An aeroplane is carrying a traffic load of 10320 kgComplete the necessary sections of the attached appendix and determine which of the answers given below represents the maximum increase in the traffic load4
Calculate the centre of gravity in % MAC (mean aerodynamic chord) with following data: Distance datum - centre of gravity: 12.53 mDistance datum - leading edge: 9.63 m Length of MAC: 8 m4
The mass of an aircraft is 1950 kg. If 450 kg is added to a cargo hold 1.75 metres from the loaded centre of gravity (cg). The loaded cg will move:4
With respect to a single-engine piston powered aeroplane, determine the zero fuel moment (lbs.In./100) in the following conditions:Basic Empty Mass: 2415 lbs.Arm at Basic Empty Mass: 77,9 In. Cargo Zone A: 350 lbs.Baggage Zone B: 35 lbs.Pilot and front seat passenger: 300 lbs (total)4
The standard mass for a child is4
An aeroplane's weighing schedule indicates that the empty mass is 57320 kg. The nominal Dry Operating Mass is 60120 kg and the Maximum Zero Fuel Mass is given as 72100 kg. Which of the following is a correct statement in relation to this aeroplane?4
Given are:- Maximum structural take-off mass: 72 000 kg- Maximum structural landing mass: 56 000 kg- Maximum zero fuel mass: 48 000 kg- Taxi fuel: 800 kg- Trip fuel: 18 000 kg- Contingency fuel: 900 kg- Alternate fuel: 700 kg- Final reserve fuel: 2 000 kgThe actual take-off mass can never be higher than:4
A jet transport has the following structural limits:-Maximum Ramp Mass: 63 060 kg-Maximum Take Off Mass: 62 800 kg-Maximum Landing Mass: 54 900 kg-Maximum Zero Fuel Mass: 51 300 kgThe aeroplane's fuel is loaded accordance with the following requirements:-Taxi fuel: 400 kg-Trip fuel: 8400 kg-Contingency & final reserve fuel: 1800 kg-Alternate fuel: 1100 kgIf the Dry Operating Mass is 34930 kg, determine the maximum traffic load that can be carried on the flight if departure and landing airfields are not performance limited.4
In order to provide an adequate 'buffet boundary' at the commencement of the cruise a speed of 1.3 Vs is used.At a mass of 120000 kg this is a CAS of 180 KT.If the mass of the aeroplane is increased to 135000 kg the value of 1.3 Vs will be:4
A mass of 500 kg is loaded at a station which is located 10 metres behind the present Centre of Gravity and 16 metres behind the datum.(Assume: g=10 m/s^ 2)The moment for that mass used in the loading manifest is:4