Given:AGL = above ground level AMSL = above mean sea level FL = flight levelwithin uncontrolled airspace, the first usable level in IFR must provide a 500' margin above the following two levels:4
OCAAn OCA is referenced to:4
Approach procedures - Final approach segment - precision approach - ILSThe ILS obstacle clearance surfaces assume that the pilot does not normally deviate from the centreline more than:4
Approach procedures - Minimum Sector Altitudes / MSAMinimum Sector Altitudes are established for each aerodrome. The MSA provides an obstacle clearance of at least 300m (984 ft) within a circle, associated with the homing facility for the approach procedure of that aerodrome.How many NM is the radius of this circle?4
Altimeter setting procedures - Transition AltitudeThe transition altitude of an aerodrome shall be as low as possible but normally not less than:4
SSR - Transponder Pilots shall not SQUAWK IDENT unless they:4
Which condition is requested so that an aerodrome may be considered controlled?4
You receive an IFR enroute clearance stating: Clearance expires at 0920. What does it mean?4
The longitudinal separation minima based on time between aircraft at same cruising level where navigation aids permit frequent determination of position and speed and the preceding aircraft is maintaining a true airspeed of 40 kt or more faster than the succeeding aircraft, is:4
Which of the following Annexes to the Chicago convention contains international standards and recommended practices for air traffic services (ATS)?4