Of the following alternatives, which effects are due to positive acceleration (+ Gz)?- 1: Decrease in heart rate- 2: Pooling of blood into lower parts of the body- 3: Drop in blood pressure above heart-level- 4: Downward displacement or deformation of soft or mobile organs4
Dry air is a mixture of gases. Their volume percentage is about:4
Which measure(s) will help to compensate for hypoxia?1. Descend below 10 000 FT.2. Breathe 100 % oxygen.3. Climb to or above 10 000 FT.4. Reduce physical activities.4
Some hours after a rapid decompression at FL 300 you experience pain in the joints. Which of following answers is correct?4
Which of the following statements is correct concerning flight in an environment of low contrast (fog, snow, darkness, haze)?4
The amount of light which strikes the retina is controlled by:4
The inner ear is able to perceive:1. angular acceleration2. linear acceleration3. noise4
You fly VFR from your home base (runway width 27 m), to an international airport (runway width 45 m). On reaching your destination there is a risk of performing a:4
The system which controls breathing, digestion, heart rate, etc., over which there is no voluntary control, is:4
Among the factors which affect visual acuity are:4