120 questions on 120 minutes ppl-h-en

1 - The majority of aviation accidents are caused by...
2 - What process results in the formation of "orographic fog" ("hill fog")?
3 - Given: Ground speed (GS): 160 kt. True course (TC): 177°. Wind vector (W/WS): 140°/20 kt. The true heading (TH) equals...
4 - When do you expect wind shear?
5 - What is the meaning of a flashing white light signal at a controlled aerodrome directed to an aircraft on ground?
6 - Which type of cloud is associated with prolonged rain?
7 - According to the aeronautical chart, Friesach/Hirt (LOKH) has a 707 m grass runway. Prevailing runway is 17 due to a surface wind of 18010KT. The required landing distance for your aircraft under present conditions is 550 m. Considering the NOTAM below ,is it safe to plan LOKH as an alternate aerodrome? See figure (PFP-026) Siehe Anlage 9
question PFP-026.jpg
8 - What is the meaning of a flashing green light signal at a controlled aerodrome directed to an aircraft in flight?
9 - An acceleration during a straight horizontal flight can lead to the illusion of...
10 - In case of an emergency ditching, the life vests have to be inflated...
11 - What is the meaning of the phrase "Approved"?
12 - (For this question, please use annex PFP-063) According ICAO, what symbol indicates a general spot elevation? (2,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 18
question PFP-063.jpg
13 - (For this question, please use annex PFP-061) According ICAO, what symbol indicates a group of unlighted obstacles? (2,00 P.) Siehe Anlage 16
question PFP-061.jpg
14 - Which of the following conditions are most favourable for ice accretion?
15 - Which answer is correct with regard to separation in airspace "E"?
16 - What is the purpose of the vertical stabilizer?
17 - What is necessary in terms of PART-FCL after differences training for helicopters?
18 - Which approximate, geometrical form describes the shape of the Earth best for navigation systems?
19 - Complacency is a risk due to...
20 - An aircraft in the northern hemisphere intends to turn on the shortest way from a heading of 360° to a heading of 270°. At approximately which indication of the magnetic compass should the turn be terminated?
21 - A frequency of 119.500 MHz is correctly transmitted as...
22 - What is the advantage of a hingeless rotor?
23 - During hover flight, the induced airflow velocity...
24 - Which dangerous situation could arise when the helicopter engine is started in strong tailwind conditions?
25 - What does the abbreviation HSI stand for?
26 - The term "balance arm" in the context of a mass and balance calculation defines the...
27 - Given: QDR: 022° VAR: 10° E The QTE equals...
28 - In flight, a little smoke emerges from behind the instrument panel. An electrical fire is suspected. Which action, with respect to the pilot's operating manual, should be taken?
29 - Distress messages are messages...
30 - What is the advantage of a turbulent airflow compared to a laminar airflow at an aerofoil with a high angle of attack?
31 - What values are usually marked with a red line on instrument displays?
32 - An aeroplane has a heading of 090°. The distance which has to be flown is 90 NM. After 45 NM the aeroplane is 4.5 NM north of the planned flight path. What is the corrected heading to reach the arrival aerodrome directly?
33 - What is indicated by a pattern of longitudinal stripes of uniform dimensions disposed symmetrically about the centerline of a runway?
34 - Which components do rotor blades made of synthetic material contain?
35 - Cold air inflow in high tropospheric layers may result in...
36 - What is the purpose of "interception lines" in visual navigation?
37 - Under what conditions may class D airspace be entered with a radio failure?
38 - What action has no effect on the rotor RPM in an autorotation?
39 - The altimeter is switched from local QNH to 1013.25 hPa...
40 - A landing conducted in response to circumstances forcing the aircraft to land is a / an...
41 - What is the meaning of a steady red light signal at a controlled aerodrome directed to an aircraft on ground?
42 - What is the correct way of acknowledging the instruction "Squawk 4321, Call Bremen Radar on 131.325"?
43 - During an autorotation with forward speed of a helicopter the driving forces are located in the...
44 - During a flight at FL 80, the altimeter setting has to be...
45 - A flight plan has been files for a flight departing at an uncontrolled aerodrome. When has the actual take-off time been transmitted to ATC?
46 - Which of the following options has an effect on the autorotation characteristics?
47 - An aircraft is flying with a true airspeed (TAS) of 120 kt and experiences 35 kt tailwind. How much time is needed for a distance of 185 NM?
48 - What does a readability of 2 indicate?
49 - What is the correct way to counteract the vortex ring state?
50 - After take-off an aeroplane gets into a wind shear with decreasing headwind. As a result...
51 - Which of the following frequencies is designated for VHF voice communication?
52 - The connection between middle ear and nose and throat region is called...
53 - What does "WATER PATCHES" mean regarding the reported runway condition?
54 - Urgency messages are defined as...
55 - The directional information "12 o'clock" is correctly transmitted as...
56 - UTC is...
57 - The pilot receives a QDR of 225° from the VDF ground station. Where is the aircraft located in relation to the ground station?
58 - An aircraft travels 100 km in 56 minutes. The ground speed (GS) equals...
59 - What weather development will result from convergence at ground level?
60 - The rotational axis of the Earth runs through the...
61 - Which area could be crossed with certain restrictions?
62 - What is the great circle distance between two points A and B on the equator when the difference between the two associated meridians is exactly one degree of longitude?
63 - What is the correct phrase to begin a blind transmission?
64 - What change of wind direction can be expected during the passage of a polar front low in Central Europe?
65 - What situation may result in the occurrence of severe wind shear?
66 - What is the unit for electrical power?
67 - What is the best combination of traits with respect to the individual attitude and behaviour for a pilot?
68 - Which area is suitable for an off-field landing?
69 - The specified speed in the ATS flight plan equals: See annex (PFP-051) Siehe Anlage 12
question PFP-051.jpg
70 - An aerodrome beacon (ABN) is a...
71 - Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for hypoxia?
72 - During an approach the aeroplane experiences a windshear with a decreasing headwind. If the pilot does not make any corrections, how do the approach path and the indicated airspeed (IAS) change?
73 - What is the minimum flight visibility in airspace "C" for an aircraft operating under VFR at FL125?
74 - Which of the following states the working principle of an airspeed indicator?
75 - The saturated adiabatic lapse rate is...
76 - Which altitude is displayed on the altimeter when set to a specific QFE?
77 - Which of the following is NOT a symptom of hyperventilaton?
78 - Which runway designators are correct for 2 parallel runways?
79 - The term 'isogonal' or 'isogonic line' is defined as a line on an aeronautical chart, connecting all points with the same value of...
80 - What are the minimum distances to clouds for a VFR flight in airspace "B"?
81 - What is the minimum flight visibility in airspace "C" for an aircraft operating under VFR at FL110?
82 - What phrase is used by a pilot if a transmission is to be answered with "yes"?
83 - The dry adiabatic lapse rate has a value of...
84 - The Caution Area is marked on an airspeed indicator by what color?
85 - An aircraft is flying from 'A' to 'B' (distance 220 NM) at an average ground speed (GS) of 120 kt. It departs 'A' at 1200 UTC. After 70 NM along the course from 'A', the aircraft is 5 min ahead of the planned schedule. Using the actual GS, what is the revised estimated time of arrival (ETA) at B?
86 - The ground effect is noticeable by...
87 - Given: True course: 270°. TAS: 100 kt. Wind: 090°/25 kt. Distance: 100 NM. The ground speed (GS) equals...
88 - What is the function of the blood platelets (thrombocytes)?
89 - What is the correct way of acknowledging "You are now entering airspace Delta"?
90 - What factors are required for the formation of precipitation in clouds?
91 - What is the meaning of "risky shift"?
92 - What is meant by the term "terrestrial navigation"?
93 - Which of the listed radiotelephony messages has a higher priority than a flight safety message?
94 - Using primary ground radar, the direction of the aeroplane in relation to the antenna is determined by...
95 - The beam theory enables statements about the...
96 - A risk factor for decompression sickness is...
97 - The virtual rotation axis of a rotor is...
98 - What is the status of the rules and procedures created by the EASA? (e.g. Part-SFCL, Part-MED)
99 - Smoke enters the cockpit during an engine fire. Which actions have to be taken immediately?
100 - The EOBT (estimated off-block time) is specified in the ATS flight plan as...
101 - During an autorotation a helicopter accelerates from 60 to 90 knots without further corrections. The rotor RPM will...
102 - What is the meaning of the phrase "Correction"?
103 - The basic empty mass of an aircraft includes...
104 - What behavior does a helicopter without stabilization systems show after external disturbances in a hover, without a corrective action?
105 - Where does the inclination reach its lowest value?
106 - Which point indicates the speed for maximum endurance? See figure (PFP-044) Siehe Anlage 15
question PFP-044.jpg
107 - Which stage of a thunderstorm is dominated by updrafts?
108 - The barometric altimeter with QNH setting indicates...
109 - Which abbreviation is used for the term "visual flight rules"?
110 - After lift-off, a much stronger than expected airspeed rise is experienced during the initial climb phase. What may be expected if the aeroplane entered a microburst?
111 - The balance arm is the horizontal distance between...
112 - The pilot wants to refuel the helicopter after a cold night early in the morning. What needs to be checked before starting the engine?
113 - The term "runway" is defined as a...
114 - May an engine, which previously was on fire, be restarted?
115 - What does a cloud coverage of "FEW" mean in a METAR weather report?
116 - Which lines have to be used by the pilot to determine the aircraft's position?
117 - The position of the center of gravity equals... See figure (PFP-052e) Siehe Anlage 1
question PFP-052e.jpg
118 - What allows the removal of drag hinges in semi-rigid rotor systems?
119 - Which statement about the required force to change the pitch angle is correct?
120 - Vy is the speed...