Test 10 Questions ATPL - Airline Transport Pilot license - IFR Communications, no time limit

1 - Which word shall be used to indicate that an error has been made in a transmission or message?
2 - What shall the pilot's read back be for 'Climb to FL 280':
3 - What does the instruction 'Fastair 345 recycle 1240' mean?
4 - Which elements of a position report cannot be omitted?
5 - Which of the following messages shall a station in control of distress use to impose silence?
6 - When transmitting runway visual range (RVR) for runway 16 ATC should use the following phrase:
7 - What is the correct suffix to be used when establishing radio contact in an area control centre?
8 - What does the term 'broadcast' mean?
9 - What does the term 'clearance limit' mean:
10 - In case the transponder fails before the departure for an IFR flight, the pilot shall: