1 - The parapet height of a hot-air balloon basket is at least:
2 - The measurement of altitude is based on the change of the...
3 - Liquifaction of propane gas results in a reduction in volume to what fraction of the gas volume?
4 - Which instrument can be affected by the hysteresis error?
5 - In which way may an altimeter subscale which is set to an incorrect QNH lead to an incorrect altimeter reading?
6 - The hull load of a hot-air balloon is carried by ...
7 - Why should a liquid gas bottle only be filled to 80% of its volume?
8 - QFE is the...
9 - Damages to the hot-air balloon hull fabric are most critical in which area?
10 - Lower-than-standard temperature may lead to...
11 - What ist the purpose of the sounding pipe valve?
12 - The main burner is fed by which phase?
13 - A vertical speed indicator connected to a too big equalizing tank results in...
14 - With web-less balloon hulls, the load is connected to:
15 - The carrying ropes of a hot-air balloon are made up from:
16 - The burning gas is pushed from the liquid gas phase through the riser tube to which component?
17 - A vertical speed indicator measures the difference between...
18 - Why should liquid gas bottles for hot-air balloons be transported upright?
19 - A pilot burner which is fed by the gas phase, works by which principle?
20 - During a flight in colder-than-ISA air the indicated altitude is...
21 - Which is the purpose of the altimeter subscale?
22 - The electronic remote hull thermometer of a hot-air balloon is operating by which principle?
23 - During a flight in an air mass with a temperature equal to ISA and the QNH set correctly, the indicated altitude is...
24 - The main blast valve is located where?
25 - The boiling point of propane gas at atmospheric conditions is:
26 - Which parts of a hot-air balloon provide protection for the basket during landing?
27 - What is indicated by a red line on the hull thermometer with an analog scale?
28 - A flight level is a...
29 - Which of the following options states the working principle of a vertical speed indicator?
30 - The vertical speed indicator measures the difference of pressure between...
31 - Under which conditions false readouts are possible on hull thermometers using radio communication from sensor to indicator panel?
32 - Which of the gases stated below is NOT made up from hydrocarbons?
33 - What amount of ignitable mixture can be made from 1 L (0,001 m3) liquid propane gas?
34 - A true altitude is...
35 - About the lower end of the pull rope of a hot-air balloon it can be said:
36 - What values are usually marked with a red line on instrument displays?
37 - Which gas is heavier than air?
38 - The vapour pressure of propane gas in a bottle depends in particular on:
39 - What is the purpose of the vapourizor coils of the burner system?
40 - What is indicated by a yellow arc on the hull thermometer with an analog scale?
41 - The hull fabric of a hot-air balloon undergoes the most continuous thermal stress in which area?
42 - The term "static pressure" is defined as pressure...
43 - The altimeter's reference scale is set to airfield pressure (QFE). What indication is shown during the flight?
44 - The hull of a hot-air balloon is made up by which material?
45 - The basket ropes of a hot-air balloon are usually fixed to ...