According to PART-FCL, Medical certificates classes are:4
A controlled flight is requested to inform the appropriate ATC unit whenever the average True Air Speed at cruising level varies or is expected to vary from that given in the flight plan by plus or minus:4
Unless otherwise prescribed, what is the rule regarding level to be maintained by an aircraft flying IFR outside controlled airspace?4
An aircraft is considered to overtake another if it approaches the other aircraft from the rear on a line forming an angle of less than:4
AbbreviationsIn Pans-Ops, the abbreviation DER stands for (Doc 8168)4
Approach Procedures -Arrival and Approach SegmentsThe minimum obstacle clearance in the primary area of the initial approach segment for an instrument approach procedure is at least:4
Approach Procedures - Visual Flight Manoeuvre - Circling A circling approach is:4
Holding procedures (entry)You have received instructions to hold over a radio fix. The published procedure is: All turns to the right, 1 minute outbound, inbound Magnetic Track 052°.You are approaching the fix on Magnetic Track 232°. Select the appropriate entry procedure:4
Altimeter setting procedures - Definitions The Transition Level:4
A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the Earth is:4