1 - When has a pre-flight check to be done?
2 - What has to be checked before any change in direction during glide?
3 - Why is it not allowed to launch wih the C.G. positioned beyond the aft limit?
4 - During the last phase of a winch launch, the glider pilot does not release pull on the elevator. The automatic latch releases the cable at high wing load. What consequences have to be considered?
5 - During an approach the aeroplane experiences a windshear with a decreasing tailwind. If the pilot does not make any corrections, how do the approach path and the indicated airspeed (IAS) change?
6 - Trim masses or lead plates must be secured firmly when installed into a gliding plane, so that...
7 - Which weather phenomenon is typically associated with wind shear?
8 - During a cross-country flight, visual meteorological conditions tend to become below minimum conditions. To continue the flight according to minimum visual conditions, the pilot decides to...
9 - With only a slight crosswind, what is the danger at take-off after the departure of a heavy aeroplane?
10 - What color has the emergency hood release handle?
11 - When airtowing using side-located latch, the gliding plane tends to...
12 - A gliding plane being airtowed gets into an excessive high position behind the towing plane. What action by the glider pilot can prevent further danger for glider and towing plane?
13 - During an approach the aeroplane experiences a windshear with an increasing headwind. If the pilot does not make any corrections, how do the approach path and the indicated airspeed (IAS) change?
14 - What negative impacts may be expected during circling overhead industrial facilities?
15 - During airtow, the gliding plane exceeds its maximum permissable speed. What action should be taken by the glider pilot?
16 - A gliding plane is about to pitch down due to stall. What rudder input can prevent nose-dive and spin?
17 - Despite several attempts, the landing gear can be extended, but not locked. How should the landing be conducted?
18 - When a pilot gets into a strong downwind area during slope soaring, what action should be recommanded?
19 - An off-field landing with tailwind is inevitable. How should the landing be conducted?
20 - What has to be expected with ice accretion on wings?
21 - A glider pilot has to conduct an off-field landing in a mountainous region. The only available landing site is highly inclined. How should the landing be conducted?
22 - Off-field landing may be prone to accident when...
23 - A wind shear is...
24 - Which of the following landing areas is most suitable for an off-field landing?
25 - What is indicated by "buffeting" noticable at elevator stick?
26 - After reaching what height during winch launch the maximum pitch position can be taken?
27 - What is the purpose of the breaking points on a winch cable?
28 - How can you determine wind direction in case of an outlanding?
29 - During a winch launch, after reaching full climb attitude, the airspeed indicator fails. What action should be taken by the glider pilot?
30 - When landing with tailwind, the pilot has to...
31 - During airtow, the towing plane disappears from the glider pilot's sight. What action should be taken by the glider pilot?
32 - In case of a cable break during winch launch, what actions should be taken in the correct order?
33 - What landing technique is recommended for landing on a down-hill gras area?
34 - In case of cable break during airtow, a longer part of the cable remains attached to the glider plane. What action should be taken by the glider pilot?
35 - A precautionary landing is a landing...
36 - How can a wind shear encounter in flight be avoided?
37 - The term "flight time" is defined as...
38 - During initial winch launch, one wing of a glider plane gets ground contact. What action should be taken by the glider pilot?
39 - Two aircraft of the same type, same grossweight and same configuration fly at different airspeeds. Which aircraft will cause more severe wake turbulence?
40 - During final approach, you realize that you missed to extend the gear. How should the landing be conducted?
41 - Flying slow close to stall conditions, the left wings is lower than the right wing. How can the stall be prevented?
42 - During approach for landing with strong crosswind, how should the turn from base to final be flown?
43 - What heights should be consideres for landing phases with a glider plane?
44 - During airtow, in a turn the glider plane gets into an outward off-set position. What action should be taken by the glider pilot?
45 - When do you expect wind shear?
46 - Collisions during circling within thermal updrafts can be avoided by...
47 - How should a glider plane be parked when observing strong winds?
48 - Wake turbulence on or near the runway
49 - When commencing a steep turn, what has to be considered by the pilot?
50 - During thermal soaring, another sailplane is following close by. What should be done to avoid a collision?
51 - During a high altitude flight (6000 m MSL), the glider pilot realizes that oxygen will be consumed within a few minutes. What actions should be taken by the glider pilot?
52 - During an approach the aeroplane experiences a windshear with a decreasing headwind. If the pilot does not make any corrections, how do the approach path and the indicated airspeed (IAS) change?
53 - Before the launch using a parallel-cable winch, the glider pilot realizes the second cable laying close to his glider about to launch. What actions should be taken by the glider pilot?
54 - What are the effects of wet grass on the take-off and landing distance?
55 - A plane flying below an extended Cumulus cloud developing into a thunderstorm, the glider plane quickly approaches the cloud base. What actions have to be taken by the glider pilot?
56 - During approach, tower provides the following information: "Wind 15 knots, gusts 25 knots". How should the landing be performed?
57 - What has to be considers when overflying mountain ridges?
58 - Durig flight close to aerodrome in about 250 m AGL you encouter strong descent and go for a safety landing. What speed should be flown when heading towards the airfield?
59 - What has to be considered for the speed during approach and landing?
60 - After landing, you realize you lost your pen which might have fallen down in the cockpit of the sailplane. What has to be considered?
61 - Before a winch launch, you detect a light tailwind. What has to be considered?
62 - When flying into heavy snowfall, most dangerous will be the...
63 - During a winch launch, just after stabilizing full climb attitude, the pull on cable suddenly stops. What action should be taken by the glider pilot?
64 - How can dangerous situations be prevented when the gliding plane approaches close to a pattern altitude during a cross-country flight?