Test 10 Questions Quiz BPL Gas - Balloon Pilot License - Navigation, no time limit

1 - With Central European Summer Time (CEST) given as UTC+2, what UTC time corresponds to 1600 CEST?
2 - Electronic devices on board of an aeroplane have influence on the...
3 - What is the difference in latitude between A (12°53'30''N) and B (07°34'30''S)?
4 - An aircraft travels 100 km in 56 minutes. The ground speed (GS) equals...
5 - Which are the official basic units for horizontal distances used in aeronautical navigation and their abbreviations?
6 - Which are the properties of a Lambert conformal chart?
7 - What ground features should preferrably be used for orientation during visual flight?
8 - What is the distance between the parallels of latitude 48°N and 49°N along a meridian line?
9 - Which approximate, geometrical form describes the shape of the Earth best for navigation systems?
10 - What is the distance between the two parallels of longitude 150°E and 151°E along the equator?