ATPL: The magnetic heading of an aircraft is 040°. On the Airborne Weather Radar display the relative bearing of and the distance to the most southerly part of Lands End (approximate position: 50°03'N , 005°40'W) are, 030°R and 80 NM.What is the position of the aircraft based on these observations?The slant range correction and the map convergency between aircraft position and lands end may be neglected.
Question 181, Radio Navigation - ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license
Explanation: The magnetic heading of an aircraft is 040°. On the Airborne Weather Radar display the relative bearing of and the distance to the most southerly part of Lands End (approximate position: 50°03'N , 005°40'W) are, 030°R and 80 NM.What is the position of the aircraft based on these observations?The slant range correction and the map convergency between aircraft position and lands end may be neglected.