Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - Aircraft General Knowledge - Instrumentation, no time limit

1 - Among the systematic errors of the 'directional gyro', the error due to the earth rotation make the north reference turn in the horizontal plane. At a mean latitude of 45°N, this reference turns by...
2 - The Decision Height (DH) warning light comes on when an aircraft:
3 - At 50 feet AGL during an auto-land, what happens to the glideslope signal?
4 - The radio altimeter is required to indicate zero height AGL as the main wheels touch down on the runway. For this reason, it is necessary to:
5 - On the ground, during a left turn, the turn indicator indicates:
6 - The speed of sound at the sea level in standard atmosphere is:
7 - Given:Zp = pressure altitude Zd = density altitudeTAS can be obtained from the following data:
8 - Machmeter readings are subject to:
9 - Given:E = electromotive force (emf) Tc = cold junction temperature Th = hot junction temperature K = constantThe relationship that applies to a thermocouple is:
10 - Parallax error is: