In a gas turbine engine, compressor blades, which are not rigidly fixed in position when the engine is stationary, take up a rigid position when the engine is running due to:4
Reference should be made to the fuel supply system shown in annex.In flight, with centre tank empty and APU operating, a fuel unbalance is detected (quantity in tank 1 < quantity in tank 2).Rebalancing of the two tanks is:4
Oil consumption is mainly due to4
The thrust of a turbo-jet, at the selection of full power 1 - equals the product of the exhaust gas mass flow and the exhaust gas velocity 2 - is obtained by pressure of the exhaust gas on the ambient air 3 - is equivalent to zero mechanical power since the aeroplane is not moving 4 - is independent of the outside air temperatur The combination which regroups all of the correct statements is:4
Creep of turbine blades is caused by:4
One of the purposes of compressor bleed valves is to:4
The thrust reversers of jet engines may use clamshell doors in order to:4
The fan of a turbo-fan engine is driven by:4
Turbine blade stages may be classed as either "impulse" or "reaction".In an impulse blade section the pressure (i).. across the nozzle guide vanes and (ii).. across the rotor blades:4
When the door operation of a transport airplane equipped with evacuation slides in the armed position is opened from the outside, the slide:4