - An example of differential aileron deflection during initiation of left turn is:
114 - If you increase the propeller pitch during a glide with idle-power at constant IAS the lift to drag ratio will
115 - Which of the following wing planforms produces the lowest induced drag? (all other relevant factors constant)
116 - Which statement about stick force per g is correct?
117 - The aerodynamic centre of the wing is the point, where:
118 - Load factor is:
119 - The extreme right limitation for both V-n (gust and manoeuvre) diagrams is created by the speed:
120 - Winglets