Quiz ppl-h-en 120 questions on 120 minutes

1 - What is the call sign of the aerodrome control?
2 - Loads must be adequately secured in order to...
3 - An aircraft is following a true course (TC) of 040° at a constant true airspeed (TAS) of 180 kt. The wind vector is 350°/30 kt. The groundspeed (GS) equals...
4 - How can a wind shear encounter in flight be avoided?
5 - The term "static pressure" is defined as pressure...
6 - An aircraft is flying with an indicated airspeed (IAS) of 150 kt at 8000 ft MSL. According to the rule of thumb, the true airspeed (TAS) equals...
7 - What is the correct way of acknowledging the instruction "Call Hamburg Tower on 121.275"?
8 - Given values: Calculated take-off mass = 746 kg calculated CG = 37.1 cm fuel burn = 30.5 l on station 45 cm. Where is the CG situated after the landing?
9 - A Grey-out is the result of...
10 - What impression may be caused when approaching a runway with an upslope?
11 - Smoke enters the cockpit during an engine fire. Which actions have to be taken immediately?
12 - What is the meaning of this sign at an aerodrome? See figure (ALW-011) Siehe Anlage 3
question alw-011.jpg
13 - Which statement is correct with regard to the term "taxi holding point"?
14 - The term "flight time" is defined as...
15 - What needs to be observed in particular when performing a slope landing?
16 - Which statement is correct with regard to the short-term memory?
17 - Being intercepted by a military aircraft at daytime, what is the meaning of the following signal: Alternating movement of the ailerons, normally left of the intercepted aircraft, followed by a smooth turn to the left?
18 - The occurence of a vertigo is most likely when moving the head...
19 - Wings level after a longer period of turning can lead to the impression of...
20 - The required data for a mass and balance calculation including masses and balance arms can be found in the...
21 - What is the result of the vortex ring state?
22 - Where can the type of restriction for a restricted airspace be found?
23 - Which of the following documents have to be on board for an international flight? a) Certificate of aircraft registration b) Certificate of airworthiness c) Airworthiness review certificate d) EASA Form-1 e) Airplane logbook f) Appropriate papers for every crew member g) Technical logbook
24 - Which information from a ground station does not require readback?
25 - Two aircraft of the same type, same gross weight and same flap configuration fly with different speeds and altitude. Which aircraft will cause more wake turbulence?
26 - An aircraft is following a true course (TC) of 040° at a constant true airspeed (TAS) of 180 kt. The wind vector is 350°/30 kt. The wind correction angle (WCA) equals...
27 - What is the great circle distance between two points A and B on the equator when the difference between the two associated meridians is exactly one degree of longitude?
28 - The term QTE means...
29 - What does a cloud coverage of "SCT" mean in a METAR weather report?
30 - Which ratio corresponds to the rotor disc loading?
31 - Given: True course: 270°. TAS: 100 kt. Wind: 090°/25 kt. Distance: 100 NM. The ground speed (GS) equals...
32 - An altitude of 4500 ft is transmitted as...
33 - After entering an autorotation a large helicopter mass leads to...
34 - During an autorotation the airspeed is limited by...
35 - Which section of the flight manual describes the power required of a helicopter in a hover?
36 - What could be a reason for changing the runway indicators at aerodromes (e.g. from runway 06 to runway 07)?
37 - The term ‚magnetic course' (MC) is defined as...
38 - What is the function of the red blood cells (erythrocytes)?
39 - A risk factor for decompression sickness is...
40 - What is the meaning of a steady green light signal at a controlled aerodrome directed to an aircraft in flight?
41 - What is the function of the white blood cells (leucocytes)?
42 - What needs to be considered if permissible limitations were exceeded?
43 - Which transponder code should be set during a radio failure without any request?
44 - Temperatures will be given by meteorological aviation services in Europe in which unit?
45 - Which phrase is to be repeated three times before transmitting an urgency message?
46 - The position of the center of gravity (including fuel) equals... See figure(PFP-053e) Siehe Anlage 2
question PFP-053e.jpg
47 - The character of an air mass is given by what properties?
48 - In what cases is visibility transmitted in kilometers?
49 - Which section of the flight manual describes the basic empty mass of an aircraft?
50 - A pilot receives a QDR of 135° from the VDF ground station. Where is the aircraft located in relation to the ground station?
51 - What is the reason for a puddle of water below the helicopter after a flight in summer?
52 - Wake turbulence is caused by...
53 - Which factor has a positive effect on the power required?
54 - Clouds are basically distinguished by what types?
55 - Calculated take-off mass = 2300 lbs, calculated CG = 95.75 in, fuel burn = 170 lbs on station 87.00 in. Where is the CG situated after the landing?
56 - Which area is suitable for an off-field landing?
57 - In flight, a little smoke emerges from behind the instrument panel. An engine fire is suspected. Which action, with respect to the pilot's operating manual, should be taken?
58 - The effective angle of attack is the angle between...
59 - What does the term "Red-out" mean?
60 - Carbon monoxide poisoning can be caused by...
61 - Cold air inflow in high tropospheric layers may result in...
62 - Which dangerous situation could arise when the helicopter engine is started in strong tailwind conditions?
63 - The symbol labeled (3) as shown in the picture is a / an... See figure (MET-005) Siehe Anlage 4
question met-005.jpg
64 - A helicopter must be loaded and operated in such a way that the center of gravity (CG) stays within the approved limits during all phases of flight. This is done to ensure...
65 - Which statement about the required force to change the pitch angle is correct?
66 - Which energies serve to maintain the rotor rpm in an autorotation?
67 - Which characteristic is important when choosing sunglasses used by pilots?
68 - Which abbreviation is used for the term "obstacle"?
69 - An aircraft in the northern hemisphere intends to turn on the shortest way from a heading of 030° to a heading of 180°. At approximately which indicated magnetic heading should the turn be terminated?
70 - What needs to be observed in conjunction with a flight on a hot day?
71 - Which information from a ground station does not require readback?
72 - What is the reason for retreating blade stall?
73 - The power output of a piston engine is limited by...
74 - What is the purpose of a belt clutch in the drive system?
75 - What needs to be done to compensate a tail-heavy centre of gravity in a helicopter?
76 - For the purpose of a flight preparation the pilot calculates a total take-off mass of 725 kg and a total moment of 650 mmkg. Which cross marks the center of gravity (CG)? See annex (PFP-004) Siehe Anlage 4
question PFP-004.jpg
77 - What cloud sequence can typically be observed during the passage of a warm front?
78 - The altimeter is switched from local QNH to 1013.25 hPa...
79 - Under which circumstances is it more likely to accept higher risks?
80 - Given: WCA: -012°; TH: 125°; MC: 139°; DEV: 002°E What are: TC, MH und CH? (2,00 P.)
81 - An acceleration during a straight horizontal flight can lead to the illusion of...
82 - The term "aerodrome elevation" is defined as...
83 - In flight, a little smoke emerges from behind the instrument panel. An electrical fire is suspected. Which action, with respect to the pilot's operating manual, should be taken?
84 - Which phrase does a pilot use when he / she wants to check the readability of his / her transmission?
85 - What is the advantage of a turbulent airflow compared to a laminar airflow at an aerofoil with a high angle of attack?
86 - The minimum flight visibility at 5000 ft MSL in airspace B for VFR flights is...
87 - The effective airflow velocity of a rotor blade element varies with the distance from the rotor shaft axis, because the...
88 - What is the meaning of the phrase "Approved"?
89 - For what approximate time period can the short-time memory store information?
90 - Which of the following factors affects the reception of VHF transmissions?
91 - What kind of information should be included in an urgency message?
92 - What cloud type does the picture show? See figure (MET-002). Siehe Anlage 2
question met-002.jpg
93 - Which point indicates the speed for maximum range? See figure (PFP-044) Siehe Anlage 15
question PFP-044.jpg
94 - Which gas is most dangerous during an engine fire?
95 - The trim is used to...
96 - What weather phenomenon designated by "2" has to be expected on the lee side during "Foehn" conditions? See figure (MET-001). Siehe Anlage 1
question met-001.jpg
97 - What does the term "confirmation bias" mean?
98 - What factors may indicate a tendency to fog formation?
99 - Which force causes "wind"?
100 - What phrase is used by a pilot if a transmission is to be answered with "yes"?
101 - The reason for a stall at a given pitch angle can be...
102 - The average decrease of blood alcohol level for an adult in one hour is approximately...
103 - What weather conditions in Central Europe are typically found in high pressure areas during summer?
104 - What is an appropriate reaction when a passenger during cruise flight suddenly feels uncomfortable?
105 - Which dangerous attitudes are often combined?
106 - The range of a VOR is affected by...
107 - With respect to aircraft accident and incident investigation, what are the three categories regarding aircraft occurrences?
108 - What does "WATER PATCHES" mean regarding the reported runway condition?
109 - Which are the properties of a Mercator chart?
110 - What is a "PAPI" (Precision Approach Path Indicator)?
111 - During a flight with a flight plan submitted, landing is conducted at an airfield other than the destination stated in the filed flight plan. Who has to be contacted by the pilot immediately?
112 - Urgency messages are defined as...
113 - Given: TC: 183°; WCA: +011°; MH: 198°; CH: 200° What are TH and VAR? (2,00 P.)
114 - When landing, if the TAS is significantly less than the ground speed, you will have...
115 - What action is necessary in a modern helicopter during the transition to a horizontal turn?
116 - Which altitude is displayed on the altimeter when set to a specific QNH?
117 - The control mixing assembly...
118 - What is the effect of vortex ring state?
119 - The DME reading is a...
120 - How much taxi fuel must be consumed before take-off to reduce the aircraft mass to the maximum take-off mass? Maximum ramp mass (MRM): 1150 kg Actual ramp mass: 1148 kg Maximum take-off mass (MTOM): 1145 kg