Whenever unlawful interference with an aircraft is suspected, and where automatic distinct display of SSR Mode A code 7500 and code 7700 is not provided, the radar controller shall attempt to verify this suspicion by:4
In order to meet wake turbulence criteria, for arriving aircraft and using timed approaches, what minima shall be applied to aircraft landing behind a heavy or a medium aircraft?4
Dependent parallel approaches may be conducted to parallel runways provided that: the missed approach track for one approach diverges by:4
For an IFR flight to an airport equipped with navaids, the estimated time of arrival is the estimated time at which the aircraft:4
The closure of a runway for a year, because of maintenance, will be published:4
The ASHTAM provides information on the status of activity of a volcano when a change in its activity is, or is expected to be of operational significance. This information is provided using the volcano level of colour code. When volcanic eruption in progress or volcano dangerous, eruption likely, with ash plume/cloud is reported above FL 250 or is expected to rise above FL 250, the level of alert colour code is4
'Code letter D' shall be chosen to identify a taxiway used by aircraft having an outer main gear wheel span of less than 9 m. The taxiway width shall be:4
'ASDA' (Acceleration Stop Distance Available) is:4
Runway end lights shall be:4
Low intensity obstacle lights on fixed objects shall be:4