Test 10 Questions Quiz BPL Hot Air - Balloon Pilot License - Aircraft General Knowledge, no time limit

1 - A vertical speed indicator connected to a too big equalizing tank results in...
2 - The electronic remote hull thermometer of a hot-air balloon is operating by which principle?
3 - A true altitude is...
4 - The hull of a hot-air balloon is made up by which material?
5 - In which way may an altimeter subscale which is set to an incorrect QNH lead to an incorrect altimeter reading?
6 - Which gas is heavier than air?
7 - Which parts of a hot-air balloon provide protection for the basket during landing?
8 - The main blast valve is located where?
9 - During a flight in colder-than-ISA air the indicated altitude is...
10 - The hull load of a hot-air balloon is carried by ...