A rhumb line from a position 86°N 30°W has an initial track of 085°T is it:4
How does the convergency of any two meridians on the Earth change with varying latitude?4
The great circle bearing of position B from position A in the Northern Hemisphere is 040°. If the conversion angle is 4°, what is the great circle bearing of A from B?4
The initial great circle track from A to B is 080° and the rhumb line track is 083°. What is the initial great circle track from B to A and in which hemisphere are the two positions located?4
How does the chart convergency change with latitude in a Lambert Conformal projection?4
In the Northern hemisphere the rhumb line track from position A to B is 230°, the convergency is 6° and the difference in longitude is 10°.What is the initial rhumb line track from B to A?4
Where on a Direct Mercator projection is the chart convergency correct compared to the earth convergency?4
The rhumb line track between position A (45°00'N, 010°00'W) and position B (48°30'N, 015°00'W) is approximately:4
Complete the following statement regarding magnetic variation.The charted values of magnetic variation on Earth normally change annually due to:4
Isogonals are lines of equal:4