Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - General Navigation, no time limit

1 - Which of the following will probably not result in a deviation change on a DRC:
2 - The angle between the true great-circle track and the true rhumb-line track joining the following points: A (60° S 165° W) B (60° S 177° E), at the place of departure A, is:
3 - The initial great circle track from A to B is 080° and the rhumb line track is 083°. What is the initial great circle track from B to A and in which hemisphere are the two positions located?
4 - An aircraft at FL350 is required to commence descent when 85 NM from a VOR and to cross the VOR at FL80. The mean GS for the descent is 340 kt.What is the minimum rate of descent required?
5 - An aircraft is descending down a 6% slope whilst maintaining a GS of 300 KT. The rate of descent of the aircraft is approximately:
6 - An average true track of 120° is drawn between 'X' (61°30'N) and 'Y' (58°30'N) on a lambert conformal conic chart with a scale of 1: 1 000 000 at 60°N. The chart distance between 'X' and 'Y' is:
7 - Which of the following is an occasion for carrying out a compass swing on a Direct Reading Compass?
8 - At 47° North the chart distance between meridians 10° apart is 5 inches. The scale of the chart at 47° North approximates:
9 - An aircraft is planned to fly from position 'A' to position 'B',distance 250 NM at an average GS of 115 kt. It departs 'A' at 0900 UTC.After flying 75 NM along track from 'A', the aircraft is 1.5 MIN behind planned time. Using the actual GS experienced, what is the revised ETA at 'B'?
10 - An approximate equation for calculating the convergence between two meridians is: