1 - Which instantaneous information can be obtained from ground radar equipment?
2 - The distance measuring equipment (DME) determines the distance based on the principle of...
3 - Non-directional beacons (NDBs) transmit within which frequency band?
4 - What is the radial from VOR Brünkendorf (BKD) (53°02?N, 011°33?E) to Pritzwalk (EDBU) (53°11'N, 12°11'E)? See annex (NAV-031) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 3
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5 - Given: True course from A to B: 352°. Ground distance: 100 NM. GS: 107 kt. Estimated time of departure (ETD): 0933 UTC. The estimated time of arrival (ETA) is...
6 - Given: WCA: -012°; TH: 125°; MC: 139°; DEV: 002°E What are: TC, MH und CH?
7 - The transponder code in case of a radio communication failure is...
8 - A distance of 7.5 cm on an aeronautical chart represents a distance of 60.745 NM in reality. What is the chart scale?
9 - The term 'isogonal' or 'isogonic line' is defined as a line on an aeronautical chart, connecting all points with the same value of...
10 - The distance between two airports is 220 NM. On an aeronautical navigation chart the pilot measures 40.7 cm for this distance. The chart scale is...
11 - What is meant by the term "terrestrial navigation"?
12 - What is the required flight time for a distance of 236 NM with a ground speed of 134 kt?
13 - The shoreline effect is greatest with radio wave propagation...
14 - Given: QDM: 138° VAR: 10° E The QUJ equals...
15 - An aircraft is following a true course (TC) of 040° at a constant true airspeed (TAS) of 180 kt. The wind vector is 350°/30 kt. The groundspeed (GS) equals...
16 - When using a GPS for tracking to the next waypoint, a deviation indication is shown by a vertical bar and dots to the left and to the right of the bar. What statement describes the correct interpretation of the display?
17 - Given: Ground speed (GS): 160 kt. True course (TC): 177°. Wind vector (W/WS): 140°/20 kt. The true heading (TH) equals...
18 - An aircraft is flying at a pressure altitude of 7000 feet with an outside air temperature (OAT) of +11°C. The QNH altitude is 6500 ft. The true altitude equals...
19 - The aircraft is on radial... See annex (NAV-024) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 8
question 90-122.jpg
20 - Given: True course: 120°. TAS: 120 kt. Wind: 150°/12 kt. The WCA equals...
21 - The DME reading is a...
22 - The approximate propagation speed of electromagnetic waves is...
23 - What ground features should preferrably be used for orientation during visual flight?
24 - What is the difference between primary and secondary radar?
25 - Where is the aircraft located in relation to the VOR? See annex (NAV-022) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 7
question 90-121.jpg
26 - An aircraft is flying with an indicated airspeed (IAS) of 150 kt at 8000 ft MSL. According to the rule of thumb, the true airspeed (TAS) equals...
27 - Which of the items on the attached checklist are related to the direct reading compass? See annex (NAV-004) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 2
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28 - 1000 ft equal...
29 - Which approximate, geometrical form describes the shape of the Earth best for navigation systems?
30 - Given: QTE: 229° VAR: 10° W The QDM equals...
31 - Radio waves within the LF and MF range (e.g. NDB) travel as...
32 - When transmitter and receiver are moving towards each other...
33 - The term 'True Course' (TC) is defined as...
34 - The progress of an electromagnetic oscillation can be described by the...
35 - An aircraft travels 110 NM within 01:25. The ground speed (GS) equals...
36 - An aircraft is following a true course (TC) of 040° at a constant true airspeed (TAS) of 180 kt. The wind vector is 350°/30 kt. The wind correction angle (WCA) equals...
37 - Given: QTE: 203° VAR: 10° E The QDR equals...
38 - Given: True course: 255°. TAS: 100 kt. Wind: 200°/10 kt. The true heading equals...
39 - Radio waves within the VHF range (e.g. VOR) travel as...
40 - Where are the two polar circles?
41 - Given: QDM: 248° VAR: 10° W The QTE is...
42 - Given: QDR: 022° VAR: 10° E The QTE equals...
43 - The rotational axis of the Earth runs through the...
44 - The pilot wants to proceed directly to the beacon. The wind is calm. The pilot should follow a QDM of... See figure (NAV-019) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 6
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45 - The term QTE means...
46 - The circumference of the Earth at the equator is approximately... See figure (NAV-002) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 1
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47 - Which are the official basic units for horizontal distances used in aeronautical navigation and their abbreviations?
48 - A pilot receives a QDR of 315° from the VDF ground station. Where is the aircraft located in relation to the ground station?
49 - An aircraft is following a true course (TC) of 040° at a constant true airspeed (TAS) of 180 kt. The wind vector is 350°/30 kt. The wind correction angle (WCA) equals...
50 - An aircraft is flying with a true airspeed (TAS) of 120 kt and experiences 35 kt tailwind. How much time is needed for a distance of 185 NM?
51 - The range of a VOR is affected by...
52 - What is the difference between a locator beacon and a non-directional beacon (NDB)?
53 - Given: True course: 270°. TAS: 100 kt. Wind: 090°/25 kt. Distance: 100 NM. The flight time equals...
54 - Given: True course from A to B: 283°. Ground distance: 75 NM. TAS: 105 kt. Headwind component: 12 kt. Estimated time of departure (ETD): 1242 UTC. The estimated time of arrival (ETA) is...
55 - An aeroplane has a heading of 090°. The distance which has to be flown is 90 NM. After 45 NM the aeroplane is 4.5 NM north of the planned flight path. What is the corrected heading to reach the arrival aerodrome directly?
56 - What is the difference in latitude between A (12°53'30''N) and B (07°34'30''S)?
57 - Given the following information, what is the aircraft position at the cross bearing? VOR Hamburg (HAM) (53°41?N, 010°12?E): Radial 119° VOR Brünkendorf (BKD) (53°02?N, 011°33?E): Radial 320° See annex (NAV-031) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 3
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58 - When transmitter and receiver are moving away from each other...
59 - Given: TC: 183°; WCA: +011°; MH: 198°; CH: 200° What are the VAR and the DEV?
60 - Given: True course from A to B: 250°. Ground distance: 210 NM. TAS: 130 kt. Headwind component: 15 kt. Estimated time of departure (ETD): 0915 UTC. The estimated time of arrival (ETA) is...
61 - With Central European Summer Time (CEST) given as UTC+2, what UTC time corresponds to 1600 CEST?
62 - An aircraft is following a true course (TC) of 220° at a constant TAS of 220 kt. The wind vector is 270°/50 kt. The ground speed (GS) equals...
63 - What is the difference in time when the sun moves 20° of longitude?
64 - An aircraft travels 100 km in 56 minutes. The ground speed (GS) equals...
65 - What is the distance between the parallels of latitude 48°N and 49°N along a meridian line?
66 - The term 'civil twilight' is defined as...
67 - The VDF range depends on...
68 - Given: TC: 183°; WCA: +011°; MH: 198°; CH: 200° What are TH and VAR?
69 - What could be a reason for changing the runway indicators at aerodromes (e.g. from runway 06 to runway 07)?
70 - What is the difference in time when the sun moves 10° of longitude?
71 - The term 'agonic line' is defined as a line on Earth or an aeronautical chart, connecting all points with the...
72 - Given: QTE: 248° VAR: 10° W The QDR equals...
73 - Given: QDR: 152° VAR: 5° W DEV: 5° E The QUJ equals...
74 - Which equipment is needed on board of an aircraft to use a VHF direction finder (VDF)?
75 - A pilot receives a QDR of 135° from the VDF ground station. Where is the aircraft located in relation to the ground station?
76 - UTC is...
77 - Full deflection of the course deviation indicator (CDI) means that the aircraft is located at least...
78 - What is the distance from VOR Brünkendorf (BKD) (53°02?N, 011°33?E) to Pritzwalk (EDBU) (53°11'N, 12°11'E)? See annex (NAV-031) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 3
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79 - Given: QDR: 067° VAR: 5° E The QDM equals...
80 - The transponder code in case of hi-jacking is...
81 - Which equipment is needed on board of an aircraft to receive signals from a nondirectional beacon (NDB)?
82 - Given: Calibrated airspeed (CAS): 155 kt. Flight level (FL) 80. Outside air temperature (OAT): +15° C. The true airspeed (TAS) equals...
83 - An aircraft is flying from 'A' to 'B' (distance 220 NM) at an average ground speed (GS) of 120 kt. It departs 'A' at 1200 UTC. After 70 NM along the course from 'A', the aircraft is 5 min ahead of the planned schedule. Using the actual GS, what is the revised estimated time of arrival (ETA) at B?
84 - Which lines have to be used by the pilot to determine the aircraft's position?
85 - The on-board equipment of the secondary surveillance radar (SSR) is called...
86 - What is the true course (TC) from Uelzen (EDVU) (52°59?N, 10°28?E) to Neustadt (EDAN) (53°22'N, 011°37'E)? See annex (NAV-031) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 3
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87 - What is the great circle distance between two points A and B on the equator when the difference between the two associated meridians is exactly one degree of longitude?
88 - VOR radials are defined based on the principle of...
89 - A pilot wants to approach an NDB on QDM 090°. The aircraft flies for about 5 minutes with a magnetic heading (MH) of 095° and the RBI indication of 355°. After 6 minutes the RBI indicates 358°. Which statement is correct?
90 - The angle between the true course and the true heading is called...
91 - The angle between compass north and magnetic north is called...
92 - What is the meaning of the 1:60 rule?
93 - What is the distance from Neustadt (EDAN) (53°22'N, 011°37'E) to Uelzen (EDVU) (52°59?N, 10°28?E)? See annex (NAV-031) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 3
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94 - How many satellites are necessary for a precise and verified three-dimensional determination of the position?
95 - Given: True course: 270°. TAS: 100 kt. Wind: 090°/25 kt. Distance: 100 NM. The ground speed (GS) equals...
96 - A VHF direction finder (VDF) can determine...
97 - An aircraft is flying at aFL 75 with an outside air temperature (OAT) of -9°C. The QNH altitude is 6500 ft. The true altitude equals...
98 - Assume calm wind and an aircraft descending from 9000 ft to 1500 ft. The rate of descent (ROD) equals 1200 ft/min. The elapsed time will be...
99 - Which answer completes the flight plan (marked cells)? See annex (NAV-014) (3,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 4
100 - An aircraft is flying at a pressure altitude of 7000 feet with an outside air temperature (OAT) of +21°C. The QNH altitude is 6500 ft. The true altitude equals...
101 - Vienna (LOWW) is located at 016° 34'E, Salzburg (LOWS) at 013° 00'E. The latitude of both positions can be considered as equal. What is the difference of sunrise and sunset times, expressed in UTC, between Wien and Salzburg?
102 - How are rhumb lines and great circles depicted on a direct Mercator chart?
103 - Which are the properties of a Mercator chart?
104 - Given: QDM: 134° VAR: 5° W The QTE equals...
105 - Which are the properties of a Lambert conformal chart?
106 - Given: TC: 183°; WCA: +011°; MH: 198°; CH: 200° What are the TH and the DEV?
107 - Quasi-optical waves travel...
108 - The term QDR means...
109 - Using primary ground radar, the direction of the aeroplane in relation to the antenna is determined by...
110 - Electronic devices on board of an aeroplane have influence on the...
111 - Given: TC: 179°; WCA: -12°; VAR: 004° E; DEV: +002° What are MH and MC?
112 - The angle between the magnetic course and the true course is called...
113 - Assume two arbitrary points A and B on the same parallel of latitude, but not on the equator. Point A is located on 010°E and point B on 020°E. The rumb line distance between A and B is always...
114 - For a short flight from A to B the pilot extracts the following information from an aeronautical chart: True course: 245°. Magnetic variation: 7° W The magnetic course (MC) equals...
115 - What radio navigation aid can be received with the attached aerial? See figure (NAV-017) (1,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 5
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116 - The term ‚magnetic course' (MC) is defined as...
117 - A VOR radial corresponds to the...
118 - Where does the inclination reach its lowest value?
119 - What distance corresponds to one degree difference in latitude along any degree of longitude?
120 - Which statement about a rhumb line is correct?