Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - General Navigation, no time limit

1 - A chart has the scale 1:1.000.000. From A to B on the chart measures 3,8 cm. The distance from A to B in NM is:
2 - The "Equation of time":
3 - When it is 1000 Standard Time in Kuwait, the Standard Time in Algeria is (STF Kuwait 03 h, Algeria 01 h):
4 - Grid heading is 299°, grid convergency is 55° West and magnetic variation is 90° West. What is the corresponding magnetic heading?
5 - When accelerating on a westerly heading in the northern hemisphere, the compass card of a direct reading magnetic compass will turn:
6 - An aircraft is planned to fly from position 'A' to position 'B', distance 320 NM, at an average GS of 180 kt. It departs 'A' at 1200 UTC. After flying 70 NM along track from 'A', the aircraft is 3 MIN ahead of planned time.Using the actual GS experienced, what is the revised ETA at 'B'?
7 - A Mercator chart has a scale at the equator = 1: 3 704 000. What is the scale at latitude 60° S?
8 - In a navigation chart a distance of 49 NM is equal to 7 cm. The scale of the chart is approximately:
9 - Consider the following statements on the great circle and the rhumb line running through the same two positions:
10 - An aircraft at latitude 10N flies south at a groundspeed of 445 kph. What will be its latitude after 3 h?