1 - With Central European Summer Time (CEST) given as UTC+2, what UTC time corresponds to 1600 CEST?
2 - A distance of 7.5 cm on an aeronautical chart represents a distance of 60.745 NM in reality. What is the chart scale?
3 - The rotational axis of the Earth runs through the...
4 - The term 'isogonal' or 'isogonic line' is defined as a line on an aeronautical chart, connecting all points with the same value of...
5 - Vienna (LOWW) is located at 016° 34'E, Salzburg (LOWS) at 013° 00'E. The latitude of both positions can be considered as equal. What is the difference of sunrise and sunset times, expressed in UTC, between Wien and Salzburg? (2,00 P.)
6 - Given: TC: 183°; WCA: +011°; MH: 198°; CH: 200° What are the VAR and the DEV? (2,00 P.)
7 - The circumference of the Earth at the equator is approximately... See figure (NAV-002) Siehe Anlage 1
question NAV-002.jpg
8 - Where are the two polar circles?
9 - What is the difference in time when the sun moves 20° of longitude?
10 - What ground features should preferrably be used for orientation during visual flight?
11 - 5500 m equal...
12 - Which are the properties of a Mercator chart?
13 - What is the difference in latitude between A (12°53'30''N) and B (07°34'30''S)?
14 - Given: TC: 179°; WCA: -12°; VAR: 004° E; DEV: +002° What are MH and MC?
15 - The term 'civil twilight' is defined as...
16 - Assume two arbitrary points A and B on the same parallel of latitude, but not on the equator. Point A is located on 010°E and point B on 020°E. The rumb line distance between A and B is always...
17 - The distance between two airports is 220 NM. On an aeronautical navigation chart the pilot measures 40.7 cm for this distance. The chart scale is...
18 - What is the distance between the parallels of latitude 48°N and 49°N along a meridian line?
19 - Given: TC: 183°; WCA: +011°; MH: 198°; CH: 200° What are the TH and the DEV? (2,00 P.)
20 - The shortest distance between two points on Earth is represented by a part of...
21 - Which direction corresponds to 'compass north' (CN)?
22 - How many satellites are necessary for a precise and verified three-dimensional determination of the position?
23 - What distance corresponds to one degree difference in latitude along any degree of longitude?
24 - Where does the inclination reach its lowest value?
25 - Which approximate, geometrical form describes the shape of the Earth best for navigation systems?
26 - An aircraft travels 100 km in 56 minutes. The ground speed (GS) equals...
27 - The term 'agonic line' is defined as a line on Earth or an aeronautical chart, connecting all points with the...
28 - UTC is...
29 - The term 'True Course' (TC) is defined as...
30 - The angle between compass north and magnetic north is called...
31 - Which are the official basic units for horizontal distances used in aeronautical navigation and their abbreviations?
32 - Which statement is correct with regard to the polar axis of the Earth?
33 - What is meant by the term "terrestrial navigation"?
34 - The term ‚magnetic course' (MC) is defined as...
35 - What is the distance between the two parallels of longitude 150°E and 151°E along the equator?
36 - With Central European Time (CET) given as UTC+1, what UTC time corresponds to 1700 CET?
37 - What is the difference in time when the sun moves 10° of longitude?
38 - When using a GPS for tracking to the next waypoint, a deviation indication is shown by a vertical bar and dots to the left and to the right of the bar. What statement describes the correct interpretation of the display?
39 - Electronic devices on board of an aeroplane have influence on the...
40 - Given: TC: 183°; WCA: +011°; MH: 198°; CH: 200° What are TH and VAR? (2,00 P.)
41 - Which are the properties of a Lambert conformal chart?
42 - What is the great circle distance between two points A and B on the equator when the difference between the two associated meridians is exactly one degree of longitude?
43 - Point A on the Earth's surface lies exactly on the parallel of latitude of 47°50'27''N. Which point is exactly 240 NM north of A?
44 - 1000 ft equal...